Newcastle University, UK 2017
PhD in Marine Biogeochemistry
- Surfactants and Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in the Atlantic Ocean surface microlayer and the corresponding underlying waters; implication for air-sea gas exchange
University of Glasgow, UK 2011
MRes in Marine and Freshwater Ecology and Environmental Management
Azad University, Tehran, Iran
MSc in Marine Biology
- The possibility of biological surfactant production by single-cell algae Chlorella
Azad University, Tehran, Iran
BSc in Natural and Environmental Sciences
Work Experience
Newcastle University, UK 2018
- Course leader and demonstrator, outreach programme (Summer School)
- Graduate Teaching Assistant (Postgraduate Demonstrator)
University of Glasgow, UK 2008 - 2013
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
Azad University, Tehran, Iran
- Research Assistant
Awards and Honours
- The achievement of our latest research was broadcasted in Guardian, Times of Malta and Herald Scotland (2018); https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/28/invisible-scum-on-sea-cuts-co2-exchange-with-air-by-up-to-50, https://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20180528/life-features/scum-hampers-seas-ability-to-suck-carbon-dioxide-out-of-atmosphere.680270, http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/16254338.Layer_of_ocean___39_scum__39__cuts_carbon_uptake_by_50_per_cent__study_shows/
- Best Published Paper (Geophysical Research Letters, 44(6), pp. 2852-2858) by a Research Student Prize, Newcastle University, 2017.
- Award for the best project presentation, Newcastle University, July-2017.
- Best Presentation (Honorary), Postgraduate Research Conference, Newcastle University, 2016.
- Full PhD Scholarship, Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), Newcastle University, 2013.
- Associate Member of British Higher Education Academy, UK, 2011.
- The Benguela Upwelling System under Climate Change- Effects of variability in physical forcing on carbon and oxygen budgets (EVAR)- Seasonal fluxes of trace gases and their governing physical and microbial controls
- Radiatively Active Gases from the North Atlantic Region and Climate Change (RAGNARoCC), http://www.greenhouse-gases.org.uk/projects/ragnarocc, 2014-2017.
- Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT), http://www.amt-uk.org/, 2014-2015.
- Challenger Society for Marine Science, UK.
- American Association for the Advancement of Science