Juliana Socrate - Publications
- 2024
- Socrate, J., E. Verón and G. García (2024). Contributions to the planning of argentine maritime spaces: The Northern Patagonian socioecological system as a case study. Mar. Policy 168: 106322, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106322
- Socrate, J., E. Verón and M. Chaparro (2024). Public perception of offshore hydrocarbon activities in the North Argentine Basin: a study in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. J. Coast. Conserv. 28: 77, doi: 10.1007/s11852-024-01078-7 –open access–
- Echeverría, L; Veron, E; Medina, M; Socrate, J; Sanchez, M. V; García, Mónica; Fernandez, Melisa; Brum, William Pérez; Camiolo, Martina; Vallvé, Elena; Jaureguizar, Andres; Caporale, Marcela; Machain, Tiago. (2022). Sea-Land Interaction Analysis As A Basis For Coastal Zone Management: A Comparative Study Between Argentina And Uruguay. Geographic Journal of Chile Terra Australis, 58, doi: 10.23854/07199562.2022581.Echeverria22
- Bocero, S.; Socrate, J. (2022). The kiwi territories in the southeast of the Buenos Aires Province (Argentina): expansion and productive reconfiguration. Cardinalis Journal, Año X. Nº 19- 2º semestre https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/cardi/article/view/40021/40331
- Verón, E.; Socrate, J.; García, M. (2022). Participatory Process for Marine Spatial Planning: Perception of Mar del Plata´s residents on offshore hydrocarbon exploration in the North Argentina Basin (Argentina). J Coast Conserv 26, 51, doi: 10.1007/s11852-022-00896-x
- Socrate, J.; Verón, E. (2022). Analysis of uses and activities in the Argentine Sea. Bases for a Marine Spatial Planning in the North Argentina Basin. Mar. Pol, 139: 105014. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105014
- Montenegro, M.; Burla, J. M.; Socrate, J.; Suarez, A. (2021). Flood risk map for the northern sector of the urban area of the city of Mar de Plata. Digital Geographical Journal, of the Institute of Geography of the UNNE, 18(36). http://dx.doi.org/10.30972/geo.18364592
- Socrate, J.; Policastro, G.; Ruiz, F. (2021). Uses and conflicts in the coastal-urban tourist strip of La Perla, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires. Geographical Paragraphs Journal, 20(01) 94-117. http://www.revistas.unp.edu.ar/index.php/parrafosgeograficos/article/view/222/199