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Matthias Labrenz - Projects

Ongoing projects

OTC-Genomics (Koordinator, PI)
OTC Rostock: Innovative analytical methods for environmental monitoring of aquatic habitats based on nucleic acid sequencing (BMBF)
EU Projekt BaltVib (Koordinator, PI)
Pathogenic Vibrio bacteria in the current and future Baltic Sea waters: mitigating the problem (EU programme BiodivERsA)
The function of interactions between the Pacific oyster and its microbiota in relation to oyster performance in extreme habitats (DFG)


Finished projects

P-Campus sub-projekt: Habitats and Diversity of Potentially Pathogenic Vibrions at the Baltic Sea Coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Vibrions before M-V)
Leibniz Association (2019-2023)

BONUS MICROPOLL: Multilevel assessment of microplastics and associated pollutants in the Baltic Sea
BONUS (2017-2020)

MicroCatch_Balt: One System: Analysing Microplastics Sinks and Sources from a typical Catchment area to the open Baltic
BMBF (2017-2020) PI

PLASTRAT: Strategies for the reduction of urban plastic emissions into limnic systems
BMBF (2017-2020)

Environmental change affecting COastal ecosystems of tropical China during the Anthropocene: Landward vs. OCeanic influence
BMBF (2015-2018) PI

BONUS BLUEPRINT: Biological lenses using gene prints
BONUS (2014-2018) WP leader

BONUS AFISmon: Development of an autonomous multisampler system for the monitoring of biogeochemical processes
BONUS (2014-2017) PI

Vibrio-MV: Habitats and Diversity of Potentially Pathogenic Vibrions at the Baltic Sea Coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Vibrions before M-V)
Forschungsstiftung Ostsee (2015-2017)

INA: Development of innovative instruments for the implementation of autonomus systems used for the analysis of microbial activities in pelagic aquatic habitats
BMBF (2014-2017) PI

MicroFUN: Bacterial diversity and function within the salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea
DFG (2012-2015) Co-PI

Bioacid II: Responses and adaptations of heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic prokaryotic key players to a high CO2 world
BMBF (2012-2015) Co-PI

MikrOMIK: The role of microplastics as vector for microbial populations in the ecosystem of the Baltic Sea
Leibniz Association SAW/PAKT Program (2014-2017) PI


MIMAS: The role of microorganisms in the marine nutrient cycle
BMBF (2008-2011) Co-PI

CHEMOII: Distribution and activity of chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms in Baltic pelagic redoxclines
DFG (2008-2010) PI

REAL: RNA - Expression of microbial aquatic communities

Leibniz Association SAW/PAKT Program (2008-2010) Project coordinator


CHEMO: Distribution and activity of chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms in Baltic pelagic redoxclines

DFG (2006-2008) PI


Abundance and distribution of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the central Baltic Sea

DFG (2006) PI