Networks and Collaboration

In 2019, the federal government, represented by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the northern German states founded the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM), which brings together the leading institutions in German marine research. Through its activities in the core areas of research, data management and digitalization, coordination of infrastructures and transfer, the DAM develops orientation and practical knowledge for politics, business and civil society – as a basis for the necessary change towards greater sustainability and the protection of the oceans. The DAM currently brings together 25 university and non-university institutions that conduct marine research. The DAM also cooperate with strategic partners to promote the sustainable management of coasts, seas and oceans.
For details https://www.allianz-meeresforschung.de/en

The German Climate Consortium (Deutsches Klima-Konsortium e.V. - DKK) represents the essential parts of German climate and climate impact research. Under the guiding principle “Research for Society, Economy and the Environment”, DKK brings together twenty-one internationally renowned research organizations. Amongst them are Max Planck Institutes, Helmholtz Centres, Leibniz Institutes, a Higher Federal Authority, the German Climate Computing Centre as well as Universities. These organizations make an important contribution to recognize and respond to climate change and climate impacts.
For details www.deutsches-klima-konsortium.de.

EuroMarine is a European marine science network of excellence with currently 59 member institutions. Funded by 7th European Framework Programme, it was designed as a bottom-up organization that gives a voice to the European marine scientific community. Its primary goals are to support the identification and initial development of important emerging scientific topics and associated methodologies in marine sciences, as well as to foster new services relevant to the marine scientific community.
For details www.euromarinenetwork.eu.

KDM - the German Marine Research Consortium is made up of fourteen institutions and universities of Germany in the field of marine and polar sciences as well as of coastal research. The members are part of a European and global network of such institutions. With approximately 2,200 scientists of basic and applied marine research, KDM provides comprehensive expertise to meet global challenges having to do with the sea and our environment.
For details www.deutsche-meeresforschung.de.
The association “Rostock denkt 365°” is aiming at promoting and advertising the city of Rostock as an important site of research and science. Members are various research institutions located within the Rostock region as well as representatives of economy, culture and politics.
For details www.rostock365.de *.
*Information only available in German