Florian Börgel - CV
Awards and relevant positions
- Member of the ‘Pool of Experts’ for the third World Ocean Assessment (WOA III) by the United Nations.
- Working group member 'Data Analysis' in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), application through 'Fresh Eyes on CMIP', an early career working group of CMIP7.
- Co–Speaker, Baltic Earth Working Group, the international working group focuses on the impact of the North Atlantic on the Baltic Sea (see https://baltic.earth/working\_groups/teleconnections/)
- Outstanding Early Career Scientist award Ocean Science Division (2023), European Geosciences Union, https://www.egu.eu/awards–medals/
- IOW appointee for the Deutsches Klima–Konsortium (DKK) The Deutsches Klima–Konsortium (DKK) represents the leading players of German climate and climate impact research.
- Fulbright Scholarship Full scholarship to study in the United States for one year (not attended for personal reasons)
- 2020 Dr. rer. nat, Physical (computational) Oceanography, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde,
- Thesis: Long-term climate variability of the Baltic Sea
- 2017 Master of Science in Engineering Physics (University of Oldenburg)
- Masterthesis: The Impact of Sea Ice on Baltic Inflows
- 2014 Bachelor of Engineering (University of Applied Sciences Münster)
- 2010 Abitur (A-level) (Münster)
- Since 2021 tenure-track researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde
- August 2019 - October 2020 Parental Leave - my son Leo was born
- 2017-2020 Ph.D. student in Physical (computational) Oceanography (Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde)
- 2016-2017 Research assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW)
- 2015-2016 Research assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM)
- 2014-2015 Assistant EWE Baskets Oldenburg
Find my full academic CV here.