The following projects have recently been added. Parts of the information are available only in German.
AIR-MoPSy – Atmospheric Impact on the R-Mode Positioning System
Landesförderinstitut Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (LFI) (01.04.2025 - 31.03.2029) -
Post-Glacial Human Seascape with submerged Stone Age Megastructures hidden in the Western Baltic Sea?
Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (01.04.2025 - 31.03.2028) -
Euro-Argo ONE:
Euro-Argo ERIC scaling up for OneArgo Network Extension
EU - Horizon Europe 2021-2027 (01.01.2025 - 31.12.2027) -
Beyond submerged landscapes - defining human response to postglacial sea-level rise and climate change
EU - Horizon Europe 2021-2027 (01.10.2024 - 31.03.2030) -
FINO2 2024-2026:
Betrieb der FINO-Datenbank, ozeanographische Messungen auf den Plattformen FINO2 2024-2026
BSH - Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (01.12.2024 - 30.11.2026)