
Prof. Dr. Gregor Rehder - Professional activities
- G. Jakobs, O. Schmale, M. Blumenberg, and G. Rehder: Indications for microbially mediated methane oxidation in the water column of the central Baltic Sea (Gotland Deep and Landsort Deep). 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Skt. Petersburg, Russia, August 22-26, 2011.
A. Löffler, B. Schneider, M. Pertillä, and G. Rehder: The Gulf of Bothnia – a sink or a source for CO2? 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Skt. Petersburg, Russia, August 22-26, 2011.
- G. Rehder, H. Fossing, L. Lapham; R. Endler, V. Spiess, V. Bruchert, T. Nguyen, W. Gülzow, J. Schneider von Deimling, D J. Conley, and B.B. Jørgensen: Methane fluxes and their controlling processes in the Baltic Sea (B41D-0328). AGU general assembly, San Francisco, U.S.A. Dec. 13-17, 2010.
- J. Schneider von Deimling, W. Weinrebe, D. Bürk, Z.Thot, R. Endler, H. Fossing, V. Spiess, and G. Rehder. Subbottom mapping of shallow gas using medium to low frequency multibeam sounders (OS12B-03). AGU general assembly, San Francisco, U.S.A. Dec. 13-17, 2010.
- Rehder, G. and the SO 196 shipboard scientific party: Where mother earth runs a lab for us - investigating carbon storage in the deep sea by looking at natural CO2 seepage in the Okinawa Trough hydrothermal system. 14th German-American Frontiers of Science symposium, Potsdam, June 11-14, 2008.
G. Rehder, S. Mau, P. Linke, and S. Stange: Isotopic constraints on methane sources and benthic turnover at Mound 12, western Costa Rican margin. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 13-17, 2004 (Abstract: Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS43B-0531, 2004.).
W. Brückmann, G. Rehder, C.Hensen, C. Müller, T. Mörz, S. Mau, and K. Schneider v. Deimling: Gas hydrate dissociation triggering mass wasting on the Costa Rica Continental Margin. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 13-17, 2004 (Abstract: Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS23B-1311, 2004.).
S. Mau, G. Rehder, E. Söding, H. Sahling, and E. Suess: Methane sources, its fate, and output from cold seeps in Jaco Scarp, an embayment caused by seamount subduction offshore Costa Rica. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 13-17, 2004 (Abstract: Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B43B-0148, 2004.).
G. Rehder, H. Steffen, and G. Gust: Towards the investigation of CO2 phase transition processes using advanced pressure lab technology. UNESCO/SCOR International Science Symposium “The Ocean in a High CO2 World”, Paris, May 10 – 12, 2004.
S. Mau, G. Rehder, H. Sahling, C. Hensen, P. Linke: The Emission of Methane from Mud Diapirs Offshore Nicaragua and Costa Rica. EGS-AGU-EUG 2003 Joint Assembly, Nice, April 6 – 10, 2003.
L. Stern, E.T. Peltzer, W.B. Durham, S.H. Kirby, S. Circone, P.G. Brewer, and G. Rehder: Dissolution of Hydrocarbon Gas Hydrates in Seawater at 1030 m; Effects of Porosity, Structure, and Compositional Variation as Determined by High-Definition Video and SEM Imaging. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 6 – 10, 2002(Abstract: Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS21B-0216, 2002).
G. Rehder, S.H. Kirby, W.B. Durham, P. G. Brewer, L. Stern, E.T. Peltzer, J. Pinkston: Dissolution Rates of Synthetic Methane Hydrate and Carbon Dioxide Hydrate in Undersaturated Seawater at 1,000m depth. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec.
B.B. Jorgensen and G.Rehder: Controls on methane cycling in the Baltic Sea, Goldschmidt 2013, Florence, Italy, August 25-30, 2013 (keynote, invited).
G.Rehder, V.Brüchert, D. Conley, T. Ferdelman, H. Fossing, W. Gülzow, J. B. Jensen, Z. Klusek, L. Lapham, N. Pimenov, P. A.G. Regnie, M. Schlüter, V. Spiess, and B. B. Jørgensen: Methane cycling in shallow sediments and the overlying water column of the Baltic Sea: A synopsis of the project BALTIC GAS (BONUS+), 7th Study Conference on BALTEX, Borgholm, Sweden, June 10-14, 2013 (invited).
G. Jakobs, G. Rehder, G. Jost, K. Kießlich, M. Labrenz, and O. Schmale: Microbial methane oxidation in the water column of the central Baltic Sea under differing hydrographic conditions: Gotland Deep vs. Landsort Deep, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, April 07-12, 2013.
G. Rehder:In situ experiments to investigate bubble propagation behavior, Pergamon Workshop “Bubble dissolution and hydroacoustic quantification,Kiel, January 08-09, 2013.
G. Rehder: Die Leistung der Sedimente in deutschen Küstenmeeren - Bewertung der Funktion mariner benthischer Systeme im Kontext menschlicher Nutzung Dienstleistungen der Ostsee. Workshop zu MSRL relevanten Forschung, Bund Länder Komission, Delmenhorst, Nov. 26-27, 2012.
P. Holterman, H. Burchard, G. Rehder, O.Schmale, T. Tanhua, L. Umlauf, and J. Waniek: The Baltic Sea Tracer Releaser Experiment: Mixing processes and mixing rates, PECS conference, Pace University, New York, Aug. 8-16, 2012.
- G. Rehder, L. Lapham, H. Fossing, W. Gülzow, J. Schneider von Deimling, R. Endler, V. Spiess, J.B. Jensen, V. Bruechert, T. Ferdelmann, O. Schmale, J. Virtasalo, D. Conley, T. Neumann, T. Leipe, S. Flury, Z. Toth, B. B. Jørgensen, and the MSM 16/1 shipboard scientific party: Shallow gas occurrences, methane fluxes and their controlling processes in the Baltic, 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Skt. Petersburg, Russia, Aug. 22-26, 2011.
- W. Gülzow, G. Rehder, J. Schneider v. Deimling, and T. Seifert: Seasonal and spatial distribution of methane in the surface water of the Baltic Sea. 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Skt. Petersburg, Russia, Aug. 22-26, 2011.
A. Falenty, W.F. Kuhs, M. Glockzin, and G. Rehder : P-T dependent degree of “Self-preservation” of CH4 and NG-HYDRATES in the context of offshore gas transport. 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2011), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 17-21, 2011.
- G. Rehder and J. Schneider von Deimling: Eine alte Geschichte - brandaktuell: Langzeit-Methanemission eines Offshore-Unfalls in der Nordsee, Warnemünder Abende, July 7, 2011.
G. Rehder, J. Schneider von Deimling, and P. Linke: Langzeit-Methanemission aus einem Blowout in der nordwestlichen Nordsee: 20 Jahre nach dem Unfall, 21. Meeresumeltsymposium, Hamburg, June 7-8, 2011.
- A. Falenty, W:F. Kuhs, M. Glockzin and G. Rehder. “Self-preservation” of CH4 clathrates in the context for offshore gas transport, 12th International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice, Sapporo, Japan, September 5-10, 2010.
W. Gülzow, G. Rehder, B. Schneider, J. Schneider v. Deimling, and B. Sadkowiak: Continuous measurement of methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in surface waters based on off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (B13E-02). AGU general assembly, San Francisco, U.S.A. Dec. 13-17, 2010.
- W. Gülzow, G. Rehder, B. Schneider, J. Schneider von Deimling, and B. Sadkowiak: A new method for continuous measurement of methane and carbon dioxide in surface waters of the Baltic Sea using off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS). Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12, EGU 2010-2913, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 2-7, 2010.
- Rehder, G.: Die Nutzung inerter chemischer Tracerverbindungen in der Meeresforschung am Beispiel der Ostsee, Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Stralsund, May 18th-20th, 2009.
- Rehder, G.: CO2 Lagerung in der Tiefsee: Nutzen, Risiken und Technologische Herausforderungen, Baltic Future International Fair, Rostock, 18.11.2008.
- Rehder, G., Boetius, A., deBeer, D., Häckel, M., Inagaki, F., Mertens, C., Nakamura, K.-i., Ratmeyer, V., Schneider, J., and Yanagawa, K.: Where mother earth runs a lab for us - investigating carbon storage in the deep sea by looking at natural CO2 seepage in the Okinawa Trough hydrothermal system (invited talk), 9th Intern. Conf. on Gas in Marine Sediments, Bremen, Sept. 15th-19th, 2008.
- Bigalke, N., Gust, G., Rehder, G.: Hydrodynamically constrained flux of in-situ generated methane hydrate dissolving into undersaturated seawater, 9th Intern. Conf. on Gas in Marine Sediments, Bremen, Sept. 15th-19th, 2008.
- Rehder, G., Leifer, I., and Bigalke, N.: Propagation of methane bubbles and carbon dioxide droplets through the water column under hydrate-forming conditions, 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrated (ICGH 2008), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Juli 6-10, 2008.
- Rehder, G. and. Schneider v. D., J.: Ein virtueller Gang entlang des Meeresbodens der Ostsee: Schwellen, Becken und wie sie die Ostsee beeinflussen, Warnemünder Abende, Warnemünde, 04.09.2008
- Schellig, F., Schmale, O., Niemann, H., Rehder, G.: Dispersion of biomarker in the AOM dominated upper sediment of Quepos slide offshore Costa Rica. 9th Intern. Conf. on Gas in Marine Sediments, Bremen, Sept. 15th-19th, 2008.
- Rehder, G.: Herausforderungen maritimer CO2 Sequestration an Meerestechnik und Schiffbau, Schiffbautechnisches Kolloquium der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, 18.01.2007.
- Rehder, G., Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D., Linke, P., Niemann, H., Schleicher, T., Wallmann, K.: Tectonically induced fluid flow into a nearly anoxic water column: Methane cycling at Quepos Slide, Costa Rican continental margin.
- Bigalke, N., Rehder, G. and Gust, G.: Experimental investigation of the behaviour of CO2 droplets rising in seawater under hydrate forming conditions, Goldschmidt Conference / Geochemical Society, Köln, 19.-24. August 2007.
- Bigalke, N., Gust, G., and Rehder, G.: Hydrate-covered methane bubbles rising in seawater: meeting hydrodynamic and thermodynamic challenges, The Oceans in the Earth System International Conference 2007 and 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung, Bremen, 1.-5. Oktober 2007.
- Rehder, G.: Methanhydrat - Vorkommen, Dynamik und Klimarelevanz, Tauwetter in der Arktis - Mögliche Folgen für das Klima in Europa? (Einladungsvortrag), Sonderkolloquium DECHEMA, Frankfurt, 22.02.2007.
- Rehder, G.: Expedition Tiefsee: Unterwsegs mit FS Meteor und Tauchroboter Quest zu den kalten Quellen am Kontinentalhang Mittelamerikas, Warnemünder Abende, Warnemünde, 6. August 2007.
- Rehder, G.: Expedition Tiefsee: Unterwsegs mit FS Meteor und Tauchroboter Quest zu den kalten Quellen am Kontinentalhang Mittelamerikas, Wissenschaftliche Vorträge im Meeresmuseum Stralsund, Stralsund, 15.10.2007.
- Rehder, G.: Gas Hydrates - an Introduction, 12th German-American Frontiers of Science Symposium, Potsdam, June 21-24th 2006 (invited talk)
G. Rehder, I. Leifer, P.G. Brewer, G. Friederich, and E.T. Peltzer: Physicochemical and hydrodynamical controls on methane bubble dissolution within the hydrate stability field. 35th Conference of the Underwater Mining Institute: Marine Minerals – Crossroads of Science, Engineering, and the Environment, Monterey, Nov. 1-6, 2005.
G. Rehder:Assessing the consequences of purposeful injection of CO2 into the ocean: Why we seek to improve our expertise for a scenario nobody really likes. Special lecture at the CARBOOCEAN Kick-Off meeting, Bergen, Feb. 2 – 4, 2005 (invited talk).
G. Rehder: Methanhydrat – Gashydrat in ferner Zukunft? Vertriebsleitertagung der Erdgas Südsachsen, Chemnitz, Nov. 11, 2004 (invited talk).
G. Rehder, I. Leifer, P.G. Brewer, G. Friederich, and E. T. Peltzer: Enhanced lifetime of deep oceanic methane bubbles. 7th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry, Freiberg, Sept. 22 – 26, 2003.
G. Rehder, K.U. Heeschen, R.S. Keir, O. Klatt, E. Suess: Methane in the Weddell Sea: Distribution, Isotopes and Sources. EGS-AGU-EUG 2003 Joint Assembly, Nice, April 6 – 10, 2003.
M. Drews, B. Holscher, G. Rehder, K. Wallmann, H. Steffen, and G. Gust: Simulating the Dissolution of Gas Hydrates at the Deep Sea Floor in a Pressure Chamber under Controlled P/T and Shear Stress Conditions. EGS-AGU-EUG 2003 Joint Assembly, Nice, April 6 – 10, 2003.
P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, G. Rehder, and R. Dunk: Advances in deep-ocean CO2 sequestration experiments. 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Kyoto, Oct. 1 - 4, 2002.
P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, and G. Rehder:Experiments on the Deep Ocean Disposal of Fossil Fuel CO2. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 10-14, 2001 (Abstract: Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U32B-05, 2001.)
G. Rehder: Experimental tests of mechanisms for rapid transfer of methane from the sea floor to the atmosphere. Gordon Conference on Chemical Oceanography, Tilton (NH), August 12 – 17, 2001 (invited talk).
G. Rehder, P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, and G. Friederich: Ocean CO2 sequestration: Mitigating future global warming by changing the deep-sea environment. TU Hamburg, Marine Technology Seminar, April 19, 2001.
G. Rehder, P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, G. Friederich, and C. Paull: On the fate of methane released from gas hydrates in the water column. GEOMAR Seminars, April 18, 2001.
G. Rehder, P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, G. Friederich, and C. Paull: Effects of gas hydrate on oceanic methane transport. EUG XI, Strasbourg, April 8 – 12, 2001.
G. Rehder, P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, and G. Friederich: Monitoring CO2 droplets and bubbles under in situ conditions using ROV technology. Direct ocean sequestration experts workshop, Moss Landing, Feb. 27 – March 1, 2001 (invited talk).
P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, G. Friederich, and G. Rehder: Progress in direct experiments on the ocean disposal of fossil fuel CO2. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 15 – 19, 2000 (Abstract: Eos Trans AGU, 81(48), Fall Meeting Suppl., B11D-07).
P.G. Brewer, C. Paull, E.T. Peltzer, W. Ussler, G. Rehder, and G. Friederich: Experimental evidence for the rapid transfer of gas hydrates from the sea floor to the ocean surface. Summit 2000, Geological Soc. Am. Ann. Meeting, Reno, Nov. 13 – 16, 2000.
E.T. Peltzer, P.G. Brewer, G. Friederich, G. Rehder: Direct observations of the fate of oceanic carbon dioxide release at 800m. 220th ACS National Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 20 – 24, 2000 (Ext. Abstract: Division of Fuel Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Reprints of Symposia, 45 (4), 794-798).
R.S. Keir, G. Rehder, and H. Erlenkeuser: Effects of the natural carbon system and anthropogenic CO2 on the distribution of stable isotopes near the northeast Atlantic margin. OMEX II – II Final Workshop in conjunction with the 32nd International Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics “Exchange Processes at the Ocean Margin”, Liège, May 8 – 13, 2000.
G. Rehder, R.S. Keir, M. Rhein, and E. Suess: Transient tracer-like distribution of CH4 in the North Atlantic: The influence of atmospheric history. Scientific symposium for the GEOMAR advisory board meeting, GEOMAR, Kiel, Oct. 2, 1998.
G. Rehder: On the role of CO2 in climate and global change (German), invited talk for the advisory board of theTHUEGA energy holding company, Bad Reichenhall, Sept. 23, 1998.
G. Rehder, R.S. Keir, M. Rhein, and E. Suess: Transient tracer-like distribution of CH4 in the North Atlantic: The influence of atmospheric history. MBARI seminar series, Monterey, Sept. 9, 1998.
G. Rehder and R.S. Keir: Methane in the northern North Atlantic. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, Feb. 9 - 13, 1998 (Abstract: Eos Trans AGU, 79(1), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl., OS22L-2).
G. Rehder, R.S.Keir, S.E. Larsen, and M. Frankignouille: Air-sea Fluxes of CO2 in the Northeastern Atlantic. 1st OMEX II - Phase I workshop, Plymouth, United Kingdom, Jan. 5 - 8, 1997.
G. Rehder, E. Suess,and I. Bussmann: Investigation of methane in the Baltic and North Seas (German), IGBP Workshop on Trace Gases, Geesthacht, Nov. 3 - 14, 1996.
R.S. Keir, G. Rehder, E. Suess, and H. Erlenkeuser: Penetration of the increasing atmospheric CO2 and CH4 into Northeast Atlantic margin waters. OMEX I final workshop, Brussels, May 20 - 22, 1996.
G. Rehder and R.S. Keir: Tracing methane across the North Sea, OMEX I 2nd annual workshop, Knokke, Feb. 22 - 24, 1995.
period | vessel / cruise | area | project / topics |
1993/94 | METEOR M 27/2 | western European Margin | OMEX, Ocean margin exchange processes |
1994 | ALKOR 66/2 | North Sea | Distribution and air-sea exchange of CH4 |
1994 | SONNE SO97/1-3 | Alaska, Alaska-Japan, Japan-Singapore | Cold vent geochemistry, CH4 and CO2 air-sea exchange |
1995 | BELGICA 95/6 | western European Margin | OMEX, Ocean margin exchange processes |
1995 | POSEIDON 211 | N-Atlantic | Surface water CH4/CO2 and air-sea exchange |
1997 | METEOR M 39/2 | N-Atlantic | Physical and chemical oceanography |
1997 | METEOR M 39/4 | N-Atlantic | Physical and chemical oceanography |
1997/98 | POLARSTERN ANT XV/2 | Antarctica | Geochemical and geophysical investigation of tectonic processes |
1998 | RON BROWN-ROPOS Tecflux 98 | Cascadia | Geochemical observations at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin |
1998/99 | METEOR M 43/2 | Iberian Margin | OMEX, Ocean margin exchange processes |
1999 | SONNE SO143/1b | Cascadia | TECFLUX, Geochemical investigations at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia |
2000 | WESTERN FLYER/TIBURON | Monterey Bay Canyon | CO2 hydrate formation and hydrate/liquid CO2 dissolution experiments |
2000 | WESTERN FLYER/TIBURON | Monterey Bay Canyon and Point Lopez Pockmark Field | Investigation of old Pockmark structures and sediment/water column geochemistry |
2000 | WESTERN FLYER/TIBURON | Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia | Behavior of natural gas and natural hydrates in the water column, transport and dissolution mechanisms |
2001 | WESTERN FLYER/TIBURON | Monterey Bay Canyon | CO2-hydrate formation and lifetime experiments and biological response to CO2 sequestration |
2002 | SONNE SO163/2 | W-Coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua | SUBDUCTION, SFB 574, water column survey |
2002 | METEOR M 54/3ab | W-Coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua | SFB 574, water column survey and geochemistry |
2003 | SONNE SO173/2 |
W-Coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua |
SUBDUCTION II, SFB 574, water column survey and geochemistry |
2004 | SONNE SO177/1 | South China Sea | SIGER, water column survey and geochemistry related to gas seepage |
2005 | METEOR 66/2ab | W-Coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua | SUBFLUX, SFB 574, Investigation of forearc dewatering processes using ROV technology (Quest), Chief Scientist |
2007 | POSEIDON | Central Gotland Sea | BATRE, Tracing of SF5CF3 and vertical mixing properties as part of tracer release experiment |
2008 | ALKOR | Central Gotland Sea | BATRE, Tracing of SF5CF3 and vertical mixing properties as part of tracer release experiment |
2008 | SONNE, SO196 | Okinawa Trough | SUMSUN, Investigation of liquid CO2 emission and high CO2-sediment interaction using ROV technology (Quest), Chief Scientist |
2009 | POSEIDON, POS392 | Baltic Sea | BALTIC GAS, Methane Cycle in the Baltic Sea |
2010 | MARIA S. MERIAN, MSM 16/1 | Baltic Sea | BALTIC GAS, Methane Cycle in the Baltic Sea |
2012 | METEOR MSM 87/1 | Baltic Sea | SUMMIX, Factors controlling the summer cyanobacerial bloom in the Baltic Sea |