Arne Estelmann

Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
Research focus
I am involved in the development of refractive index-based sensors for oceanography. I have developed a surface plasmon resonance sensor for measuring dissolved methane. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a very sensitive method that has been used in pharmacy and biochemistry for some time, but is still rarely used in marine chemistry. In addition, modern variants of SPR have the potential to measure absolute salinity or density.
I am also interested in comparing the performance of different commercially available sensors for specific targets. Such intercomparisons are very valuable for the scientific community as they can help to select the best suited sensor for an application and may help to improve existing systems.
- seawater refractive index and absolute salinity anomaly
- refractive index sensors for oceanographic purposes
- Cryptophane A based sensors
- (submersible) methane sensors
- sensor intercomparison experiments

An SPR-based methane sensor. The methane sensitivity is achieved by Cryptophane-A-doped polymer membranes.