Curriculum Vitae
[download detailed CV here]
2001 Habilitation in Physical Oceanography at the University of Hamburg on Applied Turbulence Modelling in Marine Waters
1992-1995 PhD Student at the Institute for Oceanography at the University of Hamburg, PhD thesis on Turbulenzmodellierung mit Anwendungen auf thermische Deckschichten im Meer und Strömungen in Wattengebieten. Passed with distinction (summa cum laude), awarded as best dissertation in 1995 at the Geophysical Faculty of the University of Hamburg.
1989-1992 University study (Master) of Applied Mathematics at the University of Hamburg
1985-1987 Training as high school teacher at the Seminar Elmshorn
1978-1984 University Study (Staatsexamen) of Mathematics and Sport for high school teachers at the University of Kiel
1978 Abitur (high school exam), Gynmasium Kaltenkirchen
2002-present Professor for Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation at the University of Rostock, Germany; Deputy Head of the Department of Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde
2000-2001 Researcher at the Institute for Oceanography, Hamburg
1999-2000 Visiting Scientist, grant holder of the German Research Foundation, Institute for Oceanography, University of Hamburg
1996-1998 Researcher at the Space Applications Institute, Joint Research Centre of the European Communities, Ispra, Italy.
1995-1996 Research Assistant at the International Centre for Computational Hydrodynamics, Danish Hydraulic Institute, Hørsholm, Denmark.
1992-1995 PhD Student at the Institute for Oceanography at the University of Hamburg,
1987-1989 Teacher for Mathematics and Sports at the Gymnasium Büsum