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Jahangir Vajedsamiei - Talks and Posters


Vajedsamiei J, Niklas Warlo, Melzner F (2023) Prediction of heatwave selection pressure on ectotherm populations. ASLO 2023, Palma Mallorca, Spain. Oral presentation.

Vajedsamiei J, Melzner F, Wahl M, Raatz M, Pansch C (2021) Ectotherm performance under fluctuating thermal stress regimes: the role of metabolic suppression and baseline demand. SEB annual conference. Oral presentation.

Vajedsamiei J, Melzner F, Wahl W, Pansch C (2019) Diurnal temperature cycles in a warming ocean reveal surprising insights on mussel physiology. SEB annual conference, Seville. Poster presentation.