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Soeren Ahmerkamp

Soeren Ahmerkamp
Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
+49 381 5197 0


My research focuses on the interaction between transport mechanisms and microbial processes, and their impact on the marine carbon and nitrogen cycle. My ap­proach com­bines nu­mer­ical mod­el­ling (Large-Eddy-Sim­u­la­tions, trans­port-re­ac­tion equa­tions, por­ous me­dia), field ob­ser­va­tions (de­vel­op­ment of the benthic ob­ser­vat­ory 'LanceALot') and labor­at­ory ex­per­i­ments (flow-through re­act­ors, mi­cro­fluidics, ima­ging tech­niques).

My main research areas are:

  • Sub­tidal sandy sed­i­ments
  • Biogeochemical processes on beaches
  • Marine Aggregates
  • Ciliary flows of stony corals
  • Marine Aggregates

My research is part of the project Shallow Water Processes and Transitions to the Baltic Scale as well as the IOW research programme 2024-2033 "Perspectives of Coastal Seas".

I co-lead the Novo Nordisk-funded project MATIC: Multiscale Approach on Coral Resilience together with Klaus Koren (Aarhus University) and Lars Behrendt (Uppsala University).



h-index: 23, i-10 index: 30, Link to Google Scholar

Selected publications (only lead authorships):

Ahmerkamp, S., Cesar Pacherres, Mare Mosshammer, Mathilde Godefroid, Michael Wind-Hansen, Marcel Kuypers, Klaus Koren, Lars Behrendt, Michael Kühl. Novel Approach for Lifetime-Proportional Luminescence Imaging Using Frame Straddling. ACS sensors (2024).

Flintrop*, Clara, Soeren Ahmerkamp*, Nasrollah Moradi, Isabell Klawonn, Jöran März, Cora Hörstmann, Rainer Kiko, Arzhang Khalili, Hans-Peter Grossart, Xosé A. Álvarez-Salgado, Javíer Arístegui Ruiz, Morten H. Iversen. "Rethinking sinking: Imaging the flow fields of natural marine aggregates to derive sinking velocity." BioRxiv (2023).

Ahmerkamp*, Soeren, Farooq Moin Jalaluddin*, Yuan Cui*, Douglas R. Brumley, Cesar O. Pacherres, Jasmine Berg, Roman Stocker, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Klaus Koren, Lars Behrendt. “SensPIV: simultaneous visualization of flow fields and oxygen concentrations to unravel metabolic exchange fluxes.” Cell Reports Methods. (2022)

Pacherres*, Cesar O., Soeren Ahmerkamp*, Klaus Koren, Claudio Richter and Moritz Holtappels: “Ciliary flows in corals ventilate target areas of high photosynthetic oxygen production.” Current Biology, 32(19), 4150-4158. (2022) *Shared first author

Ahmerkamp*, Soeren, Bo Liu*, Kolja Kindler*, Joeran Maerz, Roman Stocker, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, and Arzhang Khalili. "Settling of highly porous and impermeable particles in linear stratification: implications for marine aggregates." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 931. (2022)

Karthäuser*, Clarissa, Soeren Ahmerkamp*, Hannah K. Marchant, Laura A. Bristow, Helena Hauss, Morten H. Iversen, Rainer Kiko, Joeran Maerz, Gaute Lavik, and Marcel M. M. Kuypers. "Small sinking particles control anammox rates in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone." Nature Communications 12, no. 1 (2021): 1-12. *Shared first author

Ahmerkamp, Soeren, Marchant, Hannah, Peng, Chao, Probandt, David, Littmann, Sten, Kuypers, Marcel, & Holtappels, Moritz. "The effect of sediment grain properties and porewater flow on microbial abundance and respiration in permeable sediments." Scientific Reports, 10(1), (2020), 3573.

Ahmerkamp, Soeren, Christian Winter, Knut Krämer, Dirk de Beer, Felix Janssen, Jana Friedrich, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, and Moritz Holtappels. "Regulation of benthic oxygen fluxes in permeable sediments of the coastal ocean." Limnology and Oceanography 62, no. 5 (2017): 1935-1954.

Ahmerkamp, Soeren, Christian Winter, Felix Janssen, Marcel M. M. Kuypers, and Moritz Holtappels. "The impact of bedform migration on benthic oxygen fluxes." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120, no. 11 (2015): 2229-2242.

Science Impressions

Recent Publication:

A new method that captures O2 dynamics with millisecond precision, enhancing sensitivity & versatility for studying microenvironments in various research fields:

Doi: 10.1021/acssensors.4c01828