Working Group "Analysis of Biological Data and Modelling"
The WG "Analysis of biological Data and Modelling" investigates mainly with modern time series analysis the detection and attribution of climate and anthropogenic signals in marine ecosystems. A main goal is the investigation of potential predictability. A further field of investigation of the WG is the development of numerical models for process studies e.g. denitrification or nitrification models. At the moment a model for simulating mixotrophy is under development. In addition, the WG is responsible for the maintenance of molecular biological data base and the consulting in statistical and numerical methods for the biological section. Various products can be found under the topic "downloads".
Time Series Analysis and Statistics
- Fourier Analysis
- Wavelet Analysis
- Recurrence Quantification Analysis
- AMOEBA Modelling
- Empirical Orthogonal Functions Analysis
- Canonical Correlation Analysis
- Statistical Downscaling
- Neural Net Work
Numerical Modelling
- Tidal models
- Circulation models
- Eddy resolving models
- Oil spill models
- Ecosystem models
- Net work analysis
- Denitrification models
- Nitrification model
- Nitrogen budget models
- Carbon cycle models
- Mesocosm models
- Stabil isotope models
- Mixotrophy models
Maintenance of Molecular Biological Data Base
Products and Downloads
- Baltic Sea Enviromental (BSE) Index (1148 Downloads)
- Southern North Sea Environmental (NSE) Index (NEW Index: 24 Downloads)
- Northern Hemispere Climate (NHC) Index (will appear soon)
Consulting on Statistical and Numerical Methods
- technical Staff
- Katja Becker
- PostDoc
- Ph.D. Students
- Claudia Frey
- Birte Fründt
- Karin Junker
- Students
- Henriette Bauer
- Caroline Möller
- Alumni
- Ronny Bobrowski
- Barbara Deutsch
- Tina Henrich
- Simone Pfeifer
- Patrick Schibat
- Janina Werner
- National Partners
- Anne Appen
- Hermann Bange
- Jens Hürdler
- Tim Jennerjahn
- Birte Karfeld
- Ingrid Kröncke
- Thomas Leipe
- Christa Pohl
- Henning Reiss
- Markus Venohr
- Maren Voss
- International Partners
- Deniz Bombar, USA
- Alfredo Colossimo, Italien
- Sonia Cotrim, Portugal
- Barbara Deutsch, Schweden
- Gael Dur, Japan
- Alessandro Giuliani, Italien
- Jari Hänninen, Finnland
- Doan-Nhu Hai, Vietnam
- Sture Hansson, Schweden
- Christoph Humborg, Schweden
- Anda Ikauniece, Lettland
- Georgs Kornilovs, Lettland
- Harry Kuosa, Finnland
- Nguyen-Ngoc Lam, Vietnam
- Ulf Larsson, Schweden
- Natalie Loick-Wilde, USA
- Markus Meier, Schweden
- Pia Moisander, USA
- Joseph Montoya, USA
- Temel Oguz, Türkei
- Geir Ottersen, Norwegen
- Ludwig Sidrevics, Lettland
- Paolo Sirabella, Italien
- Sami Souissi, Frankreich
- Dusan Sovilj, Serbien
- Ajit Subramaniam, USA
- Ho Van The, Vietnam
- Ilppo Vuorinen, Finnland
- Joseph Zbilut, USA
- John Zehr, USA