Dr. Fabian Wolf

Seestrasse 15
18119 Rostock, Germany
- Experimental stress ecology
- Experimental design and mesocosm systems
- Impact of extreme events and climate change on benthic species
- Analysis of long-term abiotic data sets
- Species community Ocean quahog (Arctica islandica)
- Blue Carbon
- Scientific Diver
Schematic representation of the different processes of the carbon budget of the Arctica islandica community, after Sea et al. (2022).
Course of Temperature of the surface water (1.8 m Waterdepth; based on a 22-year dataset: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.919186) of the Kiel Inner Fjord during the year 2018 (black line). The typical seasonality is shown by the grey solid line. The two dotted lines show the 90% (higher) and 10% (lower) percentile. Temperatures obe the seasonality, but below the 90% percentile are shown in orange. Temperatures below the seasonality, but above the 10% percentile are shown in light blue. Temperatures above the 90% percentile are shown in red and indicate exceptional warm periods that are potentially stressful for organisms. Temperatures below the 10% percentile are shown in darkblue and indicate exceptional cool periods. For more information see Wolf et al. 2022 (10.3389/fmars.2021.790241).