Since 1994 all relevant publications (currently 4724) of the staff of the institute are registered. All entries can be find under "Publication Lists", the newest three entries are:
- Dutz, J., M. L. Zettler, A. Kremp, C. Paul and S. Kube (2025). Biological assessment of the Baltic Sea 2023. Warnemünde: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte), doi: 10.12754/msr-2025-0129
- Burchard, H., K. Klingbeil, X. Lange, X. Li, M. Lorenz, P. MacCready and L. Reese (2025). The Relation between Exchange Flow and Diahaline Mixing in Estuaries. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 55: 243-256, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-24-0105.1
- Gebbe, R., K. Kesy, D. Hallier, A. Brauer, S. Bertilsson, M. Labrenz and M. M. Bengtsson (2025). Ecology of potentially pathogenic Vibrio spp. in a seagrass meadow ecosystem. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 91: 15-30, doi: 10.3354/ame02015
"Marine Science Reports" publishes monographs and data reports written by scientists of the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde and their coworkers. Volumes are published at irregular intervals und numbered consecutively. The content reflects only the opinion of the authors.
Click here to access all 129 volumes of the journal.
The current volume is
Nr. 129 (2025) Jörg Dutz, Michael L. Zettler, Anke Kremp, Carolin Paul, Sandra Kube
Biological assessment of the Baltic Sea 2023.