Sandra Kube - Publikationen
Telesh I, Skarlato S, Kube S, Rohde H, Schubert H (2023): Zooplankton of the Baltic Sea: General Aspects and Identification Hints. Rostocker Meeresbiologische Beiträge, 32, 129 pp.
Meyer J, Dahlke S, Kafka M, Kerkow A, Lindner C, Kube S, Nawka B L, Schubert H, Schumann R, Blindow I (2019): Submerged vegetation in a shallow brackish lagoon does not enhance water clarity but offers substantial refuge for zooplankton. Aquatic Botany, 154, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2018.12.002
Böckmann S, Seidler M, Schubert H, Kube S (2018): Population genetics of two allopatric (North Sea and Baltic Sea) populations of Evadne nordmanni (Podonidae): Similarities and differences. Internat Rev Hydrobiol., 103, 54-62. doi.org/10.1002/iroh.201701930
Jaspers C, Huwer B, Antajan E, Hosia A, Hinrichsen H-H, Biastoch A, Angel D, Asmus R, Augustin C, Bagheri S, Beggs S E, Balsby T J S, Boersma M, Bonnet D, Christensen J T, Dänhardt A, Delpy F, Falkenhaug T, Finenko G, Fleming N E C, Fuentes V, Galil B, Gittenberger A, Griffin D C, Haslob H, Javidpour J, Kamburska L, Kube S, Langenberg V T, Lehtiniemi M, Lombard F, Malzahn A, Marambio M, Mihneva V, Møller L F, Niermann U, Okyar M I, Özdemir Z B, Pitois S, Reusch T B H, Robbens J, Stefanova K, Thibault D, van der Veer H W, Vansteenbrugge L, van Walraven L, Woźniczka A (2018): Ocean current connectivity propelling the secondary spread of a marine invasive comb jelly across western Eurasia. Global Ecol Biogeogr.,27, 814-827. doi.org/10.1111/geb.12742
Janßen H, Augustin C B, Hinrichsen H-H, Kube S (2013): Impact of secondary hard substrate on the distribution and abundance of Aurelia aurita in the western Baltic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 75, 224-234.
Postel L, Kube S (2008): A matter of time and temperature: The spread of Mnemiopsis leidyi. ICES Insights 45, 16-19.
Kube S, Postel L (2008): Ein Einwanderer mit schlechtem Ruf – Die Rippenqualle Mnemiopsis leidyi in der Ostsee. Traditio et Innovatio 02-08, 10-12.
Jansen J M, Pronker A E, Kube S, Sokolowski A, Sola J C, Marquiegui M A, Schiedek D, Bonga S W, Wolowicz M, Hummel H (2007): Geographic and seasonal patterns and limits in the adaptive response to temperature of European Mytilus spp. and Macoma balthica populations. Oecologia 154, 23-34.
Kube S, Postel L, Honnef C, Augustin C B (2007): Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Baltic Sea – distribution and overwintering between autumn 2006 and spring 2007. Aquatic Invasions 2, 137-145.
Kube S, Sokolowski A, Jansen J M, Schiedek D (2007): Seasonal variability of free amino acids in two marine bivalves, Macoma balthica and Mytilus spp., in relation to environmental and physiological factors. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – A, 147 (4), 1015-1027.
Kube S, Gerber A, Jansen J M, Schiedek D (2006): Patterns of organic osmolytes in two marine bivalves, Macoma balthica and Mytilus spp., along their European distribution. Marine Biology, 149, 1387-1396.
Kube S, Kube J, Bick A (2006): A loss of fecundity in a population of mudsnails Hydrobia ventrosa caused by larval trematodes does not measurably affect host population equilibrium level. Parasitology 132, 725-732.
Kube J, Kube S, Dierschke V (2002): Spatial and temporal variations in the trematode component community of the mudsnail Hydrobia ventrosa in relation to the occurrence of waterfowl as definitive hosts. Journal of Parasitology. 88(6), 1075-1086.
Kube S, Kube J, Bick A (2002): Component community of larval trematodes in the mudsnail Hydrobia ventrosa: Temporal variations in prevalence in relation to host life-history. Journal of Parasitology. 88(4), 730-737.
Probst S, Kube J, Bick A (2000): Effects of winter severity on life history patterns and population dynamics of Hydrobia ventrosa (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). Arch. Hydrobiol. 148, 383-396.
Probst S, Kube J (1999): Histopathological effects of larval trematode infections in mudsnails and their impact on host growth: What causes gigantism in Hydrobia ventrosa (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 238, 49-68.
Kube J, Probst S (1999): Bestandsabnahme bei schilfbewohnenden Vogelarten an der südlichen Ostseeküste: Welchen Einfluß hat die Schilfmahd auf die Brutvogeldichte? - Vogelwelt 120, 27-38.
Dierschke V, Kube J, Probst S, Brenning U (1999): Feeding ecology of dunlins Calidris alpina staging in the Southern Baltic Sea, 1. Habitat use and food selection. Journal of Sea Research 42, 49-64.
Gutachten für die Umweltplanung
Middelboe, AL., Fürhaupter, K., Berg, T.,Pehlke, C., Darr, A., Gogina, M., Zettler, M., Bochert, R., Sagert, S., Kube, S., Schlüter, L., Mohlenberg, F., Montserrat, F. (2011). Fehmarnbelt Marine Biology Services -Criteria and thresholds for environmental impact assessments. Femern A/S, 107pp.
Schlüter, L., Mohlenberg, F., Kube, S., Sagert, S. (2010). Plankton flora and fauna of the Greater Fehmarnbelt, Baseline Survey-Phase I. Femern A/S, 131pp.
Augustin, C., Kube, S. (2010). From polyps to medusae - Jellyfish distribution and ecology in the Greater Fehmarnbelt, Baseline Survey. Femern A/S, 38pp.
Kube, S., Postel, L., Hammer, C., Zimmermann, C., Sommer, U., Javidpour, J., Clemmesen, C., Boersma, M. (2007). Die Invasion der räuberischen Rippenqualle Mnemiopsis leidyi in der Ostsee. Landesamt für Natur und Umwelt des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 50pp.