Markus Meier - Talks and Posters
- 2024
- Barghorn L, Meier H E M, Radtke H, and Neumann T: Warm saltwater inflows strengthen oxygen depletion in the western Baltic Sea (talk)
EGU 2024 - European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 14.-20.04.2024
- Barghorn L, Meier HEM, Radtke H, Neumann T: Exceptional warming and intensified oxygen depletion due to warm saltwater inflows in the western Baltic Sea (talk)
5th Baltic Earth Conference, Jurmala, Latvia, 13.-17.05.2024
- Börgel F, Gröger M, Meier HEM, Dutheil C, Radtke H, Borchert L: The impact of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on Baltic Sea temperatures limited to winter (talk)
BESC - 5th Baltic Earth conference on “New Challenges for Baltic Sea Earth System Research", Jurmala, Latvia, 13.-17.05.2024
- H. E. M. Meier and M. Reckermann: Baltic Earth summary 2024 (talk)
GEWEX2024 - GEWEX-GHP meeting, Sapporo, Japan, 03.-05.07.2024
- H. E. M. Meier: Impact of Climate Change on the Baltic Sea ecosystem from a modelling perspective: what do we actually know? (talk)
Laureate’s lecture on the occasion of the award ceremony of the Professor Kazimierz Demel Medal by the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Gdynia, Poland, 20.03.2024
- H. E. M. Meier: Interaction of climate change with other drivers of the Baltic Sea region (talk)
BE-Multiple - 2nd Baltic Earth Workshop on “Multiple Drivers in Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region", 04.12.2024
- H. E. M. Meier: Multidecadal climate variability dominated past trends in the water balance of the Baltic Sea watershed (talk)
SMHI - SMHI-Colloquium, Norrköping, Sweden, 10.10.2024
- H. E. Markus Meier on behalf of the Baltic Earth program: Welcome and Conference Opening (talk)
BESC - 5th Baltic Earth conference on “New Challenges for Baltic Sea Earth System Research", Jurmala, Latvia, 13.-17.05.2024
- H. E. Markus Meier. K. Safonova and M. Gröger: More frequent and longer marine heatwaves (MHW) in the Baltic Sea. (talk)
BESC - 5th Baltic Earth conference on “New Challenges for Baltic Sea Earth System Research", Jurmala, Latvia, 13.-17.05.2024
- Oxygen dynamics in the Baltic Sea under reduced nutrient input (poster)
EGU 2024 - European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 14.-20.04.2024
- 2023
- H. E. M. Meier and the Baltic Earth Assessment Report team: Regional Climate System Modeling for the Baltic Sea region – an overview about Baltic Earth activities (talk)
ICRC-CORDEX 2023 - International Conference on Regional Climate 2023, Trieste, Italy, 25.-29.09.2023
- Baltic Earth/HELCOM Fact Sheet on Climate Change in the Baltic Sea (talk)
CoP - eMSP-NBSR - 5th Community of Practice workshop on Data sharing, information and communication technology serving MSP, online, 11.10.2023
- Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: Climate change in the Baltic Sea region (talk)
JNS - Expertenrunde der John Nurminen Stiftung, Helsinki, Finland, 07.02.2023
- Elevated oxygen consumption in the Baltic Sea reduces ventilation (poster)
- Future climate change in the North Sea and Baltic Sea regions (talk)
sustainmare - Ringvorlesung "Zukünftige Klimaänderungen in Nord- und Ostsee", im Rahmen des sustainmare Programms, 10.05.2023
- Past trends in the water balance of the Baltic Sea (talk)
BECol - Baltic Earth Colloquium, online, 04.12.2023
- 2022
- "Barghorn L, Radtke H, Väli G, Meier HEM: Investigating the properties of small- and medium-size saltwater inflows into the Baltic Sea" (poster)
BALTEARTH22 - 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Poland, Sopot, Poland, 30.05.-03.07.2022
- Florian Börgel, T. Neumann, C. Frauen, H.E. M. Meier: The impact of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on North European climate (talk)
BALTEARTH22 - 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Poland, Sopot, Poland, 30.05.-03.07.2022
- Matthias Gröger, F. Börgel, S.‐E. Brunnabend, C. Dutheil, U. Gräwe, M. Hieronymus, H.E.M. Meier, T. Neumann, H. Radtke, J. Su Marine heat waves in past and future climate (talk)
BALTEARTH22 - 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Poland, Sopot, Poland, 30.05.-03.07.2022
- Meier, H.E.M. on behalf of the Baltic Earth programme: Welcome and Conference Opening (talk)
BALTEARTH22 - 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Poland, Sopot, Poland, 30.05.-03.07.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Baltic Earth/HELCOM Fact Sheet on Climate Change in the Baltic Sea (talk)
BSC2022 - The Baltic Stakeholder Conference 2022 - Climate Change in the Baltic Sea , online, 26./27.09.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Climate change as a grand challenge of the IOW research programme (talk)
IOW Colloquium - Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde Colloquium, Rostock, Germany, 06.05.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region (talk)
NIOZ-IOW - Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) - Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) Workshop, online, 23.06.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Der dritte Klimazustandsbericht für die Ostseeregion (talk)
MUS - 31. Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2022, Hamburg, Germany, 18./19.05.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Erwarten wir für die Zukunft eine Zunahme der Häufigkeit extremer Wasserstände in der Ostsee? (talk)
KulturKiek - Kulturkaten Kiek, Prerow, 13.10.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: How is climate change currently affecting the Baltic Sea? (talk)
ESPON - ESPON Peer Learning Workshop, online, 05.05.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Klimawandel im Ostseeraum (talk)
LIONS - Lions Club Rostock, Rostock, Germany, 06.03.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Summary of existing knowledge based upon the Baltic Earth Assessment reports and the Knowledge Hub Sea Level Rise survey results for the Baltic Sea (talk)
JPI-O+JPI-Climate - International JPI Oceans and JPI Climate Knowledge Hub Sea Level Rise Baltic Sea Workshop, online, 09.05.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: The Baltic Earth/HELCOM Fact Sheet on Climate Change in the Baltic Sea (talk)
EUSBSR Annual Forum - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Annual Forum 2022, Lappeenranta, Finland, 28./29.09.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Was wissen wir über das zukünftige Klima in Rostock und der Ostseeregion? (talk)
RichSiegStift - Richard-Siegmann-Stiftung Award Ceremony, Rostock, Germany, 08.11.2022
- Meier, H.E.M.: Investigating hypoxic and euxinic area changes based on various datasets from the Baltic Sea (talk)
SMHI-Colloquium - Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Insitute Colloquium, Norrköping, Sweden, 12.05.2022
- Naumov Lev, Neumann Thomas, Meier Markus: Oxygen dynamics in the Baltic Sea: A budget (talk)
BALTEARTH22 - 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Poland, Sopot, Poland, 30.05.-03.07.2022
- 2021
- Meier, H. E. Markus: Impact of climate change on the Baltic Sea ecosystem (talk)
Baltic Breakfast - Baltic Breakfast - Baltic Eye (produced by: Stockholm University - Baltic Sea Centre), Stockholm, Sweden, 20.12.2021
- Voss M., J. Carstensen, D. Conley, B. Gustafson, C. Humborg, A. Kremp, M. Meier The history and future perspectives of Baltic Sea Eutrophication (talk)
INI - 8th Global Nitrogen Conference, Berlin, Germany, 30.05.-03.06.2021
- 2020
- Placke M, Meier HEM, Neumann T: The overturning circulation of the Baltic Sea and its sensitivity to long-term atmospheric and hydrological changes (talk)
3rd BaltEarth - 3rd Baltic Earth Conference, Virtuell, 02./03.06.2020
- Placke M, Meier HEM: The Baltic Sea Model Intercomparison Project (BMIP) (talk)
User workshop on Copernicus regional reanalysis for Europe and the European Arctic, Online, 24.09.2020
- 2019
- Kniebusch M, Meier H E M, Radtke H: Changing salinity gradients in the Baltic Sea as a consequence of altered precipitation patterns in Northern Europe. (poster)
EGU 2019 - European Geoscience Union annual meeting 2019, Vienna , Austria, 07.-12.04.2019
- 2018
- Brunnabend S-E, Gräwe U, Lange X, Meier H E M: Water exchange through the Danish Straits with global mean sea level rise (poster)
Chair of the Organization Committee of the 2nd Baltic Earth Conference - "The Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør, Denmark, 11.-15.06.2018
- Brunnabend S-E, Placke M, Frauen C, Börgel F, Schmidt M, Neumann T, Meier H E M: Evaluation of a regional climate system model for the Baltic Sea region. (talk)
Chair of the Organization Committee of the 2nd Baltic Earth Conference - "The Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør, Denmark, 11.-15.06.2018
- Feistel S, Naumann M, Nausch G, Hiller A, Paysen P, Hansson M, Andersson L, Viktorsson L, Lysiak-Pastuszak E, Feistel R, Meier H E M: Processing 50 years of oxygen and hydrogen-sulphide observations in the Baltic Sea. (poster)
IMDIS 2018 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 05.-07.11.2018
- Frauen C, Börgel F, Meier HEM: Atmospheric Forcing of Major Baltic Inflows in a 750 Years Simulation (talk)
Chair of the Organization Committee of the 2nd Baltic Earth Conference - "The Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør, Denmark, 11.-15.06.2018
- Kniebusch M, Meier H E M, Neumann T: Temperature variability of the Baltic Sea since 1850 in model simulations and observations and attribution to variability in the atmosphere (talk)
2nd Baltic Earth Conference - "The Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør, Denmark, 11.-15.06.2018
- Meier H E M, Naumann M: Assessing the state of the Baltic Sea– activities from Warnemünde (talk)
Joint monitoring activities SMHI and IOW, Gothenburg, Sweden, 17.12.2018
- Meier H E M, Väli G, Naumann M, Eilola K, Frauen C: Recently accelerated oxygen consumption rates amplify deoxygenation in the Baltic Sea – observations and model results. (talk)
Chair of the Organization Committee of the 2nd Baltic Earth Conference - "The Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør, Denmark, 11.-15.06.2018
- Meier H E M: Baltic Earth and Integrated Earth System Modeling for the Baltic Sea Region (talk)
MedCORDEX-Baltic Earth-COST Workshop on Regional Climate System Modelling for the European Sea Regions, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 14.-16.03.2018
- Meier H E M: Integrated Earth System Modeling for the Baltic Sea Region (talk)
FB1-Seminar GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 22.01.2018
- Meier H E M: Integrated Earth System Modeling for the Baltic Sea Region. (talk)
GEWEX - 8th GEWEX Open Science Conference: Extremes and Water on the Edge, Canmore, Canada, 06.-11.05.2018
- Meier H E M: Response of the hydrography and marine biogeochemistry to multiple drivers in the Baltic Sea Region (talk)
Baltic Earth Workshop - "Multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea Region", Tallinn, Estonia, 26./27.11.2018
- Meier H E M: What will the BSAP need to address to meet the challenges of climate change? (talk)
WWF and Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) side event at the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 06.03.2018
- Meier HEM: Baltic Earth and Conference Opening (talk)
Chair of the Organization Committee of the 2nd Baltic Earth Conference - "The Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør, Denmark, 11.-15.06.2018
- Naumann, M., Feistel, S., Nausch, G., Ruth, T., Zabel, J., Plangg, M., Hansson, M., Andersson, L., Viktorsson, L., Lysiak-Pastuszak, E., Feistel, R., Nehring, D., Matthäus, W., Meier, H.E.M.: Hypoxictoeuxinicconditionsin theBaltic Sea1969-2016 - a seasonaltodecadalspatialanalysis (talk)
2nd Baltic Earth Conference - "The Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør, Denmark, 11.-15.06.2018
- Placke M, Meier HEM, Gräwe U, Neumann T, Liu Y: Assessment of ocean circulation models for their applicability in the Baltic Sea (talk)
Chair of the Organization Committee of the 2nd Baltic Earth Conference - "The Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør, Denmark, 11.-15.06.2018
- 2017
- Frauen C, Gräwe U, Meier HEM: The Role of Atmospheric Forcing for the Simulation of Baltic Sea Dynamics (poster)
12th CLM-Community Assembly, Graz, Austria, 19.-22.09.2017
- Meier H.E.M., Höglund A. , Eilola K. and Almroth E.: Impact of accelerated future global mean sea level rise on hypoxia in the Baltic Sea (talk)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- Meier H.E.M., Väli G., Naumann M. and Eilola K.: Causes of recently accelerated oxygen consumption rates in the Baltic Sea. (talk)
Baltic Earth - Baltic Earth Seminar on "Saltwater inflows into the Baltic Sea", Warnemünde, Germany, 09.03.2017
- Meier H.E.M.: Challenges in Baltic Sea coastal zone modelling. (talk)
COCOA Project Workshop, Rostock, Germany, 23.-27.01.2017
- Naumann, M.; Feistel, F.; Nausch, G.; Ruth, T.; Zabel, J.; Plangg, M.; Hansson, M.; Andersson, L.; Viktorsson, L.; Lysiak-Pastuszak, E.; Feistel, R.; Nehring, D.; Matthäus, W.; Meier, H.E.M. (2017): Hypoxic to euxininc conditions in the Baltic Sea 1969-2016 - a seasonal to decadal spatial analysis. (talk)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- Placke M, Meier HEM, Neumann T, Gräwe U: Assessment of state-of-the-art Baltic Sea models and their setups for usage in climate applications. (talk)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- Placke M., Meier H.E.M., Neumann T., Radtke H.: Assessment of Baltic Sea models for usage in a coupled climate system model (poster)
IOW Advisory Board Meeting 2017, Warnemünde, Germany, 07./08.03.2017
- 2016
- Meier H.E.M. and Edman M.: Estimating uncertainties in projections for the Baltic Sea region based upon an ensemble of regional climate system models. (talk)
ICRC-CORDEX 2016 - Co-convenor of the side event on the use of coupled regional climate models in CORDEX (FPS) at International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2016, Stockholm, Sweden, 17.-20.05.2016
- Meier H.E.M. on behalf of the Baltic Earth program: Baltic Earth and Conference Opening. (talk)
1st Baltic Earth Conference, Nida, Lithuania, 13.-17.06.2016
- Meier H.E.M.: Do we need regional climate system models? (talk)
Climate Limited-area Modelling Community Assembly, Lüneburg, Germany, 22.09.2016
- Meier H.E.M.: Herausforderungen für die Klimamodellierung der Ostsee. (In German, Challenges in modelling of the Baltic Sea climate.) (talk)
Uni HRO - Physikalisches Kolloquium, Rostock, Germany, 12.05.2016
- Meier H.E.M.: Impact of climate change on the water exchange between the North Sea and Baltic Sea. (talk)
Fehmarnbelt Days 2016, 21.09.2016
- Meier H.E.M.: Klimaveränderungen der Ostsee im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert - neue Ergebnisse basierend auf regionaler Systemmodellierung. (In German, Changing climate of the Baltic Sea during the 20th and 21st century - new results based upon regional climate system modelling.) (talk)
Uni HRO - Fakultätskolloquium der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Rostock, Germany, 07.04.2016
- Meier H.E.M.: Regional climate system modelling for the North Sea and Baltic Sea region - a review. (talk)
15th German-Polish Seminar, Hamburg, Germany, 11./12.10.2016
- Wåhlström I. and Meier H.E.M.: Impact of increasing inflow of warmer Atlantic water into the Arctic Ocean on the sea-air exchange of CO2 and CH4 in the Laptev Sea (talk)
DEFROST - final conference, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, 02.02.2016
- 2015
- Meier H. E. M., Eilola K., Myrberg K., and Väli G.: Physical-Biogeochemical modelling of the Baltic Sea-Gulf of Finland (talk)
Baltic Earth/Gulf of Finland PhD Seminar 2015, Tallinn, Estonia, 19.11.2015
- Meier H.E.M.: Hypoxia in past and future climates of the Baltic Sea. (talk)
IOW Sektionsseminar Physik, IOW, Germany, 16.12.2015
- Meier HEM, Reckermann M, Rutgersson A, Sannino G, Somot S: Regional climate system modelling for European sea regions – aims of the workshop. (talk)
Joint HyMeX-Baltic Earth Workshop on ``Joint regional climate system modelling for the European sea regions'', Rom, Italy, 05./06.11.2015
- Meier HEM: The future of hypoxia in the deep basins of the Baltic Sea. (talk)
UoS - Szczecin climate seminars, Szczecin, Poland, 03.12.2015
- Meier M: Integrated system modelling for coastal seas. (talk)
Future Coast - Future Coast - Europe, Berlin, Germany, 05.-07.10.2015