Dr. Günther Nausch

Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
+49 (381) 5197 - 332
+49 (381) 5197 - 302
guen ther.nausch@io-warnemuende.de
Curriculum vitae
Year of Birth: | 1951 |
Profession: | Chemist |
Nationality: | German |
1972-1976 | Studies in Marine Biology at Rostock University, Germany |
1976 | Diploma thesis: “Beitrag zur Bilanzierung des P-Kreislaufes in den Gewässern der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Eisen/Phosphorverhältnisse in den Sedimenten und im Schlammwasser“ – Rostock University |
1981 | PhD thesis: „Die Sedimente der Darß-Zingster Boddengewässer – Zustandsanalyse und Stellung im Phosphorkreislauf“ – Rostock University |
Professional appointments
1976-1991 | Scientific assistant at the Department of Biology, Rostock University |
1987-1989 | Associate Professor at the Asmara University, Ethiopia, now Eritrea |
since 1992 | Senior Scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Marine Chemistry Department |
International and national organisations
- Member of HELCOM Monitoring and Assessment Group (MONAS)
- Member of HELCOM EUTROPRO-Group (Eutrophication assessment)
- Member of Baltic Committee (ICES)
- Member of DWK (Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Kommission für Meeresforschung)
- Member of BLMP (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm)