Science Management Unit
The Science Management Unit is directly assigned to the Director of the IOW. Its tasks include supporting and advising the institute´s management on strategic issues, quality management and the implementation of the research programme. These include, for example, professional reporting, advisory support for scientists in acquiring third-party funds and the further development of internationalisation. Technology transfer to ensure the efficient exploitation of IOW´s technological developments or knowledge transfer to transport the IOW´s research results into the public are also established at this unit.
The latter is done through press and public relations work as well as through public information events. Special emphasis is also placed on working with young people in pupil laboratories and student internships and on the development of teaching materials. In the public exhibition "Research Villa Baltic Sea", supervised by the staff unit, visitors can also find out about the special features of the Baltic ecosystem and the research work of the Institute.
Tasks & Contact Persons
Head of the unit
Dr. Matthias Premke-Kraus
Contact via secretariat of the director
Ute Fensky
Tel.: +49 (381) 5197-101
Fax: +49 (381) 5197-105
Public relations
Dr. Kristin Beck
Dr. Matthias Premke-Kraus
School Cooperations /
Research Villa Baltic Sea
Dr. Sven Hille
Technology transfer /
Guided tours of the institutes
Dr. Regine Labrenz
Monitoring & long-term observation
Dr. Sandra Kube
IOW reporting /
performance data collection
Hendrikje Wehnert
Third-party funded projects
Dr. Kirstin Kastell
(Ocean Technology Campus OTC
PromOcean: Equality & Diversity)
IOW Intern (in-house magazine) & Newsletter
Dagmar Amm
Dr. Barbara Hentzsch