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Equal opportunity in the IOW

Equal rights between men and women and the work family balance are particular concern to the IOW. An internal Equal Rights Committee under the leadership of the director is concerned with acitivities to structural improvements that serve these two objectives. The Equal Opportunity  Officer of the IOW advised that process. She draws the attention of the commission for improvement situations, makes suggestions for implementation and is first contact person for all questions of equality in the IOW.

Women's recreation room

The women's recreation room provides IOW employees with the possibility for a recovery break.

Equal opportunity officer

You are welcome to contact the equal opportunity officers of the IOW.

Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

The Gender Equality Plan of the IOW is designed to achieve equal participation of women and man in all research areas.


The IOW is awarded with the TOTAL E-QUALITY predicate.

Come back to research

The come back to research program provides support to young mothers who interrupted their academic career for family reasons, enabling them to continue their scientific work.


The IOW internal promoted mentoring-program is determined to support excellent female scientists in their postdoc / habilitation phase on their scientific career way to become professors or leaders to introduce them into subject-specific networks.