Sören Iwe

Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
Current project
NArrFix - Nitrogen Argon Measurements for the Quantification of Surface Water Nitrogen Fixation in the Baltic Sea (NArrFix ), DFG SCHM 2503/8-1 and SCHN 582/9-1
Nitrogen (N2) fixation by cyanobacteria is a common phenomenon in the Baltic Sea. It occurs in the absence of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (e.g. nitrate) during mid-summer. Different methodological approaches are used to quantify the fixation rates leading to considerable differences in the nitrogen fixation estimates. The huge range of the different estimates is a consequence of both the interannual variability of the N2 fixation and huge uncertainties associated with the different approaches (15N incubation; total N budget; pCO2 records; phosphate excess) for the quantification of the N2 fixation and with extrapolating the results from local studies to entire basins. Our approach is based on large-scale records of the surface water N2 depletion during a cyanobacteria bloom, complemented by Ar measurements to account for the air-sea N2 gas exchange. The N2 and Ar concentrations will be determined semi-continuously by means of mass spectrometric analysis of N2 and Ar in air equilibrated with surface water (GE-MIMS, Gas Equilibrium - Membrane-Inlet Mass Spectrometry). The measurement device will be attached to an established fully automated measurement system for the analysis of surface water trace gases (CO2, CH4, O2, N2O, CO) on a voluntary observation ship (VOS, “Finnmaid”). Through this the N2 and Ar concentration between the Mecklenburg Bight and the Gulf of Finland will be obtained with a temporal resolution of 2 – 3 days. Two intense measurement periods were conducted (2022 and 2023) in order to quantify the N2 fixation during the cyanobacteria high season from June to August. Through this we are aiming to identify the factors which trigger and possibly limit the cyanobacteria growth such as temperature, P availability and meteorological/hydrographic conditions. Concurrent records of the pCO2 by the existing measurement system will be used for independent estimations of the cyanobacteria biomass production and thus of the associated N2 fixation. Likewise, measurements of total N and total P will be available through cooperation with the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE, collaboration partner: Lumi Haraguchi and Jukka Seppälä) and facilitate nitrogen budget calculations for consistency tests with our direct N2 fixation measurements. To estimate the total N2 fixation, the rates obtained for the upper surface layer must be integrated over depth. This will be achieved by numerical modelling (GETM) of the mixed layer depth which will be defined by different criteria (collaboration partner: Ulf Gräwe). Extrapolation of the N2 fixation obtained along the Finnmaid route to entire basins is a more challenging task. In cooperation with the remote sensing group of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH, collaboration partner: Eefke van der Lee), we will make an attempt to use remote sensing data for an extrapolation procedure.