Baltic Sea for the Curious
Current data
Permanent stations measure continuously and transmit the data:
Permanent exhibitions
The exhibition "Baltic Sea Research Villa" directly on Warnemünde's sea promenade presents itself as an interactive Baltic Sea excursion and research trip. It introduces the special features of the Baltic Sea ecosystem and presents the institute's main areas of work.
As part of the architectural renewal of the IOW, a permanent exhibition was created in the main building, featuring artworks by Günter Grass as well as exhibits from Baltic Sea research, inviting visitors to a change of perspectives.
Warnemünde Evenings*
Every summer, IOW scientists give talks to invite everybody interested in the Baltic Sea on an exciting discovery trip into the world of their current research. Admission is free.
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Baltic Sea Day*
Every two years IOW, BSH, TI-OF and the Meeresmuseum Stralsund come together to present exciting and up-to-date Baltic Sea research to the general public at the Baltic Sea Day in the Rostock City Harbour.
I always wanted to know...*
Browse our Frequently Asked Questions:
Questions About the Sea
or go on a research cruise with one of our research ships:
With us at Sea
*Information only available in German