Technology Transfer
Technologies for marine environmental research
The main goal of IOW´s technology transfer is the implementation of research results in the form of products or processes and to provide a broader user group with new results, technologies and methods.
In this context it is the IOW´s aim to cooperate closely with commercial developers and suppliers. The institute strives for joint acquisition and using of soft money for technological developments and takes advantage of the direct feedback from industry during these research and development projects. For transparency and safeguarding good scientific practice in the course of transfer projects the IOW committed itself to "Guidelines for the treatment of intellectual property".
To make exploration and exploitation of new knowledge or knowhow even more efficient financial resources out of the project "Promotion of the professionality and the sustainability of an exploitation concept at the IOW" are used which are granted by the federal ministry of education.
Information about IOW's successful transfer projects

Since 2010 the IOW has been a member of the "German Association for Marine Technology" (GMT) which is a consortium of actors from maritime economy and marine sciences and aims at representing their interests towards public authorities. The GMT includes more than 100 members from all over Germany and is very helpful in establishing new contacts with maritime industry and finding new partners for future cooperation.