Wolfgang Fennel - Publikationen
- 2015
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2015). Introduction to the modelling of marine ecosystems. Amsterdam: Elsevier. X, 331 S., 978-0-444-63363-7
- 2013
- Radtke, H., T. Neumann and W. Fennel (2013). A Eulerian nutrient to fish model of the Baltic Sea - a feasibility-study. J. mar. syst. 125: 61-76, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.07.010
- 2012
- Fennel, W., T. Junker, M. Schmidt and V. Mohrholz (2012). Response of the Benguela upwelling systems to spatial variations in the wind stress. Cont. shelf res. 45: 65-77, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.06.004
- Radtke, H., T. Neumann, M. Voss and W. Fennel (2012). Modeling pathways of riverine nitrogen and phosphorus in the Baltic Sea. J. geophys. res. 117: C09024, doi:10.1029/2012jc008119
- 2010
- Fennel, W. (2010). A nutrient to fish model for the example of the Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 81: 184-195, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.12.007
- Fennel, W., H. Radtke, M. Schmidt and T. Neumann (2010). Transient upwelling in the central Baltic Sea. Cont. shelf res. 30: 2015-2026, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2010.10.002
- 2009
- Fennel, W. (2009). Parameterizations of truncated food web models from the perspective of an end-to-end model approach. J. mar. syst. 76: 171-185, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.05.005
- Seifert, T., W. Fennel and C. Kuhrts (2009). High resolution model studies of transport of sedimentary material in the south-western Baltic. J. mar. syst. 75: 382-396
- Volkman, J., S. Bainbridge, A. Dickson, C. Read, D. Gilbert, F. Chavez, H. Biswas, K. Fennel, K. Kryc, P. Taylor, R. D. Prien, R. Marinelli, S. Kröger and T. Siano (2009). Report of the Ocean Acidification and Oxygen Working Group. Proceedings of the SCOR Biological Observatories Workshop, Venice, September 2009
- 2008
- Fennel, W. (2008). Towards bridging biogeochemical and fish production models. J. mar. syst. 71: 171-194
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2008). Modelling coastal dynamics and harmful algal blooms in the Baltic Sea. In: Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms : theory, instrumentation and modelling. Ed. by M. Babin, C. S. Roesler and J. J. Cullen. Paris: UNESCO Publishing (Oceanographic methodology series): 627-661
- Fennel, W. and T. Seifert (2008). Oceanographic processes in the Baltic Sea. Die Küste 74: 77-91
- Fennel, W., D. Gilbert and J. Su (2008). Physical processes in semi-enclosed marine systems. In: Watersheds, bays, and bounded seas : the science and management of semi-enclosed marine systems. Ed. by E. R. Urban, B. Sundby, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and J. M. Melillo. Washington: Island Press (Scope ; 70): 97-114
- Kroeze, C., J. Middelburg, R. Leemans, E. Escobar- Briones, W. Fennel, M. Glaser, A. Harashima, K.-K. Liu and M. Meybeck (2008). Integrating tools to assess changes in semi-enclosed marine systems. In: Watersheds, bays, and bounded seas : the science and management of semi-enclosed marine systems. Ed. by E. R. Urban, B. Sundby, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and J. M. Melillo. Washington: Island Press (Scope ; 70): 77-96
- Moss, B., W. Fennel, C. Namasivayam, D. Rosbjerg, S. Seitzinger, P. Snoeijs and J. Stegemann (2008). Water research in Finland 2002 – 2006 : international evaluation. Helsinki: Academy of Finland. 92 S. (Publications of the Academy of Finland; 1/08)
- Schmidt, M., W. Fennel, T. Neumann and T. Seifert (2008). Description of the Baltic Sea with numerical models. In: State and evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952 – 2005. Ed. by R. Feistel, G. Nausch and N. Wasmund. Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience: 583-624
- 2007
- Bodungen, v., B., M. E. Böttcher, H.-J. Brumsack, H. Burchard, F. Colijn, S. Dick, R. Ebinghaus, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, B. Flemming, G. Gönnert, G. Graf, D. Hebbeln, H. Kremer, S. Krüger, et al. (2007). Changing coastal seas - challenges for coastal and shelf sea research in Germany. Berlin: Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung (KDM). 26 S. S. (KDM-Denkschrift)
- Bodungen, v., B., M. E. Böttcher, H.-J. Brumsack, H. Burchard, F. Colijn, S. Dick, R. Ebinghaus, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, B. Flemming, G. Gönnert, G. Graf, D. Hebbeln, H. Kremer, S. Krüger, et al. (2007). Küstenmeere im Wandel. Berlin: Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung (KDM). 26 S. S. (KDM-Denkschrift)
- Fennel, W. and H. U. Lass (2007). On the impact of wind curls on coastal currents. J. mar. syst. 68: 128 - 142
- Kremp, C., T. Seifert, V. Mohrholz and W. Fennel (2007). The oxygen dynamics during Baltic inflow events in 2001 to 2003 and the effect of different meteorological forcing - a model study. J. mar. syst. 67: 13-30
- 2006
- Kuhrts, C., T. Seifert and W. Fennel (2006). Modeling transport of fluff layer material in the Baltic sea. Hydrobiologia 554: 25-30
- Neumann, T. and W. Fennel (2006). A method to represent seasonal vertical migration of zooplankton in 3D-Eulerian models. Ocean model. 12: 188-204
- 2005
- Bobertz, B., C. Kuhrts, J. Harff, W. Fennel, T. Seifert and B. Bohling (2005). Sediment properties in the Western Baltic Sea for the use in sediment transport modelling. J. coast. res. 21: 588-597
- Fennel, W. and T. Osborn (2005). A unifying framework for marine ecological model comparison. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 52: 1344-1357
- 2004
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2004). Introduction to the modelling of marine ecosystems. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 297 S. (Elsevier Oceanography Series ; 72)
- Kuhrts, C., W. Fennel and T. Seifert (2004). Model studies of transport of sedimentary material in the western Baltic. J. mar. syst. 52: 167-190
- Manasrah, R., M. Badran, H. U. Lass and W. Fennel (2004). Circulation and winter deep-water formation in the Red Sea. Oceanologia 46: 5-23
- 2003
- Dippner, J. W., T. Blanz, S. Brückner, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, F. Janssen, A. Mackensen, T. Neumann, A. Pfizenmayer, M. Schmidt, T. Seifert and E. Zorita (2003). Integrated Baltic Sea Environmental Study (IBSEN) : analysis and simulation of hydrological and ecological variability in the last 1000 years (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 2
- Dippner, J. W., T. Blanz, S. Brückner, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, F. Janssen, A. Mackensen, T. Neumann, A. Pfizenmayer, M. Schmidt, T. Seifert, H. v. Storch and E. Zorita (2003). Integrated Baltic Sea Environmental Study (IBSEN) : analysis and simulation of hydrological and ecological variability in the last 1000 years. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 151-154
- Fennel, W. (2003). Einleitende Bemerkungen. In: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Matthäus. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 54): 5-6
- Fennel, W. (2003). Theory of marine ecosystems. ICES Council Meeting, Tallinn, 2003 (CD): paper P:02
- Fennel, W. (2003). Three dimensional ecosystem modelling with stage resolving description of zooplankton. In: Workshop on ecosystem modelling of Faroese waters, Tórshavn 24 - 26 September 2002. Tórshavn: Faroese Fisheries Laboratory: 61-63
- Fennel, W. (2003). Waves in the ocean. In: Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS) : http://www.eolss.net/. Oxford: EOLSS Publ.: Article
- Fennel, W. and B. Hentzsch, Eds. (2003). Festschrift zum 65.Geburtstag von Wolfgang Matthäus. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 80 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 54)
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2003). Variability of copepods as seen in a coupled physical-biological model of the Baltic Sea. ICES mar. sci. symp. 219: 208-219
- Kremp, C., T. Neumann and W. Fennel (2003). Modelling of zooplankton as prey field for fish larvae (poster abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 168
- Kuhrts, C., W. Fennel and T. Seifert (2003). Modelling transport and sedimentation of fine material (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 73
- 2002
- Fennel, W. (2002). Modellierung mariner Ökosysteme am Beispiel der Ostsee. In: Simulationstechnik : 16. Symposium ; Tagungsband / ASIM 2002, Rostock, 10.09. bis 13.09.2002. Ed. by D. Tavangarian. Erlangen [u.a.]: SCS Publ. House, (Frontiers in simulation ; FS 12): 14-31
- Neumann, T., W. Fennel and C. Kremp (2002). Experimental simulations with an ecosystem model of the Baltic Sea: a nutrient load reduction experiment. Glob. biogeochem. cycles 16(3): DOI 10.1029/2001GB001450 (7,1-19)
- 2001
- Fennel, K. (2001). The generation of phytoplankton patchiness by mesoscale current patterns. Ocean dyn. 52: 58-70
- Fennel, W. (2001). Modeling of copepods with links to circulation models. J. plankton res. 23: 1217-1232
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2001). Coupling biology and oceanography in models. Ambio 30: 232-236
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2001). Stage resolving description of copepods in a Baltic Sea model (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001 : past, present and future - a joint venture ; abstract volume. Stockholm: Stockholm Marine Research Centre, Stockholm Univ.: 187
- 2000
- Humborg, C., K. Fennel, M. Pastuszak and W. Fennel (2000). A box model approach for a long-term assessment of estuarine eutrophication, Szczecin Lagoon, southern Baltic. J. mar. syst., spec. issue 25(3/4): 387-403
- Humborg, C., K. Fennel, M. Pastuszak and W. Fennel (2000). Das Oder-Ästuar: Nährstoffbelastung und Modellierung der trophischen Entwicklung. In: Oder Basin - Baltic Sea Interactions (OBBSI) : Endbericht / Final report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte ; 41): 43-55
- 1999
- Fennel, K. (1999). Interannual and regional variability of biological variables in a coupled 3-D model of the western Baltic. Hydrobiologia 393: 25-33
- Fennel, K. and T. Neumann (1999). A coupled physical-chemical-biological model for the western Baltic. In: Computerized modeling of sedimentary systems. Ed. by J. Harff, W. Lemke and K. Stattegger. Berlin: Springer : 169-181
- Fennel, W. (1999). On the integration of zooplankton dynamics into circulation models. ICES Annual Science Conference 1999 : ICES CM paper K :01
- Fennel, W. (1999). Theory of the Benguela upwelling system. J. phys. oceanogr. 29: 177-190
- Schmidt, M., T. Seifert, H. U. Lass and W. Fennel (1998). Patterns of salt propagation in the Southwestern Baltic Sea. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 345-364
- 1998
- Fennel, K. (1998). Ein gekoppeltes, dreidimensionales Modell der Nährstoff- und Planktondynamik für die westliche Ostsee. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 97, XIX S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 30)
- Fennel, W. (1998). Ozean en miniature: numerische Zirkulationsmodelle in der modernen Ozeanographie. Traditio et innovatio 3(2): 19-22
- Fennel, W. and O. M. Johannessen (1998). Wind forced oceanic responses near ice edges revisited. J. mar. syst. 14: 57-79
- 1997
- FENNEL, W. AND A. MUTZKE (1997). The initial evolution of a buoyant plume. J. mar. syst. 12: 53-68
- 1996
- FENNEL, W. (1996). Wind forced oceanic responses near ice edges. ICES Council Meeting, Reykjavik, 1996: paper C:4, 19 S.
- FENNEL, W. AND T. NEUMANN (1996). The mesoscale variability of nutrients and plankton as seen in a coupled model. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 48: 49-71
- FENNEL, W. AND T. NEUMANN (1996). The mesoscale variability of nutrients and plankton as seen in a coupled model. ICES Council Meeting, Reykjavik, 1996: paper C+J:1, 9 S.
- NEUMANN, T. AND W. FENNEL (1996). Ein gekoppeltes physikalisch-biologisches Modell der Ostsee. DGM-Mitt. (1): 19-21
- 1995
- FENNEL, W.: A model of the yearly cycle of nutrients and plankton in the Baltic. J. mar. syst. 6(1995), 313-329
- FENNEL, W.: Die Ostsee - ein kleiner Ozean. In: Ringvorlesung "Die Ostsee - unser Lebensraum": Zusammenfassung von Beiträgen. Warnemünde: IOW, 1995. 19-23
- FENNEL, W.: Wasseraustausch, mesoskalige Zirkulation und gekoppelte physikalisch-biologische Modelle. Geowissenschaften 13(1995), 435 -441
- FENNEL, W.: Wasserhaushalt und Strömungen. In: Meereskunde der Ostsee. Hrsg.: G. Rheinheimer. 2. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 1995. 56-67
- FENNEL, W.; SEIFERT, T.: Kelvin wave controlled upwelling in the western Baltic. J. mar. syst. 6(1995), 289-300
- 1994
- FENNEL, W.; SEIFERT, T.: Dynamics of the transition area between Baltic Sea and North Sea. ICES Council Meeting, St. John s, 1994. paper Q:2, 12 S.
- SCHMIDT, M.; FENNEL, W.: Analytical theory and numerical experiments to the forcing of flow at isolated topographic features. In: Proc. 19th Conf. Baltic Oceanogr., Sopot, 1994. 476-486
- SEIFERT, T.; FENNEL, W.: Numerical experiments in the transition area between Baltic Sea and North Sea. In: Proc. 19th Conf. Baltic Oceanogr., Sopot, 1994. 422-437
- SEIFERT, T.; FENNEL, W.: Towards a high resolution model of the western Baltic Sea. In: Proc. 18th Conf. Baltic Oceanogr., St. Petersburg, 1992. Vol.2. St. Petersburg: State Oceanographic Institute, 1994. 190-199