Learn About the Sea
Offers for School Students

The IOW offers school students with an interest in MINT subjects several opportunities to get a first taste of Baltic Sea research. Also, teacher training is available.
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Whether it's the world's oceans or the Baltic Sea on our doorstep – here you will find interesting, entertaining, and instructive information on the subject of the sea:
The Profile of the Baltic Sea provides basic information about one of the world’s largest brackish seas. In the section Current data you can check out data, which are being recorded live right this moment at three different locations in the middle of the Baltic Sea by the fully automated MARNET measuring stations maintained by the IOW. Or have a look at the History of the Baltic Sea* that has left its traces in the marine sediments, which are being studied at the IOW. Our Offers for School Students particularly provide young people with many opportunities to get a taste of the world of marine research. Baltic Sea for the Curious offers interesting facts about the IOW, the Baltic Sea and other seas. The Fact Sheets* provide compact information on the special characteristics and problems of the Baltic Sea. You can also ask your very specific Questions about the Sea* or browse previous answers. Or you can come to the next Baltic Sea Day* and ask the experts from four leading Baltic Sea research institutes in person. Have you always wanted to know what working on board a research vessel looks like? Then go With us at Sea* and get to know marine research on board the research vessels SONNE, METEOR, MARIA S. MERIAN and Co.
*Information only available in German
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Interesting Facts
Profile of the Baltic Sea
Here you will find basic information about one of the largest brackish water seas in the world. »
History of the Baltic Sea*
The history of the Baltic Sea is documented in sediments that are studied at the IOW. »