Dr. Mirco Haseler
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock

Expertise: Development, test, and implementation of marine litter monitoring methods in the context of marine policy (MSFD); workshop organisation; collaboration with NGO’s and government authorities. Project collaboration and management in international and national projects (participating countries: Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt)
2021 PhD in Ecology and Environmental Sciences at Klaipeda University, Lithuania
2015 Master of Science – Water Management in Global Change at the Ostfalia University of Applied Science, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
2011 Bachelor of Engineering – Landscape Development at the University of Applied Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture
Scientific engagement
Member of the EU-MSFD Technical Group on Marine Litter
Member of the German National Working Group on Marine Litter (Facharbeitsgruppe Abfälle im Meer)