Offers for school students
For interested school students or classes, the IOW offers many opportunities to get a taste of marine research. The offers of MariSchool – our maritime Pupils’ Lab – primarily are oriented towards high school classes visiting the lab for experiments and studies on certain topics of current marine research. The Southbaltic WebLab, on the other hand, is an offer for pupils to deal with the questions and methods of marine research through Internet-based learning modules. The PlasticSchool* offers interesting German language educational material on the topic “plastic in the sea” from elementary school to high school age.
If pupils would like to get to know more about the daily work of marine researchers, they can find out about our student internships* on offer. High school students, who are interested to do their own research over a longer period of time (e.g. as part of “Jugend forscht”), can find one of our scientists as contact persons for school student projects*.
The IOW also offers the opportunity to complete a Voluntary Year for Science, Technology and Sustainability or a Voluntary Ecological Year, which provide insights into marine research, the work with scientists, and allows to gain professional experience for a whole year.
School teachers can get further training on several subjects in the field of marine and Baltic Sea research. For further information, please contact Dr. Sven Hille.
*Information only available in German