Lehre und Ausbildung
- Introduction in stable isotope ecology. Lecture WS 2007/2008
- Basics in Marine ecology, course for Vietnamese students, theory and practical work 1.-15.10.2007
- Organization and teaching of students course with short cruises through the Swedish coastal waters.
Joint course with the Stockholm University Dept. Applied Sciences on the Biological Station at Askö
August- September 2007
- Lecturer main course for masters students of Marine Biology ("Biologische Meereskunde II -
Production and turnover") 2 weeks, May 2006
- Organization and teaching of students course with short cruises through the Swedish coastal waters.
Joint course with the Stockholm University System Ecology on the Biological Station at Askö August-
September 2004
- Introduction in stable isotope ecology. Lecture WS 2004/2005
Organisation and teaching of students course with short cruises through
the Swedish coastal waters. Joint course with the Stockholm University
System Ecology on the Biological Station at Askö 1. September - 19.
September 2003.
Introduction in marine stable isotope studies. Lecture WS 2003/2004
Introduction in marine stable isotope studies. Lectures and Labwork 15.-19. July 2002
- Organisation
and teaching of students course with short cruises through the Swedish
coastal waters. Joint course with the Stockholm University System
Ecology on the Biological Station at Askö 2. September - 16. September
Introduction in the scientific work with stable Isotopes. Lectures and Practical work, 9.-13. Juli 2001, full days
Organisation and attendance of a 2 weeks students cruise through the Baltic in June/July 2001 (with Dr. S. Forster)
Organisation and attendance of a 2 weeks students cruise through the Baltic and North Sea in August/September 2000
(Chief scientist: Prof. v. Bodungen)
Lecturer of the main practical course for students of Marine Biology
("Biologische Meereskunde II - Production and turnover") 2 weeks in
June 2000 together with Frau Prof. Lochte und collegues of the IOW
Attandence during a 5-days students cruise in the Baltic Sea in 1999
Invited lecturer for a graduate course in Sweden (Askö Island), organized by the German and Swedish Environmental
foundation in August 1998. Lecture about "Riverine Impact on the Baltic Sea Ecosystem"
- 2-days course on "Stable Isotopes in marine Ecosystems - Introduction and practical work" given in summer 1998
at the IOW (together with Prof. B. Fry (USA)
Participation in the main practical course for students of Marine Biology ("Biologische Meereskunde II"),
teaching a subgroup N and C cycling in 1997, 1998, 2000