Dr. Manja Placke

Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
+49 381 5197 459
+49 381 5197 105
manj a.placke@io-warnemuende.de
- Central Data Manager of the DAM Research Mission "Marine Carbon Sinks in Decarbonization Pathways" (in short: "CDRmare") of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Coordination of the processes in the CDRmare Research Data Management
- Support and assurance of the FAIR handling of research data and the FAIR data publication
- Providing information on data management on the CDRmare website and via the internal CDRmare communication platform
- Close collaboration with
- the data managers of all consortia of CDRmare,
- the CDRmare Operative Management,
- the data managers of the funding line CDRterra and the DAM Research Missions sustainMare and mareXtreme,
- the DAM Core Area "Data management & digitalisation", and
- the data repository PANGAEA
- Participant in the NFDI4Earth User Support Network
- Responsibility for a uniform Data Policy for the Research Mission and a Template for Data Management Plans for common use in all consortia of the Research Mission
- Co-organization of IOW-internal workshops and information events on the topic of "Research Data Management" and "Data Science" as well as forwarding of offers for corresponding external, open events for the researchers
Previous activities at IOW:
- Assessment of ocean circulation models concerning hydrographic conditions, mean circulation, current velocities and volume transports of the entire Baltic Sea and through transects
- Comparison of model simulations with observations using validation datasets, mooring and ADCP measurements
- Investigation of the variability and sensitivity of the overturning circulation in the Baltic Sea
- Coordinated experiments aiming at an assessment of the performance of different regional climate models in the Baltic Sea within the Baltic Sea Model Intercomparison Project (BMIP; IOW-BMIP-website) with focus on hydrographic conditions, mean and overturning circulation, selected processes like salt water inflows, mixed layer depth, ice formation and upwelling events
- Analysis of ensemble simulations (nutrient loads and pools, hypoxic area)