Thomas Neumann

Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
+49 381 5197 0
+49 381 5197 440
thom as.neumann@io-warnemuende.de
Research interests
- Modeling marine biogeochemistry
- Ocean modeling
- Impact studies
- 2025
- Barghorn, L., H. E. M. Meier, H. Radtke, T. Neumann and L. Naumov (2025). Warm saltwater inflows strengthen oxygen depletion in the western Baltic Sea. Clim. Dyn. 63: 29, doi: 10.1007/s00382-024-07501-x –open access–
- 2024
- Bittig, H. C., E. Jacobs, T. Neumann and G. Rehder (2024). A regional pCO2 climatology of the Baltic Sea from in situ pCO2 observations and a model-based extrapolation approach. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 16: 753-773, doi: 10.5194/essd-16-753-2024 –open access–
- Karsten, S., H. Radtke, M. Gröger, H. T. M. Ho-Hagemann, H. Mashayekh, T. Neumann and H. E. M. Meier (2024). Flux coupling approach on an exchange grid for the IOW Earth System Model (version 1.04.00) of the Baltic Sea region. Geosci. Model Dev. 17: 1689-1708, doi: 10.5194/gmd-17-1689-2024 –open access–
- Moros, M., A. T. Kotilainen, I. Snowball, T. Neumann, K. Perner, H. E. M. Meier, S. Papenmeier, H. Kolling, T. Leipe, J. S. Sinninghe Damsté and R. Schneider (2024). Giant saltwater inflow in AD 1951 triggered Baltic Sea hypoxia. Boreas 53: 125-138, doi: 10.1111/bor.12643 –open access–
- Schernewski, G., M. Jekat, F. Kösters, T. Neumann, S. Steffen and M. von Thenen (2024). Ecosystem Services Supporting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs): Assessments of Navigation Waterways Deepening Based on Data, Experts, and a 3D Ecosystem Model. Land 13: 1653, doi: 10.3390/land13101653 –open access–
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, M. Bučas and M. v. Thenen (2024). Ecosystem Services of the Baltic Sea - State and Changes during the Last 150 Years. Environments 11, doi: 10.3390/environments11090200 –open access–
- 2023
- Börgel, F., T. Neumann, J. Rooze, H. Radtke, L. Barghorn and H. E. M. Meier (2023). Deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea during the last millennium. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1174039, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1174039 –open access–
- Naumov, L., H. E. M. Meier and T. Neumann (2023). Dynamics of oxygen sources and sinks in the Baltic Sea under different nutrient inputs. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1233324, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1233324 –open access–
- Naumov, L., T. Neumann, H. Radtke and H. E. M. Meier (2023). Limited ventilation of the central Baltic Sea due to elevated oxygen consumption. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1175643, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1175643 –open access–
- Piehl, S., R. Friedland, B. Heyden, W. Leujak, T. Neumann and G. Schernewski (2023). Modeling of water quality indicators in the western Baltic Sea: Seasonal oxygen deficiency. Environ. Model. Assess. 28: 429-446, doi: 10.1007/s10666-022-09866-x –open access–
- 2022
- Gröger, M., M. Placke, H. E. M. Meier, F. Börgel, S.-E. Brunnabend, C. Dutheil, U. Gräwe, M. Hieronymus, T. Neumann, H. Radtke, S. Schimanke, J. Su and G. Väli (2022). The Baltic Sea Model Intercomparison Project (BMIP) – a platform for model development, evaluation, and uncertainty assessment. Geosci. Model Dev. 15, 22: 8613-8638, doi: 10.5194/gmd-15-8613-2022 –open access–
- Neumann, T., H. Radtke, B. Cahill, M. Schmidt and G. Rehder (2022). Non-Redfieldian carbon model for the Baltic Sea (ERGOM version 1.2) - implementation and budget estimates. Geosci. Model Dev. 15: 8473-8540, doi: 10.5194/gmd-15-8473-2022 –open access–
- Piehl, S., R. Friedland, B. Heyden, W. Leujak, T. Neumann and G. Schernewski (2022). Seasonal oxygen deficiency as an indicator for coastal water quality in the western Baltic Sea. In: 16th International Conference Littoral22 Book of Abstracts. Ed. by J. C. Ferreira, M. Ferreira, C. Jóia Santos and C. Macedo Duarte. Caparica, Portugal: NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA: 302-304, 978-972- 99923-6-0
- 2021
- Friedland R, Piehl S, Schernewski G, Neumann T: Proposal of a methodology for setting new threshold values for Pomeranian Bay and Bornholm Basin HELCOM meeting document IN-EUTROPHICATION 21-2021 Code: 4-2 Category: DEC Agenda Item: 4– Splitting assessment units Submission date: 18.8.2021 Submitted by: Germany Reference: Friedland et al. (in prep.)
- Friedland, R., D. Macias, G. Cossarini, U. Daewel, C. Estournel, E. Garcia-Gorriz, B. Grizzetti, M. Grégoire, B. Gustafson, S. Kalaroni, O. Kerimoglu, P. Lazzari, H. Lenhart, G. Lessin, I. Maljutenko, S. Miladinova, B. Müller-Karulis, T. Neumann, O. Parn, J. Pätsch, C. Piroddi, U. Raudsepp, C. Schrum, C. Stegert, A. Stips, K. Tsiaras, C. Ulses and L. Vandenbulcke (2021). Effects of nutrient management scenarios on marine eutrophication indicators: A pan-european, multi-model assessment in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Front. Mar. Sci. 8, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.596126 –open access–
- Neumann, T., S. Koponen, J. Attila, C. Brockmann, K. Kallio, M. Kervinen, C. Mazeran, D. Müller, P. Philipson, S. Thulin, S. Väkevä and P. Ylöstalo (2021). Optical model for the Baltic Sea with an explicit CDOM state variable: a case study with Model ERGOM (version 1.2). Geosci. Model Dev. 14: 5049-5062, doi: 10.5194/gmd-14-5049-2021 –open access–
- Piehl S, Friedland R, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Supporting the HELCOM shallow-water oxygen indicator with modelling products for the Western Baltic Sea HELCOM meeting document - IN-EUTROPHICATION 21-2021 Code: 2-1 Category: DEC Agenda Item: 2– Shallow water oxygen indicator Submission date: 16.8.2021 Submitted by: Germany
- Placke, M., H. E. M. Meier and T. Neumann (2021). Sensitivity of the Baltic Sea Overturning Circulation to Long-Term Atmospheric and Hydrological Changes. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 126: e2020JC016079, doi: 10.1029/2020JC016079 –open access–
- 2020
- Börgel, F., C. Frauen, T. Neumann and H. E. M. Meier (2020). The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation controls the impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on North European climate. Environ. Res. Lett. 15: 104025, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aba925 –open access–
- Giesse, C., H. E. M. Meier, T. Neumann and M. Moros (2020). Revisiting the role of convective deep water formation in northern Baltic Sea bottom water renewal. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 125: e2020JC016114, doi: 10.1029/2020JC016114 –open access–
- Moros, M., A. T. Kotilainen, I. Snowball, T. Neumann, K. Perner, H. E. M. Meier, T. Leipe, L. Zillén, J. S. Sinninghe Damsté and R. Schneider (2020). Is ‘deep-water formation’ in the Baltic Sea a key to understanding seabed dynamics and ventilation changes over the past 7,000 years? Quat. Int. 550: 55-65, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.03.031
- Neumann, D., M. Karl, H. Radtke, V. Matthias, R. Friedland and T. Neumann (2020). Quantifying the contribution of shipping NOx emissions to the marine nitrogen inventory - a case study for the western Baltic Sea. Ocean Sci. 16: 115-134, doi: 10.5194/os-16-115-2020 –open access–
- Neumann, T., H. Siegel, M. Moros, M. Gerth, M. Kniebusch and D. Heydebreck (2020). Ventilation of the northern Baltic Sea. Ocean Sci. 16: 767-780, doi: 10.5194/os-16-767-2020 –open access–
- 2019
- Kniebusch, M., H. E. M. Meier, T. Neumann and F. Börgel (2019). Temperature variability of the Baltic Sea since 1850 and attribution to atmospheric forcing variables. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 124: 4168-4187, doi: 10.1029/2018JC013948
- Meier, H. E. M., M. Edman, K. Eilola, M. Placke, T. Neumann, H. C. Andersson, S.-E. Brunnabend, C. Dieterich, C. Frauen, R. Friedland, M. Gröger, B. G. Gustafsson, E. Gustafsson, A. Isaev, M. Kniebusch, I. Kuznetsov, B. Müller-Karulis, M. Naumann, A. Omstedt, V. Ryabchenko, S. Saraiva and O. P. Savchuk (2019). Assessment of uncertainties in scenario simulations of biogeochemical cycles in the Baltic Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 46, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00046 –open access–
- Radtke, H., F. Börgel, S.-E. Brunnabend, A. Eggert, M. Kniebusch, H. E. M. Meier, D. Neumann, T. Neumann and M. Placke (2019). Validator - a web-based interactive tool for validation of ocean models at oceanographic stations. J. Open Source Software 7: 18, doi: 10.5334/jors.259 –open access–
- Radtke, H., M. Lipka, D. Bunke, C. Morys, J. Woelfel, B. Cahill, M. E. Böttcher, S. Forster, T. Leipe, G. Rehder and T. Neumann (2019). Ecological ReGional Ocean Model with vertically resolved sediments (ERGOM SED 1.0): Coupling benthic and pelagic biogeochemistry of the south-western Baltic Sea. Geosci. Model Dev. 12: 275-320, doi: 10.5194/gmd-12-275-2019 –open access–
- 2018
- Börgel, F., C. Frauen, T. Neumann, S. Schimanke and H. E. M. Meier (2018). Impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on Baltic Sea variability. Geophys. Res. Lett. 45: 9880-9888, doi: 10.1029/2018gl078943
- Meier, H. E. M., M. K. Edman, K. J. Eilola, M. Placke, T. Neumann, H. C. Andersson, S.-E. Brunnabend, C. Dieterich, C. Frauen, R. Friedland, M. Gröger, B. G. Gustafsson, E. Gustafsson, A. Isaev, M. Kniebusch, I. Kuznetsov, B. Müller-Karulis, A. Omstedt, V. Ryabchenko, S. Saraiva and O. P. Savchuk (2018). Assessment of eutrophication abatement scenarios for the Baltic Sea by multi-model ensemble simulations. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 440, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00440 –open access–
- Neumann, D., H. Radtke, M. Karl and T. Neumann (2018). Evaluation of atmospheric nitrogen inputs into marine ecosystems of the North Sea and Baltic Sea - part B: contribution by shipping and agricultural emissions. Biogeosciences Discuss. 2018: 1-31, doi: 10.5194/bg-2018-365
- Neumann, D., M. Karl, H. Radtke and T. Neumann (2018). Evaluation of atmospheric nitrogen inputs into marine ecosystems of the North Sea and Baltic Sea - part A: validation and time scales of nutrient accumulation. Biogeosciences Discuss. 2018: 1-31, doi: 10.5194/bg-2018-364 –open access–
- Neumann, D., R. Friedland, M. Karl, H. Radtke, V. Matthias and T. Neumann (2018). Importance of high resolution nitrogen deposition data for biogeochemical modeling in the western Baltic Sea and the contribution of the shipping sector. Ocean Sci. Discuss. 2018: 1-31, doi: 10.5194/os-2018-71 –open access–
- Placke, M., H. E. M. Meier, U. Gräwe, T. Neumann, C. Frauen and Y. Liu (2018). Long-term mean circulation of the Baltic Sea as represented by various ocean circulation models. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 287, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00287 –open access–
- Radtke, H., M. Lipka, D. Bunke, C. Morys, B. Cahill, M. E. Böttcher, S. Forster, T. Leipe and T. Neumann (2018). Ecological ReGional Ocean Model with vertically resolved sediments (ERGOM SED 1.0): Coupling benthic and pelagic biogeochemistry of the south-western Baltic Sea. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. 109: online, doi: 10.5194/gmd-2018-109 –open access–
- 2017
- Allin, A., G. Schernewski, R. Friedland, T. Neumann and H. Radtke (2017). Climate change effects on denitrification and associated avoidance costs in three Baltic river basin - coastal sea systems. J. Coast. Conserv. 21: 561-569, doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0530-8
- Neumann, T., H. Radtke and T. Seifert (2017). On the importance of Major Baltic Inflows for oxygenation of the central Baltic Sea. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 122: 1090-1101, doi: 10.1002/2016jc012525
- Warden, L., M. Moros, T. Neumann, S. Shennan, A. Timpson, K. Manning, M. Sollai, L. Wacker, K. Perner, K. Häusler, T. Leipe, L. Zillén, A. Kotilainen, E. Jansen, R. R. Schneider, R. Oeberst, H. Arz and J. S. Sinninghe Damste (2017). Climate induced human demographic and cultural change in northern Europe during the mid-Holocene. Sci. Rep. 7: 15251, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14353-5 –open access–
- 2015
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2015). Introduction to the modelling of marine ecosystems. Amsterdam: Elsevier. X, 331 S., 978-0-444-63363-7
- Neumann, T., H. Siegel and M. Gerth (2015). A new radiation model for Baltic Sea ecosystem modelling. J. Mar. Syst. 152: 83-91, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.08.001
- Schernewski, G., R. Friedland, M. Carstens, U. Hirt, W. Leujak, G. Nausch, T. Neumann, T. Petenati, S. Sagert, N. Wasmund and M. v. Weber (2015). Implementation of European marine policy : new water quality targets for German Baltic waters. Mar. policy 51: 305-321, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2014.09.002 –open access–
- Schneider, B., K. Eilola, K. Lukkari, B. Muller-Karulis and T. Neumann (2015). Environmental impacts - marine biogeochemistry. In: Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin. Ed. by The BACC II Author Team. Cham: Springer (Regional Climate Studies): 337-361, 978-3-319-16005-4, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16006-1 –open access–
- 2014
- Kotilainen, A. T., L. Arppe, S. Dobosz, E. Jansen, K. Kabel, J. Karhu, M. M. Kotilainen, A. Kuijpers, B. C. Lougheed, H. E. M. Meier, M. Moros, T. Neumann, C. Porsche, N. Poulsen, P. Rasmussen, S. Ribeiro, B. Risebrobakken, D. Ryabchuk, S. Schimanke, I. Snowball, M. Spiridonov, J. J. Virtasalo, K. Weckström, A. Witkowski and V. Zhamoida (2014). Echoes from the past : a healthy Baltic Sea requires more effort. AMBIO 43: 60-68, doi:10.1007/s13280-013-0477-4 –open access–
- 2013
- Kuznetsov, I. and T. Neumann (2013). Simulation of carbon dynamics in the Baltic Sea with a 3D model. J. mar. syst. 111–112: 167-174, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.10.011
- Niiranen, S., J. Yletyinen, M. T. Tomczak, T. Blenckner, O. Hjerne, B. R. MacKenzie, B. Müller-Karulis, T. Neumann and H. E. M. Meier (2013). Combined effects of global climate change and regional ecosystem drivers on an exploited marine food web. Global change biol. 19: 3327-3342, doi:10.1111/gcb.12309
- Radtke, H., T. Neumann and W. Fennel (2013). A Eulerian nutrient to fish model of the Baltic Sea - a feasibility-study. J. mar. syst. 125: 61-76, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.07.010
- 2012
- Friedland, R., T. Neumann and G. Schernewski (2012). Climate change and the Baltic Sea Action Plan: model simulations on the future of the western Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 105-108: 175-186, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.08.002
- Gustafsson, B. G., F. Schenk, T. Blenckner, K. Eilola, H. E. M. Meier, B. Müller-Karulis, T. Neumann, T. Ruoho-Airola, O. Savchuk and E. Zorita (2012). Reconstructing the development of Baltic Sea eutrophication 1850–2006. Ambio 41: 534-548, doi:10.1007/s13280-012-0318-x
- Kabel, K., M. Moros, C. Porsche, T. Neumann, F. Adolphi, T. J. Andersen, H. Siegel, M. Gerth, T. Leipe, E. Jansen and J. S. Sinninghe Damsté (2012). Impact of climate change on the Baltic Sea ecosystem over the past 1,000 years. Nat. clim. chang. 2: 871-874, doi:10.1038/nclimate1595
- Meier, H. E. M., B. Müller-Karulis, H. C. Andersson, C. Dieterich, K. Eilola, B. G. Gustafsson, A. Höglund, R. Hordoir, I. Kuznetsov, T. Neumann, Z. Ranjbar, O. P. Savchuk and S. Schimanke (2012). Impact of climate change on ecological quality indicators and biogeochemical fluxes in the Baltic Sea: a multi-model ensemble study. Ambio 41: 558-573, doi:10.1007/s13280-012-0320-3
- Meier, H. E. M., H. Andersson, C., B. Arheimer, T. Blenckner, B. Chubarenko, C. Donnelly, K. Eilola, B. Gustafsson, G., A. Hansson, J. Havenhand, A. Höglund, I. Kuznetsov, B. MacKenzie, R., B. Müller-Karulis, T. Neumann, S. Niiranen, J. Piwowarczyk, U. Raudsepp, M. Reckermann, T. Ruoho-Airola, O. Savchuk, P., F. Schenk, S. Schimanke, G. Väli, J.-M. Weslawski and E. Zorita (2012). Comparing reconstructed past variations and future projections of the Baltic Sea ecosystem—first results from multi-model ensemble simulations. Environ. res. lett. 7: 034005
- Neumann, T., K. Eilola, B. Gustafsson, B. Müller-Karulis, I. Kuznetsov, H. E. M. Meier and O. P. Savchuk (2012). Extremes of temperature, oxygen and blooms in the Baltic Sea in a changing climate. Ambio 41: 574-585, doi:10.1007/s13280-012-0321-2
- Radtke, H., T. Neumann, M. Voss and W. Fennel (2012). Modeling pathways of riverine nitrogen and phosphorus in the Baltic Sea. J. geophys. res. 117: C09024, doi:10.1029/2012jc008119
- Schernewski, G., N. Stybel and T. Neumann (2012). Zebra mussel farming in the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon: water-quality objectives and cost-effectiveness. Ecol. soc. 17, 2: 4, doi:10.5751/ES-04644-170204
- 2011
- Eilola, K., B. G. Gustafsson, I. Kuznetsov, H. E. M. Meier, T. Neumann and O. P. Savchuk (2011). Evaluation of biogeochemical cycles in an ensemble of three state-of-the-art numerical models of the Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 88: 267-284, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.05.004
- Kuznetsov, I., T. Neumann, B. Schneider and E. Yakushev (2011). Processes regulating pCO2 in the surface waters of the central eastern Gotland Sea: a model study. Oceanologia 53: 745-770
- König, J., W. Fennel, T. Seifert, G. Nausch, S. Sagert, L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz, T. Neumann and F. G. Jakobsen (2011). Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Hydrographic Services (FEHY): marine water baseline, hydrography, water quality and plankton of the Baltic Sea - baseline. Vol. I. Prepared for: Femern A/S. [Report] E1TR0057, proprietary report. Hørsholm: DHI / IOW Consortium in association with LICengineering, Bolding & Burchard and Risø DTU. 210 S.
- Maar, M., E. F. Møller, J. Larsen, K. S. Madsen, Z. Wan, J. She, L. Jonasson and T. Neumann (2011). Ecosystem modelling across a salinity gradient from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea. Ecol. model. 222: 1696-1711, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.03.006
- Meier, H. E. M., H. C. Andersson, K. Eilola, B. G. Gustafsson, I. Kuznetsov, B. Müller-Karulis, T. Neumann and O. P. Savchuk (2011). Hypoxia in future climates: a model ensemble study for the Baltic Sea. Geophys. res. lett. 38: L24608, doi:10.1029/2011gl049929
- Neumann, T. and R. Friedland (2011). Climate change impacts on the Baltic Sea. In: Global change and Baltic coastal zones. Ed. by G. Schernewski, J. Hofstede and T. Neumann. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media (Coastal research library): 23-32, 978-94-007-0400-8
- Schernewski, G., J. Hofstede and T. Neumann, Eds. (2011). Global change and Baltic coastal zones. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media. XIII, 296 S. (Coastal research library)
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and H. Behrendt (2011). Sources, dynamics and management of phosphorus in a southern Baltic estuary. In: The Baltic Sea Basin. Ed. by J. Harff, S. Björck and P. Hoth. Berlin: Springer (Central and Eastern European development studies): 373-388
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, D. Opitz and M. Venohr (2011). Long-term eutrophication history and ecosystem changes in a large Baltic river basin - estuarine system. Transit. waters bull. 5: 95-123, doi:10.1285/i1825229Xv5n2p95
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, S. Maack and M. Venohr (2011). Gewässereutrophierung – vom globalen Problem zum regionalen Lösungsansatz. In: Handbuch der Umweltwissenschaften : Grundlagen und Anwendung der Ökosystemforschung. Ed. by W. Schröder, O. Fränzle and F. Müller. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH: VI-2.2, 20 S.
- Voss, M., J. W. Dippner, C. Humborg, J. Hürdler, F. Korth, T. Neumann, G. Schernewski and M. Venohr (2011). History and scenarios of future development of Baltic Sea eutrophication. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 92: 307-322, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2010.12.037
- Yakushev, E. V., I. S. Kuznetsov, O. I. Podymov, H. Burchard, T. Neumann and F. Pollehne (2011). Modeling the influence of oxygenated inflows on the biogeochemical structure of the Gotland Sea, central Baltic Sea: changes in the distribution of manganese. Comput. geosci. 37: 398-409, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.01.001
- 2010
- Fennel, W., H. Radtke, M. Schmidt and T. Neumann (2010). Transient upwelling in the central Baltic Sea. Cont. shelf res. 30: 2015-2026, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2010.10.002
- Neumann, T. (2010). Climate change effects on the Baltic Sea ecosystem: a model study. J. mar. syst. 81: 213-224, doi:doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.12.001
- 2009
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, N. Stybel, H. Behrendt and C. Fenske (2009). Coastal eutrophication management: Lessons learnt from long-data and model simulations. In: Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Ed. by G. Schernewski, H. Janßen and S. Schumacher. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union (Coastline reports ; 12): 101-111
- 2008
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2008). Modelling coastal dynamics and harmful algal blooms in the Baltic Sea. In: Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms : theory, instrumentation and modelling. Ed. by M. Babin, C. S. Roesler and J. J. Cullen. Paris: UNESCO Publishing (Oceanographic methodology series): 627-661
- Kuznetsov, I., T. Neumann and H. Burchard (2008). Model study on the ecosystem impact of a variable C:N:P ratio for cyanobacteria in the Baltic Proper. Ecol. model. 219: 107-114
- Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2008). Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and shifts in nitrogen fixation analyzed with a 3D ecosystem model. J. mar. syst. 74: 592-602
- Schernewski, G., H. Behrendt and T. Neumann (2008). An integrated river basin-coast-sea modelling scenario for nitrogen management in coastal waters. J. coast. conserv., doi:10.1007/s11852-008-0035-6
- Schernewski, G., H. Behrendt, T. Neumann and N. Stybel (2008). Managing the Baltic Sea: Lessons learnt from eutrophication history in a large river - coast - sea system. LITTORAL 2008: a changing coast: challenge for the environmental policies, Venice, November 2008: [12 S.]
- Schmidt, M., W. Fennel, T. Neumann and T. Seifert (2008). Description of the Baltic Sea with numerical models. In: State and evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952 – 2005. Ed. by R. Feistel, G. Nausch and N. Wasmund. Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience: 583-624
- 2007
- Neumann, T. (2007). The fate of river-borne nitrogen in the Baltic Sea - an example for the River Oder. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 73: 1-7
- 2006
- Burchard, H., K. Bolding, W. Kühn, A. Meister, T. Neumann and L. Umlauf (2006). Description of a flexible and extendable physical-biogeochemical model system for the water column. J. mar. syst. 61: 180-211
- Hansen, F. C., C. Möllmann, U. Schütz and T. Neumann (2006). Spatio-temporal distribution and production of calanoid copepods in the Central Baltic Sea. J. plankton res. 28: 39-54
- Neumann, T. and W. Fennel (2006). A method to represent seasonal vertical migration of zooplankton in 3D-Eulerian models. Ocean model. 12: 188-204
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and M. Wielgat (2006). Referenzwerte für Hydrochemie und Chlorophyll-a in deutschen Küstengewässern der Ostsee. Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 15: 7-23
- 2005
- Carstensen, J., A.-S. Heiskanen, P. Kauppila, T. Neumann, G. Schernewski and Gromisz S. (2005). Developing reference conditions for phytoplankton in the Baltic coastal waters. Part II: Examples of reference conditions developed from the Baltic Sea. Ispra: Inst. Environ. and Sustainability. 35 S. (Technical report/ EU Joint Research Centre ; EU 21582/EN/2)
- Neumann, T. and C. Kremp (2005). A model study with light-dependent mortality rates of copepod stages. J. mar. syst. 56: 416-434
- Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2005). An ecological model evaluation of two nutrient abatement strategies for the Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 56: 195-206
- Neumann, T., N. Rausch, T. Leipe, O. Dellwig, Z. Berner and M. E. Böttcher (2005). Intense pyrite formation under low-sulfate conditions in the Achterwasser lagoon, SW Baltic Sea. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 69: 3619-3630
- Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2005). The trophic state of the Baltic Sea a century ago: a model simulation study. J. mar. syst. 53: 109-124
- Voss, M., K.-C. Emeis, S. Hille, T. Neumann and J. W. Dippner (2005). Nitrogen cycle of the Baltic Sea from an isotopic perspective. Glob. biogeochem. cycles 19: GB3001, doi:10.1029/2004GB002338, (1-15)
- 2004
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2004). Introduction to the modelling of marine ecosystems. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 297 S. (Elsevier Oceanography Series ; 72), 0-444-51702-2
- Janssen, F., T. Neumann and M. Schmidt (2004). Interannual variability of cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea controlled by wintertime hydrographic conditions. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 275: 59-68
- Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2004). Baltic Sea ecosystem management and European policy. In: International co-operation for the Baltic Sea environment: past, present and future: International Conference to commemorate 30 years of the Helsinki Convention, March 22-24, 2004, Riga, Latvia. Jurmala: Latvian Environment Agency: 56-59
- Schernewski, G., H. Behrens, S. Bock, P. Dehne, W. Erbguth, ..., T. Neumann, ... and K. Wirtz (2004). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement in der Odermündungsregion (IKZM Oder). In: Geographie der Meere und Küsten : Ergebnisse der 22. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten" in Warnemünde. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 1): 183-193
- Thamm, R., G. Schernewski, N. Wasmund and T. Neumann (2004). Spatial phytoplankton pattern in the Baltic Sea. In: Baltic Sea typology. Ed. by G. Schernewski and M. Wielgat. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 4): 85-109
- 2003
- Christiansen, C., H. Kunzendorf, K.-C. Emeis, R. Endler, U. Struck, D. Benesch, T. Neumann and V. Sivkov (2003). Sedimentation rate variabilities in the eastern Gotland Basin. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 126-133
- Dippner, J. W. and T. Neumann (2003). Inter-annual variability of phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea - a comparison of model simulation and monitoring data. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 161-162
- Dippner, J. W., T. Blanz, S. Brückner, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, F. Janssen, A. Mackensen, T. Neumann, A. Pfizenmayer, M. Schmidt, T. Seifert and E. Zorita (2003). Integrated Baltic Sea Environmental Study (IBSEN) : analysis and simulation of hydrological and ecological variability in the last 1000 years (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 2
- Dippner, J. W., T. Blanz, S. Brückner, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, F. Janssen, A. Mackensen, T. Neumann, A. Pfizenmayer, M. Schmidt, T. Seifert, H. v. Storch and E. Zorita (2003). Integrated Baltic Sea Environmental Study (IBSEN) : analysis and simulation of hydrological and ecological variability in the last 1000 years. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 151-154
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2003). Variability of copepods as seen in a coupled physical-biological model of the Baltic Sea. ICES mar. sc. symp. 219: 208-219
- Janssen, F., T. Neumann and M. Schmidt (2003). Influence of wintertime hydrographic conditions on cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic. paper P:05
- Janssen, F., T. Neumann and M. Schmidt (2003). Influence of wintertime hydrographic conditions on late summer cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 157-158
- Janssen, F., T. Neumann and M. Schmidt (2003). Interannual variability of cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 60
- Kremp, C., T. Neumann and W. Fennel (2003). Modelling of zooplankton as prey field for fish larvae (poster abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 168
- Neumann, T. (2003). Virtuelle Ostsee : gekoppelte Modelle -das Ökosystem im Rechner. In: Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers : Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ; Qualität und Vielfalt. Bonn: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: 56-58
- Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2003). Managing Baltic Sea eutrophication via river basins (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 15
- Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2003). The trophic state of the Baltic Sea a century ago : a large-scale model simulation study (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 18
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and M. Wielgat (2003). Implementation of the EU - Water Framework Directive in the Baltic Sea ecoregion. Coastline 12, 3/4: 22-23
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and M. Wielgat (2003). Zustand und modellgestützte Prognosen zur Wasserqualität in der Ostsee und ihren Küstengewässern. In: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Küstenforschung, 20. AMK-Tagung Kiel, 30.5.-1.6.2002. Ed. by A. Daschkeit and H. Sterr. Büsum: (Berichte aus dem Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum Westküste der Univ. Kiel; 28): 189-195
- 2002
- Christiansen, C., H. Kunzendorf, K.-C. Emeis, R. Endler, U. Struck, T. Neumann and V. Sivkov (2002). Temporal and spatial sedimentation rate variabilities in the eastern Gotland Basin, the Baltic Sea. Boreas 31: 65-74
- Hlawatsch, S., T. Neumann, C. M. G. van den Berg, M. Kersten, J. Harff and E. Suess (2002). Fast-growing, shallow-water ferro-manganese nodules from the western Baltic Sea: origin and models of trace element incorporation. Mar. geol. 182: 373-389
- Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2002). Will algal blooms in the Baltic Sea increase in future? Model simulations with different eutrophication combat strategies. In: Low-laying coastal areas - hydrology and integrated coastal zone management: International Symposium, Bremerhaven, 9.-12.9.2002. Koblenz: IHP-OHP-Sekretariat (IHP-OHP-Berichte: Sonderheft; 13): 139-145
- Neumann, T., W. Fennel and C. Kremp (2002). Experimental simulations with an ecosystem model of the Baltic Sea: a nutrient load reduction experiment. Glob. biogeochem. cycles 16, 3: DOI 10.1029/2001GB001450 (7,1-19)
- Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2002). Impact of river basin management on the Baltic Sea : ecological and economical implications of different nutrient load reduction strategies. In: Sustainable management of transboundary waters in Europe : 2nd International Conference, 21-24. 4. 2002, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Szczecin: 43-51
- Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2002). Perspectives on eutrophication abatement in the Baltic Sea. In: Littoral 2002: 6th International Symposium, proceedings...Porto, 22-26.9.2002. Ed. by E.-P. Ass. Porto: Univ. Porto: 503-511
- 2001
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2001). Coupling biology and oceanography in models. Ambio 30: 232-236
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2001). Stage resolving description of copepods in a Baltic Sea model (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001 : past, present and future - a joint venture ; abstract volume. Stockholm: Stockholm Marine Research Centre, Stockholm Univ.: 187
- Neumann, T. (2001). Experiments with a three dimensional Baltic Sea ecosystem model on a ten years time scale (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001 : past, present and future - a joint venture ; abstract volume. Stockholm: Stockholm Marine Research Centre, Stockholm Univ.: 102
- Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2001). Cost-effective versus proportional nutrient load reductions to the Baltic Sea : spatial impact analysis with a 3D-ecosystem model. In: Water pollution VI : modelling, measuring and prediction. Ed. by C. A. Brebbia. Southampton, Boston: WITPress: 269-278
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, V. Podsetchine and H. Siegel (2001). Spatial impact of the Oder river plume on water quality along the south-western Baltic coast. Int. j. hyg. environ. health 204: 143-155
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, V. Podsetchine, M. Wielgat and I. Tejakusuma (2001). Aspects of water quality and transport modelling in the Oder estuary (southern Baltic Sea) : background, strategy and example. Arch. hydro-eng. environm. mech. 48: 111-122
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth, T. Neumann and T. Ohde (2001). Inter-annual variations in the spatial and temporal development of cyanobacteria (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001 : past, present and future - a joint venture ; abstract volume. Stockholm: Stockholm Marine Research Centre, Stockholm Univ.: 100
- Wasmund, N., A. Andrushaitis, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, B. Müller-Karulis, G. Nausch, T. Neumann, H. Ojaveer, I. Olenina, L. Postel and Z. Witek (2001). Trophic status of the south-eastern Baltic Sea : a comparison of coastal and open areas. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 53: 849-864
- 2000
- Kulik, D. A., M. Kersten, U. Heiser and T. Neumann (2000). Application of Gibbs energy minimization to model early-diagenetic solid-solution aqueous-solution equilibria involving authigenic rhodochrosites in anoxic Baltic Sea sediments. Aqu. geochem. 6: 147-199
- Neumann, T. (2000). Towards a 3D-ecosystem model of the Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. spec. issue 25, 3/4: 405-419
- 1999
- Fennel, K. and T. Neumann (1999). A coupled physical-chemical-biological model for the western Baltic. In: Computerized modeling of sedimentary systems. Ed. by J. Harff, W. Lemke and K. Stattegger. Berlin: Springer: 169-181
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth, T. Neumann and R. Doerffer (1999). Case studies on phytoplankton blooms in coastal and open waters of the Baltic Sea using Coastal Zone Color Scanner data. Int. j. remote sensing 20: 1249-1264
- Siegel, H., W. Matthäus, R. Bruhn, M. Gerth, G. Nausch, T. Neumann and C. Pohl (1999). The exceptional Oder flood in summer 1997 - distribution patterns of the Oder discharge in the Pomeranian Bight. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 145-167
- 1998
- Emeis, K.-C., T. Neumann, R. Endler, U. Struck, H. Kunzendorf and C. Christiansen (1998). Geochemical records of sediment in the Eastern Gotland Basin - products of sediment dynamics in a not-so-stagnant anoxic basin? Appl. geochem. 13: 349-358
- Humborg, C., G. Nausch, T. Neumann, F. Pollehne and N. Wasmund (1998). The exceptional Oder flood in summer 1997 - the fate of nutrients and particulate organic matter in the Baltic Sea. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 169-181
- Humborg, C., T. Neumann, F. Pollehne and N. Wasmund (1998). The fate of Oder discharge during an exceptional high flood in summer. (Abstract). In: HELCOM scientific workshop : the effects of the 1997 flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers, 12-14 January, Hamburg. Hamburg und Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie; 13): 39
- Leipe, T., J. Eidam, R. Lampe, H. Meyer, T. Neumann, A. Osadczuk, W. Janke, T. Puff, T. Blanz, F. X. Gingele, D. Dannenberger and G. Witt (1998). Das Oderhaff - Beiträge zur Rekonstruktion der holozänen geologischen Entwicklung und anthropogenen Beeinflussung des Oder-Ästuars. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 61 S. S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 28)
- Neumann, T. (1998). The Odra flood event in a coupled physical-chemical-biological model. (Abstract). Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 279
- Neumann, T. (1998). The Odra flood event in a coupled physical-chemical-biological model. (Abstract). In: HELCOM scientific workshop : the effects of the 1997 flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers, 12-14 January, Hamburg. Hamburg und Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie; 13): 45
- Neumann, T., K.-C. Emeis and D. Benesch (1998). Major trace element composition of surface sediment cores in the Eastern Gotland Basin - a data report. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 77-83
- Neumann, T., T. Leipe and G. Shimmield (1998). Heavy-metal enrichment in surficial sediments in the Oder River discharge area: source of sink for heavy metals? Appl. geochem. 13: 329-337
- Siegel, H., W. Matthäus, R. Bruhn, M. Gerth, G. Nausch, T. Neumann and C. Pohl (1998). The exceptional Oder flood in summer 1997 - distribution patterns of the Oder discharge in the Pomeranian Bight. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 145-167
- Stips, A., H. Prandke and T. Neumann (1998). The structure and dynamics of the Bottom Boundary Layer in shallow seas areas without tidal influence: an experimental approach. Prog. oceanogr. 41: 383-453
- 1997
- Lass, H. U., T. Neumann and K.-P. Wlost (1997). Haltung hydrographischer Daten am IOW. DGM-Mitt. 1997, 1/2: 54-58
- Neumann, T., C. Christiansen, S. Clasen, K.-C. Emeis and H. Kunzendorf (1997). Geochemical records of salt-water inflows into the deep basins of the Baltic Sea. Cont. shelf res. 17: 95-115
- 1996
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (1996). The mesoscale variability of nutrients and plankton as seen in a coupled model. paper C+J:1, 9 S.
- Neumann, T. and W. Fennel (1996). Ein gekoppeltes physikalisch-biologisches Modell der Ostsee. DGM-Mitt., 1: 19-21
- Neumann, T., T. Leipe, T. Brand and G. Shimmield (1996). Accumulation of heavy metals in the Oder estuary and it´s off-shore basins. Chem. Erde 56: 207-222