Dr. Michael L. Zettler

Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Biological Oceanography
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
Biological Oceanography
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
+49 381 5197 236
+49 381 5197 440
mich ael.zettler@io-warnemuende.de
- Leader of the Working Group on Ecology of benthic organisms
- Guidance of research projects
- Sampling of benthic organisms at Sea (North and Baltic Sea)
- Examination of the benthos samples
- Video and habitat mapping of the Baltic Sea
- Teaching of bachelor, master phd students
- Taxonomy and ecology of benthic organisms (Biodiversity and checklist of macrozoobenthos of the southern Baltic Sea)
- Relationships between macrozoobenthos and environmental parameters (modelling and prediction of benthic patterns)
- Characterisiation of NATURA-2000-sites (habitat types, macrozoobenthos) in the EEZ of the German Baltic Sea
- Macrozoobenthos investigations off the coast of South-West Afrika (Namibia, Angola)
- Assessment of habitats in terms of macrozoobenthos along a gradient in the southern Baltic Sea (mainly depending on water depth and salinity) in respect of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Marine Strategy Directive (MSD)
- 1998, 2001, 2003, 2014 and 2016 successful attendance at the quality assurance courses within the Federation-Countries-Measuring-Program
- Editorial Board: Lauterbornia (Dinkelscherben)
- Chairman of Landesfachausschusses (LFA) Malakologie of NABU Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- taxonomy and ecology of freshwater molluscs (examples: Theodoxus, Marstoniopsis, Pisidium, Sphaerium, Unio, Anodonta, Pseudanodonta)
- taxonomy and ecology of freshwater crustaceans (examples: Gammarus, Synurella, Pallasea, Dikerogammarus, Pontogammarus, Astacus)
- monitoring of annex species of the EC Habitat Directive (molluscs: Anisus vorticulus, Unio crassus)
New Species
New TAXA for Science | Class/Order | Locus typicus |
Pseudamnicola beckmani Glöer & Zettler, 2007 | Gastropoda | Spain |
Pseudamnicola granjaensis Glöer & Beckmann, 2007 | Gastropoda | Spain |
Heterospio angolana Bochert & Zettler, 2009 | Polychaeta | Angola |
Marginella himburgae Massier & Zettler, 2009 | Gastropoda | Namibia |
Gibbula massieri Rolán & Zettler, 2010 | Gastropoda | Namibia |
Grandidierella ischienoplia Bochert & Zettler, 2010 | Amphipoda | Angola |
Lanceophora lanceolata Thandar, Zettler & Arumugam, 2010 | Holothuroidea | Angola |
Lanceophora Thandar, Zettler & Arumugam, 2010 | Holothuroidea | Angola |
Ocnus paracorbulus Thandar, Zettler & Arumugam, 2010 | Holothuroidea | Namibia |
Ocnus placominutus Thandar, Zettler & Arumugam, 2010 | Holothuroidea | Angola |
Panningia pseudocurvata Thandar, Zettler & Arumugam, 2010 | Holothuroidea | Angola |
Rhopalodinaria bocherti Thandar, Zettler & Arumugam, 2010 | Holothuroidea | Angola |
Heterocuma ambrizetensis Bochert & Zettler, 2011 | Cumacea | Angola |
Nebalia deborahae Bochert & Zettler, 2012 | Leptostraca | Namibia |
Trochochaeta ankeae Bochert & Zettler, 2013 | Polychaeta | Angola |
Wallametopa cylindrica Zettler & Glück, 2016 | Amphipoda | South Africa |
Niphargus zarosiensis Zettler & Zettler, 2017 | Amphipoda | Greece |
Aeginella corallina Zettler, Freiwald & Guerra-Garcia, 2018 | Amphipoda | Angola |
Ledoyerella kunensis Zettler & Myers, 2018 | Amphipoda | Namibia |
Afriscrobs ampliorscapus Böhmer & Zettler, 2020 | Gastropoda | South Africa |
Polititapes parvovalis Zettler & Alf, 2021 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Bornia walvisensis Zettler & Hoffman, 2021 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Kurtiella namibiensis Zettler & Hoffman, 2021 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Scacchia aartseni Zettler & Hoffman, 2021 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Scacchia huberi Zettler & Hoffman, 2021 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Bithynia beloslavensis Glöer & Zettler, 2021 | Gastropoda | Bulgaria |
Bithynia corfuensis Glöer & Zettler, 2021 | Gastropoda | Greece |
Gyraulus messonghi Glöer & Zettler, 2021 | Gastropoda | Greece |
Pseudamnicola kavosensis Glöer & Zettler, 2021 | Gastropoda | Greece |
Pseudobithynia nigra Glöer & Zettler, 2021 | Gastropoda | Greece |
Nucula nama Zettler & Hoffman, 2022 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Nucula kunenensis Zettler & Hoffman, 2022 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Dautzenbergia concavipalma Zettler, Hendrycks & Freiwald, 2022 | Amphipoda | Angola |
Condylocardia damara Zettler & Hoffman, 2023 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Scopelocheirus sossi Zettler, Bastrop & Lowry, 2023 | Amphipoda | Namibia |
Amphitritides jirkovi Bick & Zettler, 2024 | Polychaeta | Namibia |
Amphitritides namibiensis Bick & Zettler, 2024 | Polychaeta | Namibia |
Amphitritides skeletonensis Bick & Zettler, 2024 | Polychaeta | Namibia |
Saxicavella trapezia Hoffman & Zettler, 2024 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Neolepton san Hoffman & Zettler, 2024 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Neolepton torraense Hoffman & Zettler, 2024 | Bivalvia | Namibia |
Ennucula ardleyana Zettler & Bick, 2025 | Bivalvia | Antarctica |
Amphipods of the Baltic Sea drainage system

Amphipoda of the Baltic Sea (marine and freshwater examples). A key book for marine and freshwater amphipods of the Baltic Sea drainage area.
see here: http://www.conchbooks.de/?t=53&u=41461
Bivalvia of the North and Baltic Seas

Identification guide of German marine bivalves of the North and Baltic Seas
see here: https://www.conchbooks.de/?t=53&u=49452
Macrozoobenthos off Namibia

Macrozoobenthos of oxygen minimum zones off Namibia (Amorim & Zettler 2023)