Coastal Ocean Processes (winter term)
Shallow water equations, boundary layer flows, estuarine circulation, Knuden relations and mixing in estuaries, Total Exchange Flow, entrainment, dense bottom currents, mixed layer dynamics, shallow-water waves
Ocean Modelling (summer term)
Consistency, stability and convergence of numerical methods,discretization methods in time for ordinary differential equations,shallow water equations, shifted grids, implicite and semi-implicite methods for models with free surface, construction principles for numerical ocean models, positive-definite advection methods
The lectures are described in the module handbook.
Check here for the locations and schedule of the lectures.
Ph.D. thesis supervision:
- Richard Hofmeister, Numerical and diagnostic techniques for modelling stratified coastal seas, University of Rostock, defended in February 2011. [pdf].
- Hannes Rennau, Natural, numerical and structure-induced mixing in dense gravity currents: idealised and realistic model studies, University of Rostock, defended in May 2011. [pdf].
- Knut Klingbeil, Approaches for the improvement of physical transport processes in numerical models of the coastal ocean, University of Rostock, defended in February 2014 [pdf]
- Johannes Becherer, Estuarine Circulation in well-mixed tidal inlets, University of Rostock, defended in July 2014 [pdf]
- Elisabeth Schulz, Residual circulation in tidally energetic estuaries: contributions and dependencies, University of Rostock, defended in December 2014 [pdf]
- Mahdi Mohammadi-Aragh, Impact of physically relevant and numerically induced diapycnal mixing and meso-scale dissipation on meridional mass and tracer transports in the Southern Ocean, University of Hamburg, defended in December 2014. [pdf]
- Kaveh Purkiani,Numerical analysis of stratification and destratificaion processes in tidally energetic inlets, University of Rostock, defended in April 2015. [pdf]
- Xaver Lange, The impact of wind forcing on estuarine circulation, University of Rostock, defended in May 2019. [pdf]
- Evridiki Chrysagi, Submesoscale processes in the Baltic Sea, University of Rostock, to be defended in January 2021. [pdf]
- Marvin Lorenz, Influences of surface buyancy fluxes on circulation and mixing in estuaries, University of Rostock, to be defended in January 2021. [pdf]
Diploma / Master thesis supervision:
- Alger Werft, Surface wave modelling in the Wadden Sea, Carl von Ossietzki Universität Oldenburg, submitted in Feb. 2003. [pdf].
- Frank Wolk, Three-dimensional Lagrangian Tracer modelling in Wadden Sea areas, Carl von Ossietzki Universität Oldenburg, submitted in Feb. 2003. [pdf].
- Hannes Rennau, A two-layer model for simulating Baltic Sea inflows, University of Rostock, submitted in March 2006. [pdf].
- Richard Hofmeister, Model studies on stratification in the Limfjord, University of Rostock, submitted in June 2006. [pdf]
- Peter Holtermann, Reconstruction of the hydrodynamics in a tropical estuary, University of Rostock, submitted August 2007. [pdf]
- Mathias Ahrenberg, Skalenabschätzung von Transporten in der Westlichen Ostsee, University of Rostock, submitted November 2007. [pdf ]
- Bianca Schippmann, Comparison of Rosenbrock methods with Modified Patankar schemes used in biogeochemical modelling, University of Rostock, submitted December 2008. [pdf]
- Elisabeth Fischer, Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in the Rhine Region of Freshwater Influence, University of Rostock, submitted December 2008. [pdf ]
- Knut Klingbeil, Testing the feasibility of an alternative approach for the inclusion of non-hydrostatic dynamics into the General Estuarine Transport Model, University of Rostock, submitted May 2009. [pdf]
- Artur Szewczyk, Observations of the medium-intensity inflow into the Baltic Proper in November 2005 and comparison with the model data, University of Rostock, submitted November 2009. [pdf]
- Anja Bachmann, Auswertungen von Feldmessungen und Computersimulationen zur Bestimmung des Strömungswiderstandes im Fehmarnbelt, University of Rostock, submitted August 2010. [pdf]
- Lennart Schüler, A one-dimensional model for deep-water dependencies in the Baltic Sea, University of Rostock, submitted June 2012. [pdf]
- Felix Buck, Modeling the Ice Pump under Antarctic ice shelves, University of Rostock, submitted June 2014. [pdf]
- Xaver Lange, Numerical simulations of estuarine circulation in a non-tidal estuary, University of Rostock, submitted October 2015. [pdf]
- Marvin Lorenz, Numerical study of the overturning circulation in the Persian Gulf, University of Rostock, submitted September 2017. [pdf]
- Nicky Koganti, Quantification of mixing in a numerical model of an estuary, Univeristy of Rostock, submitted June 2020. [pdf]
The theses are given in the "Portable Document Format" (.pdf) which may be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader.