Theoretical Oceanography and Numerical Modelling
The working group "Theoretical Oceanography and Numerical Modelling" investigates physical processes and physico-biological interaction in estuarine seas, especially in the Baltic Sea, and on oceanic continental shelves.
Thereby interdisciplinary research is an important field. Currently we are working on modelling the reactions of ecosystems to climate change. Therefore ERGOM, a numerical ecosystem model developed by our working group has been integrated into a circulation model. Numerical modelling of the Baltic Sea and the Benguela Upwelling System focuses particularly on oxygen dynamics and on the dynamics of biogeochemical fluxes in the course of changing redox conditions.
A special task is the integration of organisms on higher trophic levels such as fish into these models.
The working group contributes to the improvement and further development of Modular Ocean Model (MOM).
Simulation of the saline inflow into the Baltic Sea in winter 2011/2012. The blue colour marks water masses with a salinity of at least 15 psu. Read more...
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang FennelHead of the working group
Dr. Martin Schmidt
Theory and model development
Dr.rer.nat. Torsten Seifert
Baltic Sea model
Dr. Thomas Neumann
Interdisciplinary modelling
Dr. Anja Eggert
Ecosystem modelling
Dr. René Friedland
Interdisciplinary modelling
Dr. Hagen Radtke
Interdisciplinary modelling, fish model
Dr. Tim Junker
PhD student
Annethea Muller
PhD student
Lydia Siegfried
PhD student
Useful links
IOW Live-Access-Server
A live access database that hosts model experiments from our working group and other data
Digital Topography of the Baltic Sea
A high-resolution topography of the Baltic Sea on a spherical grid