Dr. Fabian Wolf
Präsentationen auf internationalen Konferenzen
2023: Vortrag auf der Schwedischen Oikos Konferenz 2023 in Göteborg: Microclimatic differences drive heat selection in eelgrass
2021: Poster auf der SEB (Society of Experimental Biology) 2021 Annual Conference: The role of recovery phases in mitigating the negative impacts of marine heatwaves on the starfish Asterias rubens.
2020: Vortrag auf dem Festival of Ecology of the British Ecological Society: Impacts of consecutive heatwave and upwelling events on a marine keystone predator.
2018: Poster auf der Deoxygenation Conference in Kiel: Heat waves and hypoxic upwelling events: relvance for coastal benthic communities and the possibilities for mitigation.