Prof. Dr. Markus Meier - CV
Scientific employments
1986-1989: Teaching contracts at the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Kiel
1989: Scientific employee at the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Kiel
1991-1996: Ph.D. student at the Department of Theoretical Oceanography, Institute of Marine Research, Kiel
1996-1997: Scientific employee at the Department of Theoretical Oceanography, Institute of Marine Research, Kiel
1997: Teaching contract, University of Kiel
1997-2006: Scientific employee at the Rossby Centre, SMHI, responsible for the development of a 3D coupled ice-ocean model for the Baltic Sea and for the Arctic Ocean, Nordic Seas, and North Atlantic Ocean
July 2006 - August 2015: Head of the Oceanographic Research Unit at the Research
Department at SMHI (scientifically and economically responsible for 16-19 scientists)
August 2006 - July 2012: 20% teaching and supervising as adjoint lecturer (“adjungerad lektor i meteorologi och oceanografi”) with affiliation at the Department of Meteorology at Stockholm University (MISU)
August 2012 - September 2015: 20% teaching and supervising as adjunct professor in oceanography with affiliation at the Department of Meteorology at Stockholm University (MISU)
since October 2015: 20% scientific employee at the Research Department, SMHI, project coordinator
since October 2015: Head of the Department of Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, and professor at Rostock University (4 hours per week teaching obligations)