Vorträge und Poster
- 2024
- Holtermann, P., Geersen, J., Mars, R., Neubert, S., von Thenen, M., and Voss, M.: The Baltic Sea Observatory – A new holistic approach to understand the coastal oceanHoltermann, P., Geersen, J., Mars, R., Neubert, S., von Thenen, M., and Voss, M.: The Baltic Sea Observatory – A new holistic approach to understand the coastal ocean (Vortrag)
EGU 2024 - European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 14.-20.04.2024
- Jacob Geersen, Peter Feldens, Peter Holtermann, Maren Voss, STB Team at IOW: Shallow water Processes and Transition to the Baltic Sea (STB) (Poster)
GeoHab - GeoHab 2024- Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping 2024 (Arendal - Norway), Arendal, Norway, 06.-10.05.2024
- Voss M. "The coastal N cycle and its significance for the entire Baltic Sea" (Vortrag)
BSNCN - Nitrogen Cycling Network Seminar Series, Online via Zoom, 07.11.2024
- Voss, M., Breznikar, A. D. Pönisch, G. Rehder, I. Liskow"Response of two coastal peatlands to the duration of rewetting and the release of nutrients" (Vortrag)
EGU 2024 - European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 14.-20.04.2024
- Voss, M., H. Schulz Vogt, K. Gentsch, O. Dellwig, M. Kolbe, D. Hardisty, C. Ostrander, L. Taenzer, W. Pardis, C. Hansel "Novel insights into the biogeochemistry of the redox zone in the Baltic Sea (EMB276" (Vortrag)
Statuskonferenz Forschungsschiffe 2024, Bremen, Germany, 05./06.03.2024
- Voss, M., N. Choisnard, V. Mohrholz, J. Umbricht, A. Subramaniam, J. P. Montoya "Nitrogen cycling processes in the Amazon River Plume (M174)" (Vortrag)
Statuskonferenz Forschungsschiffe 2024, Bremen, Germany, 05./06.03.2024
- Zilius, M., E. Broman, P. A. Bukaveckas, F. J.A. Nascimento, M. Voss, A. Samuiloviene, I. Vybernaite-Lubiene, S. Bonaglia "Nitrogen Fixation in shallow lagoons: Rates, players and importance in nitrogen cycle" (Vortrag)
ASLO - ASLO 2024, Madison, United States, 02.-07.06.2024
- 2023
- Choisnard N, Mohrholz V, Heene T, Mars R, Umbricht J, Voss M: Nitrate dual isotopes reveal the source and cycling of Nitrate in the Amazon River Mouth (Vortrag)
ASLO 2023 - Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 04.-09.06.2023
- Kache S, Liskow I, Pein J, Voss M: How residence time and productivity interact on the nutrient export of eutrophic rivers - the Oder River (Vortrag)
ASLO 2023 - Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 04.-09.06.2023
- Vogts A., Braun P. D., Eigemanna F, Nausch M, Voss M, Zoccarato L, Schulz-Vogt H N (Vortrag)
NanoSIMS Workshop 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16.-18.10.2023
- 2022
- "Kache S, Liskow I, Voss M: Towards a better understanding of the eutrophication in the Stettin Lagoon" (Poster)
Küste im Wandel 2022 - 3. Küstensymposium 'Küste im Wandel - Coast in Transition 2022', Hamburg, Germany, 09.-11.11.2022
- Breznikar A, Dippner JW, Jurasinski G, Rehder G, Voß M: Short-term vs. long-term rewetting effects on nutrient and nitrous oxide release - Comparison of two coastal peatlands on the Baltic Sea (Poster)
BALTEARTH22 - 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Poland, Sopot, Poland, 30.05.-03.07.2022
- Breznikar, A., Pönisch, L. D., Dippner, W D., Jurasinski, G., Rehder, G., Voss, M.: Short- vs. long-term rewetting effects on nutrient and nitrous oxide release – Comparison of two coastal peatlands on the Baltic Sea (Poster)
WBR622 - Visit of IOW Scientific Advisory Board, Warnemünde, Germany, 29./30.06.2022
- Choisnard N, Umbricht J and Voss M: "Nitrification contribution to the N-budget of the Amazon Estuary" (Vortrag)
OSM2022 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, Online, 24.02.-04.03.2022
- Pönisch, L. D., Breznikar, A., Gutekunst, N. C., Jurasinski, G., Voss, M., Rehder, G: Flux dynamics of CO2, CH4 and N2O in a highly degraded coastal peatland during transition from drained to inundated conditions by rewetting with brackish waters (Poster)
BALTEARTH22 - 4th Baltic Earth Conference, Jastarnia, Poland, Sopot, Poland, 30.05.-03.07.2022
- Pönisch, L. D., Breznikar, A., Gutekunst, N. C., Jurasinski, G., Voss, M: Greenhouse gas response to rewetting with brackish water in a coastal peatland (Poster)
WBR622 - Visit of IOW Scientific Advisory Board, Warnemünde, Germany, 29./30.06.2022
- Umbricht J, Burmeister C, Choisnard N, Liskow I, Montoya JP, Subramaniam A, Voss M: An evaluation of the nitrogen sources supporting phytoplankton production in the Amazon River plume (Vortrag)
OSM2022 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, Online, 24.02.-04.03.2022
- Vogts A, Aharonovich D, Eigemann F, Follows MJ, Grossart HP, Luzzatto-Knaan T, Rahav E, Roth-Rosenberg D, Wu Z, Zoccarato L, Sher D, Voss M: Details of the lifestyle of the pico-cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus revealed with NanoSIMS (Vortrag)
NanoSIMS Conference, London, United Kingdom, 17.-19.10.2022
- Breznikar, A., Pönisch, L. D., Gutekunst, N. C., Jurasinski, G., Rehder, G., Voss, M: Brackwasservernässte Küstenmoore die bessere Alternative zur Süßwasservernässung? (Poster)
MUS - 31. Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2022, Hamburg, Germany, 18./19.05.2022
- 2021
- Gutekunst, C., Jenner, A.K., Pönisch, D., Breznikar, A., Böttcher, M.E., Jansen, M., Kallmeyer, J., Knorr, K.H., Koebsch, F., Liebner, S., Racasa E.D., Rehder, G., Voss, M., Jurasinksi, G.: Development of Greenhouse Gas Emmissions and microbial community of a saltwater rewetted coastal peatland (Vortrag)
ECSA - Estuarine Coastal Science ASsociation, Online, 06.-10.09.2021
- Umbricht J, Dippner JW, Montoya JP, Subramaniam A, Voss M: Nitrogen fixation and nitrate uptake in the Amazon River plume (Vortrag)
ASLO - 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Online conference, 22.-27.06.2021
- Umbricht, J., J. W. Dippner, J. P. Montoya, A. Subramaniam, M. Voss (2021) Nitrogen fixation and nitrate uptake in the Amazon River plume (Vortrag)
ASLO - 2021 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Online conference, 22.-27.06.2021
- Voss M., J. Carstensen, D. Conley, B. Gustafson, C. Humborg, A. Kremp, M. Meier The history and future perspectives of Baltic Sea Eutrophication (Vortrag)
INI - 8th Global Nitrogen Conference, Berlin, Germany, 30.05.-03.06.2021
- 2020
- Voss M: Eutrophication of coastal waters and enclosed seas. (Vortrag)
Lecture Series Austrian Academy of Science, Wien, Austria, 02.01.2020
- 2019
- Kreuzburg M, Rezanezhad F, Voss M, Feldens P, Rehder G: Influence of submerged peat deposits on methane production in coastal regions by submarine groundwater discharge - controlled carbon release. (Vortrag)
EGU 2019 - European Geoscience Union annual meeting 2019, Vienna , Austria, 07.-12.04.2019
- Roth-Rosenberg D, Aharonovich D, Luzzatto-Knaan T, Vogts A, Zoccarato L, Eigemann F, Nago N, Grossart HP, Voss M, Sher D: Prochlorococcus rely on microbial interactions rather than on chlorotic resting stages to survive long-term stress. (Poster)
19th HFSP Awardees Meeting, Tsukuba , Japan, 10.-12.07.2019
- 2018
- Kreuzburg M, Westphal J, Rehder G, Jurasinski G, Voss M: Potential relationship between runoff from a coastal peat land on methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in shallow waters of the Baltic Sea (Vortrag)
OSM 2018 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018, Portland, Oregon, United States, 11.-16.02.2018
- Loick-Wilde N, Weber S, Voß M: Nutrients, nitrogen-fixation, and planktonic food webs in tropical river plumes. (Vortrag)
OSM 2018 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018, Portland, Oregon, United States, 11.-16.02.2018
- Vogts A, Bitschofsky F, Labrenz M, Matantseva O, Rogge M, Voss M: NanoSIMS - Enlightening processes on the cell level (Vortrag)
Seminar Institut für Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie, Göttingen, Germany, 04.04.2018
- Voss, M. „The coastal nitrogen cycle“ (Vortrag)
Lecture at LDEO, New York, United States, 29.10.2018
- 2017
- Bartl I, Liskow I, Schulz K, Umlauf L, Voss M: River plume and bottom boundary layer – hotspots for nitrification in a coastal bay? (Vortrag)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- Bartl I, Schulz K, Liskow I, Umlauf L, Voss M: River plume and bottom boundary layer – hotspots for nitrification in a coastal bay? (Poster)
COCOA Project Workshop, Rostock, Germany, 23.-27.01.2017
- Jenner A, Böttcher ME, Schmiedinger I, Voss M, Böttcher G, Schwerdtfeger B: A stable isotope (H, C, N, O, S) hydrobiogeochemical characterization of ground waters in Northeastern Gemany. (Poster)
GASIR 2017 - German Association of Stable Isotope Research, Annual Conference 2017, Hannover, Germany, 09.-11.10.2017
- Kreuzburg M, Voss M, Jurasinski G, Rehder G : Potential relationship between runoff from a coastal peat land on methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in shallow waters of the Baltic Sea. (Poster)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- Loick-Wilde N, Bombar D, Doan H N, Nguyen L N, Nguyen-Thi A M, Voss M, Dippner JW: Microplankton biomass and diversity in the Vietnamese upwelling area during SW monsoon under normal conditions and after an ENSO event. Progress in Oceanography, 153, 1-15. (Poster)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- Thoms F, Gogina M, Janas U, Kendzierska H, Voss M: Muddy vs. Sandy- A new view on sedimentary nutrient fluxes by means of a Chamber Lander. (Vortrag)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- Voss M, Thoms F, Dippner JW, Bartl I, Janas U, Hellemann D, Hietanen S, Kendzierska H: Sediment type and benthic fauna control the nutrient release in a coastal bay, Baltic Sea. (Vortrag)
EGU 2017 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23.-29.04.2017
- Voss M: Anthropogenic impact of the N-cycle on the ocean. (Vortrag)
20th international Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Granada, Spain, 03.-07.09.2017
- Voss M: Continuum and gradients: What are the linkages between nutrient cycles in the Baltic Sea. (Vortrag)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- Voss M: Nutrient Cycling in the coastal zones of the Baltic Sea and new insights from the Bay of Gdansk. (Vortrag)
SGS - Szczecin Geosciences Seminars , Szczecin, Poland, 06.04.2017
- Winde V, Böttcher ME, Voss M, Mahler A: Fucus vesiculosus as a stable isotope monitor (C, N, S) in an urbanized fjord of the western Baltic Sea. (Poster)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
- 2016
- Bartl I, Liskow I, Thoms F, Voss M: Rates of nitrification and ammonium assimilation in the Bay of Gdansk. (Vortrag)
COCOA Project Workshop, Gdynia, Poland, 12.-14.01.2016
- Bartl I, Liskow I, Thoms F, Voss M: Vistula River nutrient inflow and turnover in the Bay of Gdansk. Rates of nitrification and ammonium assimilation at the Vistula outfates of nitrification and ammonium assimilation at the Vistula outflow. (Poster)
COCOA Project Workshop, Gdynia, Poland, 12.-14.01.2016
- Bartl I, Münster Happel E, Riemann L, Voss M: In situ nitrification rates and activity of present nitrifiers in the bottom water layer of two Baltic coastal zones affected by different riverine nutrient loads. (Poster)
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, New Orleans, United States, 21.-26.02.2016
- Bartl I., M. Voss: Nitrification in coastal waters (Vortrag)
Baltic Transcoast Project Workshop, Rostock, Germany, 11.01.2016-12.01.2018
- Bartl. I, R. Mars, M. Voss: Nitrification rates and pore water nutrient profiles in the Öre estuary (Vortrag)
COCOA Project Workshop, Lund, Sweden, 17./18.05.2016
- Kreuzburg M, Voß M, Rehder G: Potential impact of terrestrial nutrient input from a coastal peatland on climate relvant trace gases in shallow waters of the Baltic Sea. (Vortrag)
ECSA 56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state, Bremen, Germany, 04.-07.09.2016
- Subramaniam, Hay A I, Aleman M, Voss M, Bracco A, Montoya J P: Bio-optical Provinces of the BIỂN ĐÔNG (South China Sea). (Poster)
AGU 2016 - American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, United States, 12.-16.12.2016
- Thoms F, Bartl I, Gogina M, Voss M: Coastal nutrient cycling in the Vistula outflow area, Bay of Gdansk. (Vortrag)
ECSA 56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state, Bremen, Germany, 04.-07.09.2016
- Voss M, Frey C, Wannicke N: The oceanic n-cycle in a high CO2 world – would it be different from today? (Vortrag)
BIOACID III - BIOACID III Annual Meeting, Bremen, Germany, 27./28.09.2016
- Wannicke N, Voß M: The pelagic nitrogen cycle in a high CO2 world-What do we know so far? (Vortrag)
4th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, Hobart, Australia, 03.-06.05.2016
- 2015
- Voss M, Bartl I, Frey C, Hellemann D, Hietanen S, Liskow I, Thoms F, Dippner JW: Regime shifts and climate change impact on nutrient processing in coastal systems of the southern Baltic Sea. (Poster)
ASLO 2015 - Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain, 22.-27.02.2015
- Voss M, Boersma M, Dittmar T, Lohbeck K, Schneider B, Reusch T, Wannicke N, Zark M, Riebesell U: Pelagic ecosystems under ocean acidification: results from 6 years of research. (Vortrag)
Ocean Acidification: what's it all about?, London, United Kingdom, 04./05.06.2015
- Voss M: Auswirkungen anthropogener Emissionen auf die Ozeane: Ozeanversauerung und Eutrophierung. (Vortrag)
Marienthal Stipendiatenseminar der DBU, Marienthal, Germany, 22.09.2015
- Voss, Maren "Eine ökologische Vermessung - Umweltprobleme in der Ostsee aus der Perspektive des globalen Wandels" (Vortrag)
Politik und Wirtschaft im Ostseeraum , Rostock, Germany, 26./27.06.2015
- Voß M: Baltic TRANSCOAST: Ein neues Graduiertenkolleg an der Universität Rostock. (Vortrag)
Seminar BSH Rostock: Baltic Transcoast, Rostock, Germany, 15.10.2015