Department of Marine Geology
Research tasks
The department's research focuses on the geological and biogeochemical components of the Baltic Sea ecosystem, specifically the postglacial formation and biogeochemical transformation processes within the Baltic Sea basin and its sediments. Comparative research also takes place in other selected coastal seas. One focus is on investigating the influences of oceanographic boundary conditions, horizontal and vertical material fluxes and biological activity on sedimentation and diagenesis processes.
The examination of the water column, pore waters and sediment sequences provides information on their formation and diagenetic overprinting, allows material balancing and are essential for identifying trends in the development of the Baltic Sea ecosystem. Special emphasis is placed on the identification and quantification of both natural and anthropogenic causes.
Results from modern systems are transferred to past system states by applying sedimentological and geochemical proxies in accordance with the uniformitarian principle. Research is carried out in the field, in experiments and through modeling.
In addition to working on various research projects, the department is responsible for ongoing sedimentological mapping in the German Baltic Sea continental shelf as part of an administrative agreement with the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency.