- MeNARP: Metabolism of Nitrogen in the Amazon River Plume and WTNA
DFG (01.11.2020 - 31.10.2023). Position: PI
- BluEs_Estuaries
BMBF FONA (01.11.2020 - 31.10.2023), Position: PI
- Collaborative Research: Impact of the Amazon River Plume on nitrogen availability and planktonic food web dynamics in the Western Tropical North Atlantic (WTNA)
NSF (01.05.2018-31.02.2020). Position: Co-PI
Zooplankton assoziierte Methanproduktion (ZooM)
ZET Change: Zooplankton Energy Turnover in a Changing Environment
DFG (01.03.2014-31.10.2017) -
Transfer von fixiertem Stickstoff im pelagischen Nahrungsgefüge: die Rolle essentieller und nicht-essentieller Aminosäuren
DAAD (01.10.2010-31.10.2010) -
FONIP: Fate of nitrogen in plankton
DFG (01.02.2009-31.07.2009) -
Pelagic Processes and Biogeochemical Fluxes in the South China Sea off Southern Central Vietnam
DFG (01.01.2003-31.12.2005)
From 12.04.-31.05.21, members of our group and an interdisciplinary international team from Germany, Switzerland and the USA are investigating the river plume and the food web in the western tropical North Atlantic on the Meteor cruise M174 in the project MeNARP (Metabolism of N in the Amazon River Plume and Tropical North Atlantic) funded by the German Research Foundation.
Follow the blog to the cruise M174 here.