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Header Biologie

Biological Oceanography

Research areas

  • Investigating biologically mediated fluxes/changes and vertical transport processes from plankton to benthos, and developing flux budgets for the key elements nitrogen and carbon;
  • Investigating eco-physiological and taxonomic interactions between organisms and the environment, and developing methods to quantify the effects of pollutants;
  • Quantifying the exchange among the eutrophic, productive waters of coastal areas, the oligotrophic waters of the central Baltic, and the anoxic the deep basins;
  • Biological monitoring of the open Baltic Sea within HELCOM’s Baltic Monitoring Program;
  • Studying ecological systems and their changes/variability in relation to anthropogenic/climatic influences;
  • Coastal zone management.

Our researchers also represent the traditional disciplines of phytoplanktology, zooplanktology, microbiology and physiology of benthic organisms.

IOW-Picture Gallery of Baltic Microalgae

... a collection of
light- and SEM-
of algae

Environmental Monitoring of the Baltic Sea

The latest reports on the biological state of the Baltic Sea.