Publikationen - Volker Mohrholz
- 2024
- Brandt, P., M. H. Bordbar, P. Coelho, R. A. I. Koungue, M. Körner, T. Lamont, J. F. Lübbecke, V. Mohrholz, A. Prigent, M. Roch, M. Schmidt, A. K. van der Plas and J. Veitch (2024). Physical drivers of southwest African coastal upwelling and its response to climate variability and change. In: Sustainability of Southern African Ecosystems under Global Change: Science for Management and Policy Interventions. Ed. by G. P. von Maltitz, G. F. Midgley, J. Veitch, C. Brümmer, R. P. Rötter, F. A. Viehberg and M. Veste. Cham: Springer International Publishing: 221-257, 978-3-031-10948-5, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_9 –open access–
- Kuznetsov, I., B. Rabe, A. Androsov, Y. C. Fang, M. Hoppmann, A. Quintanilla-Zurita, S. Harig, S. Tippenhauer, K. Schulz, V. Mohrholz, I. Fer, V. Fofonova and M. Janout (2024). Dynamical reconstruction of the upper-ocean state in the central Arctic during the winter period of the MOSAiC expedition. Ocean Sci. 20: 759-777, doi: 10.5194/os-20-759-2024 –open access–
- Loick-Wilde, N., V. Mohrholz, A. Fernández-Carrera and J. P. Montoya (2024). Nitrogen Turnover during Aging Cyanobacterial Blooms (NAC), Cruise No. EMB297, 19. AUGUST 2022 - 02. SEPTEMBER 2022, Rostock-Marienehe RFH (Germany) - Rostock-Marienehe RFH (Germany). Bonn: Begutachtungspanel Forschungsschiffe;. doi: 10.48433/cr_emb297
- Mohrholz, V., S. Beier, C. Burmeister, K. Cheng, N. Choisnard, D. DeBeer, O. Dellwig, V. P. Edgcomb, T. G. Ferdelman, C. M. Hansel, N. S. Hansen, D. Hardisty, T. Heene, J. Henkel, K. Lane, P. Mara, D. Martocello, K. McPaul, J. Necker, K. Neumüller, E. Ryberg, I. Schuffenhauer, H. Schulz-Vogt, L. Selak, L. M. Taenzer, N. Tölke, M. Voß, M. Wille and A. Raeke (2024). Elemental coupling of manganese cycling across redoxclines of the Baltic Sea, Cruise No. M200, 22. March - 09. April 2024, Rostock (Germany) - Rostock (Germany). 2195-8475. Bonn: Begutachtungspanel Forschungsschiffe;. 1-64 S. doi: 10.48433/cr_m200 –open access–
- Naumann, M., U. Gräwe, L. Umlauf, H. Burchard, V. Mohrholz, J. Kuss, M. Kanwischer, H. Osterholz, S. Feistel, I. Hand, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2024). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2022. Warnemünde: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte), doi: 10.12754/msr-2024-0127 –open access–
- Naumann, M., U. Gräwe, V. Mohrholz, J. Kuss, M. Kanwischer, H. Osterholz, S. Feistel, I. Hand and J. J. Waniek (2024). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2023. Warnemünde: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte), doi: 10.12754/msr-2024-128. –open access–
- 2023
- Auch, D., V. Steinen, L. Steckhan, R. Koppelmann, S. Yari, V. Mohrholz, A. Schukat, M. Fernández-Méndez, L. R. Kittu and M. A. Peck (2023). Oceanographic structuring of the mucous-mesh grazer community in the Humboldt Current off Peru. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 725: 29-44, doi: 10.3354/meps14449
- Baumann, T. M., I. Fer, K. Schulz and V. Mohrholz (2023). Validating finescale parameterizations for the eastern Arctic Ocean internal wave field. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 128: e2022JC018668, doi: 10.1029/2022JC018668 –open access–
- Bordbar, M. H., V. Mohrholz and M. Schmidt (2023). Low confidence in multi-decadal trends of wind-driven upwelling across the Benguela Upwelling System. Earth Syst. Dynam. 14: 1065-1080, doi: 10.5194/esd-14-1065-2023 –open access–
- Kossack, M., F. Scholz, C. H. Anderson, P. Vosteen, C.-C. Su, V. Mohrholz and M. Zabel (2023). Sedimentary molybdenum and uranium cycling under seasonally contrasting redox conditions on the Namibian Shelf. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 358: 174-191, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.08.014
- Naumann, M., U. Gräwe, V. Mohrholz, J. Kuss, M. Kanwischer, H. Osterholz, S. Feistel, I. Hand, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2023). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2021. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 94 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 123), doi: 10.12754/msr-2021-0123 –open access–
- Schulz, K., D. Kadko, V. Mohrholz, M. Stephens and I. Fer (2023). Winter vertical diffusion rates in the Arctic Ocean, estimated from 7Be measurements and dissipation rate profiles. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 128: e2022JC019197, doi: 10.1029/2022JC019197 –open access–
- van Maren, D. S., C. Maushake, J.-W. Mol, D. van Keulen, J. Jürges, J. Vroom, H. Schuttelaars, T. Gerkema, K. Schulz, T. H. Badewien, M. Gerriets, A. Engels, A. Wurpts, D. Oberrecht, A. J. Manning, T. Bailey, L. Ross, V. Mohrholz, D. M. L. Horemans, M. Becker, D. Post, C. Schmidt and P. J. T. Dankers (2023). Synoptic observations of sediment transport and exchange mechanisms in the turbid Ems Estuary: the EDoM campaign. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 15: 53-73, doi: 10.5194/essd-15-53-2023 –open access–
- Yari, S., V. Mohrholz and M. H. Bordbar (2023). Wind variability across the North Humboldt Upwelling System. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1087980, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1087980 –open access–
- 2022
- Meier, H. E. M., M. Kniebusch, C. Dieterich, M. Groger, E. Zorita, R. Elmgren, K. Myrberg, M. P. Ahola, A. Bartosova, E. Bonsdorff, F. Borgel, R. Capell, I. Carlen, T. Carlund, J. Carstensen, O. B. Christensen, V. Dierschke, C. Frauen, M. Frederiksen, E. Gaget, A. Galatius, J. J. Haapala, A. Halkka, G. Hugelius, B. Hunicke, J. Jaagus, M. Jussi, J. Kayhko, N. Kirchner, E. Kjellstrom, K. Kulinski, A. Lehmann, G. Lindstrom, W. May, P. A. Miller, V. Mohrholz, B. Muller-Karulis, D. Pavon-Jordan, M. Quante, M. Reckermann, A. Rutgersson, O. P. Savchuk, M. Stendel, L. Tuomi, M. Viitasalo, R. Weisse and W. Y. Zhang (2022). Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary. Earth Syst. Dynam. 13: 457-593, doi: 10.5194/esd-13-457-2022 –open access–
- Orsi, W. D., A. Vuillemin, Ö. K. Coskun, P. Rodriguez, Y. Oertel, J. Niggemann, V. Mohrholz and G. V. Gomez-Saez (2022). Carbon assimilating fungi from surface ocean to subseafloor revealed by coupled phylogenetic and stable isotope analysis. ISME J. 16: 1245-1261, doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-01169-5 –open access–
- Rabe, B., C. Heuzé, J. Regnery, Y. Aksenov, J. Allerholt, M. Athanase, Y. Bai, C. Basque, D. Bauch, T. M. Baumann, D. Chen, S. T. Cole, L. Craw, A. Davies, E. Damm, K. Dethloff, D. V. Divine, F. Doglioni, F. Ebert, Y.-C. Fang, I. Fer, A. A. Fong, R. Gradinger, M. A. Granskog, R. Graupner, C. Haas, H. He, Y. He, M. Hoppmann, M. Janout, D. Kadko, T. Kanzow, S. Karam, Y. Kawaguchi, Z. Koenig, B. Kong, R. A. Krishfield, T. Krumpen, D. Kuhlmey, I. Kuznetsov, M. Lan, G. Laukert, R. Lei, T. Li, S. Torres-Valdés, L. Lin, L. Lin, H. Liu, N. Liu, B. Loose, X. Ma, R. McKay, M. Mallet, R. D. C. Mallett, W. Maslowski, C. Mertens, V. Mohrholz, M. Muilwijk, M. Nicolaus, J. K. O’Brien, D. Perovich, J. Ren, M. Rex, N. Ribeiro, A. Rinke, J. Schaffer, I. Schuffenhauer, K. Schulz, M. D. Shupe, W. Shaw, V. Sokolov, A. Sommerfeld, G. Spreen, T. Stanton, M. Stephens, J. Su, N. Sukhikh, A. Sundfjord, K. Thomisch, S. Tippenhauer, J. M. Toole, M. Vredenborg, M. Walter, H. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Wendisch, J. Zhao, M. Zhou and J. Zhu (2022). Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Physical oceanography. Elem. Sci. Anth. 10: 00062, doi: 10.1525/elementa.2021.00062 –open access–
- Schulz, K., V. Mohrholz, I. Fer, M. Janout, M. Hoppmann, J. Schaffer and Z. Koenig (2022). A full year of turbulence measurements from a drift campaign in the Arctic Ocean 2019-2020. Sci. Data 9: 472, doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01574-1 –open access–
- 2021
- Bordbar, M. H., V. Mohrholz and M. Schmidt (2021). The relation of wind-driven coastal and offshore upwelling in the Benguela upwelling system. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 51: 3117-3133, doi: 10.1175/jpo-d-20-0297.1 –open access–
- Mohrholz, V. and A. Flohr (2021). Water measurements. In: Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements. Ed. by T. Foken. Cham: Springer International Publishing: 1653-1674, 978-3-030-52171-4, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-52171-4_62
- Naumann, M., U. Gräwe, V. Mohrholz, J. Kuss, M. Kanwischer, H. Osterholz, S. Feistel, I. Hand, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2021). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2020. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 106 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 119), doi: 10.12754/msr-2021-0119 –open access–
- Schulz, K., M. Janout, Y.-D. Lenn, E. Ruiz-Castillo, I. Polyakov, V. Mohrholz, S. Tippenhauer, K. Reeve, J. Hölemann, B. Rabe and M. Vredenborg (2021). On the along-slope heat loss of the Boundary Current in the Eastern Arctic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 126: e2020JC016375, doi: 10.1029/2020JC016375 –open access–
- 2020
- Katlein, C., V. Mohrholz, I. Sheikin, P. Itkin, D. V. Divine, J. Stroeve, A. Jutila, D. Krampe, E. Shimanchuk, I. Raphael, B. Rabe, I. Kuznetov, M. Mallet, H. Liu, M. Hoppmann, Y.-C. Fang, A. Dumitrascu, S. Arndt, P. Anhaus, M. Nicolaus, I. Matero, M. Oggier, H. Eicken and C. Haas (2020). Platelet ice under Arctic pack ice in winter. Geophys. Res. Lett. 47: e2020GL088898, doi: 10.1029/2020GL088898 –open access–
- Naumann, M., U. Gräwe, V. Mohrholz, J. Kuss, M. Kanwischer, S. Feistel, I. Hand, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2020). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2019. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 97 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 114), doi: 10.12754/msr-2020-0114 –open access–
- Orsi, W. D., A. Vuillemin, P. Rodriguez, Ö. K. Coskun, G. V. Gomez-Saez, G. Lavik, V. Mohrholz and T. G. Ferdelman (2020). Metabolic activity analyses demonstrate that Lokiarchaeon exhibits homoacetogenesis in sulfidic marine sediments. Nat. Microbiol. 5: 248-255, doi: 10.1038/s41564-019-0630-3
- Schulz, K., H. Burchard, V. Mohrholz, P. Holtermann, H. M. Schuttelaars, M. Becker, C. Maushake and T. Gerkema (2020). Intratidal and spatial variability over a slope in the Ems estuary: Robust along-channel SPM transport versus episodic events. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 243: 106902, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106902 –open access–
- 2019
- Junker, T., V. Mohrholz, M. Schmidt, L. Siegfried and A. van der Plas (2019). Coastal trapped wave propagation along the southwest African shelf as revealed by moored observations. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 49: 851-866, doi: 10.1175/jpo-d-18-0046.1 –open access–
- Naumann, M., U. Gräwe, V. Mohrholz, J. Kuss, H. Siegel, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2019). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2018. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 92 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 110), doi: 10.12754/msr-2019-0110 –open access–
- Siegfried, L., M. Schmidt, V. Mohrholz, H. Pogrzeba, P. Nardini, M. Böttinger and G. Scheuermann (2019). The tropical-subtropical coupling in the Southeast Atlantic from the perspective of the northern Benguela upwelling system. PLoS One 14: e0210083, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210083 –open access–
- 2018
- Burchard, H., K. Bolding, R. Feistel, U. Gräwe, K. Klingbeil, P. MacCready, V. Mohrholz, L. Umlauf and E. M. v. d. Lee (2018). The Knudsen theorem and the Total Exchange Flow analysis framework applied to the Baltic Sea. Prog. Oceanogr. 165: 268-286, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.04.004
- Mohrholz, V. (2018). Major Baltic inflow statistics - Revised. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 384, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00384 –open access–
- Naumann, M., L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz, J. Kuss, H. Siegel, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2018). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2017. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 97 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 107), doi: 10.12754/msr-2018-0107 –open access–
- Naumann, M., V. Mohrholz and J. J. Waniek (2018). Water Exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and conditions in the Deep Basins. Baltic Sea Environment Fact Sheet Hydrography 2017. Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission, http://www.helcom.fi/baltic-sea-trends/environment-fact-sheets/hydrography/water-exchange-between-the-baltic-sea-and-the-north-sea-and-conditions-in-the-deep-basins/ –open access–
- Schmale, O., J. Wäge, V. Mohrholz, N. Wasmund, U. Gräwe, G. Rehder, M. Labrenz and N. Loick-Wilde (2018). The contribution of zooplankton to methane supersaturation in the oxygenated upper waters of the central Baltic Sea. Limnol. Oceanogr. 63: 412-430, doi: 10.1002/lno.10640 –open access–
- 2017
- Burchard, H., N. B. Basdurak, U. Gräwe, M. Knoll, V. Mohrholz and S. Müller (2017). Salinity inversions in the thermocline under upwelling favorable winds. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44: 1422-1428, doi: 10.1002/2016GL072101 –open access–
- Holtermann, P. L., R. Prien, M. Naumann, V. Mohrholz and L. Umlauf (2017). Deepwater dynamics and mixing processes during a major inflow event in the central Baltic Sea. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans: online, doi: 10.1002/2017JC013050
- Junker, T., V. Mohrholz, L. Siegfried and A. van der Plas (2017). Seasonal to interannual variability of water mass characteristics and currents on the Namibian shelf. J. Mar. Syst. 165: 36-46, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.09.003
- Kuss, J., F. Cordes, V. Mohrholz, G. Nausch, M. Naumann, S. Krüger and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2017). The impact of the Major Baltic Inflow of December 2014 on the mercury species distribution in the Baltic Sea. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51: 11692-11700, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b03011
- Naumann, M., L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz, J. Kuss, H. Siegel, J. Waniek and D. Schulz-Bull (2017). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2016. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 94 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 104), doi: 10.12754/msr-2016-0101 –open access–
- 2016
- Louw, D. C., A. K. van der Plas, V. Mohrholz, N. Wasmund, T. Junker and A. Eggert (2016). Seasonal and interannual phytoplankton dynamics and forcing mechanisms in the Northern Benguela upwelling system. J. Mar. Syst. 157: 124-134, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.01.009
- Wasmund, N., H. Siegel, K. Bohata, A. Flohr, A. Hansen and V. Mohrholz (2016). Phytoplankton stimulation in frontal regions of Benguela upwelling filaments by internal factors. Front. Mar. Sci. 3: 210, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00210 –open access–
- 2015
- Gräwe, U., M. Naumann, V. Mohrholz and H. Burchard (2015). Anatomizing one of the largest saltwater inflows into the Baltic Sea in December 2014. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 120: 7676-7697, doi: 10.1002/2015JC011269
- Junker, T., M. Schmidt and V. Mohrholz (2015). The relation of wind stress curl and meridional transport in the Benguela upwelling system. J. mar. syst. 143: 1-6, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.10.006
- Martin, B., A. Eggert, R. Koppelmann, R. Diekmann, V. Mohrholz and M. Schmidt (2015). Spatio-temporal variability of zooplankton biomass and environmental control in the Northern Benguela Upwelling System: field investigations and model simulation. Mar. Ecol. 36: 637-658, doi: 10.1111/maec.12173
- Mohrholz, V., M. Naumann, G. Nausch, S. Krüger and U. Gräwe (2015). Fresh oxygen for the Baltic Sea - an exceptional saline inflow after a decade of stagnation. J. Mar. Syst. 148: 152-166, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.03.005 –open access–
- Nausch, G., M. Naumann, L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz and H. Siegel (2015). Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2014. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 91 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 96), doi: 10.12754/msr-2015-0096 –open access–
- Purkiani, K., J. Becherer, G. Flöser, U. Gräwe, V. Mohrholz, H. M. Schuttelaars and H. Burchard (2015). Numerical analysis of stratification and destratification processes in a tidally energetic inlet with an ebb tidal delta. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 120: 225-243, doi: 10.1002/2014JC010325
- 2014
- Flohr, A., A. K. van der Plas, K.-C. Emeis, V. Mohrholz and T. Rixen (2014). Spatio-temporal patterns of C : N : P ratios in the northern Benguela upwelling system. Biogeosciences 11: 885-897, doi:10.5194/bg-11-885-2014 –open access–
- Mohrholz, V., A. Eggert, T. Junker, G. Nausch, T. Ohde and M. Schmidt (2014). Cross shelf hydrographic and hydrochemical conditions and their short term variability at the northern Benguela during a normal upwelling season. J. mar. syst. 140, Part B, Special issue: Upwelling Ecosystem Succession: 92-110, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.04.019
- Muller, A. A., C. J. C. Reason, M. Schmidt, V. Mohrholz and A. Eggert (2014). Computing transport budgets along the shelf and across the shelf edge in the northern Benguela during summer (DJF) and winter (JJA). J. mar. syst. 140, Part B, Special issue: Upwelling Ecosystem Succession: 82-91, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.02.007
- Nausch, G., M. Naumann, L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz and H. Siegel (2014). Hydrographisch-hydrochemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2013. [Electronic Book] Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde. 104 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 93), doi:10.12754/msr-2014-0093 –open access–
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, M. Naumann and V. Mohrholz (2014). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and conditions in the deep basins. HELCOM Baltic Sea environment fact sheets Hydrography: http://helcom.fi/baltic-sea-trends/environment-fact-sheets/hydrography/water-exchange-between-the-baltic-sea-and-the-north-sea-and-conditions-in-the-deep-basins/ –open access–
- Postel, L., V. Mohrholz and T. Packard, Eds. (2014). Upwelling ecosystem succession. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 101 S. (Journal of Marine Systems, Special Issue)
- Postel, L., V. Mohrholz and T. T. Packard (2014). Upwelling and successive ecosystem response in the northern Benguela region. J. mar. syst. 140, Part B, Special issue: Upwelling Ecosystem Succession: 73-81, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.07.014
- 2013
- Koppelmann, R., B. Kullmann, N. Lahajnar, B. Martin and V. Mohrholz (2013). Onshore–offshore distribution of Thecosomata (Gastropoda) in the Benguela Current upwelling region off Namibia: species diversity and trophic position. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 93: 1625-1640, doi:10.1017/S0025315413000052
- Muller, A. A., V. Mohrholz and M. Schmidt (2013). The circulation dynamics associated with a northern Benguela upwelling filament during October 2010. Cont. shelf res. 63: 59-68, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2013.04.037
- Nagel, B., K.-C. Emeis, A. Flohr, T. Rixen, T. Schlarbaum, V. Mohrholz and A. van der Plas (2013). N-cycling and balancing of the N-deficit generated in the oxygen minimum zone over the Namibian shelf - an isotope-based approach. J. geophys. res. biogeosciences 118: 361-371, doi:10.1002/jgrg.20040
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel and V. Mohrholz (2013). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and conditions in the deep basins. HELCOM Baltic Sea environment fact sheets Hydrography: http://helcom.fi/baltic-sea-trends/environment-fact-sheets/hydrography/water-exchange-between-the-baltic-sea-and-the-north-sea-and-conditions-in-the-deep-basins/ –open access–
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz and H. Siegel (2013). Hydrographisch-hydrochemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2012. [Electronic Book] Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde. 108 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 91), doi:10.12754/msr-2013-0091 http://www.io-warnemuende.de/tl_files/forschung/meereswissenschaftliche-berichte/mebe91_2013-zustand-hc.pdf –open access–
- 2012
- Fennel, W., T. Junker, M. Schmidt and V. Mohrholz (2012). Response of the Benguela upwelling systems to spatial variations in the wind stress. Cont. shelf res. 45: 65-77, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.06.004
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel and V. Mohrholz (2012). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and conditions in the Deep Basins. HELCOM Baltic Sea environment fact sheets 2012: http://www.helcom.fi/BSAP_assessment/ifs/ifs2012/en_GB/WaterExchange/
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2012). Hydrographisch-hydrochemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2011. Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde. 121 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 86) http://www.io-warnemuende.de/tl_files/forschung/meereswissenschaftliche-berichte/mebe86_2012-zustand-hc.pdf
- Nausch, M., G. Nausch, V. Mohrholz, H. Siegel and N. Wasmund (2012). Is growth of filamentous cyanobacteria supported by phosphate uptake below the thermocline? Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 99: 50-60, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2011.12.011
- Schulz, J., M. A. Peck, K. Barz, J. O. Schmidt, F. C. Hansen, J. Peters, J. Renz, M. Dickmann, V. Mohrholz, J. Dutz and H.-J. Hirche (2012). Spatial and temporal habitat partitioning by zooplankton in the Bornholm Basin (central Baltic Sea). Prog. oceanogr. 107: 3-30, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.07.002
- 2011
- Becherer, J., H. Burchard, G. Flöser, V. Mohrholz and L. Umlauf (2011). Evidence of tidal straining in well-mixed channel flow from micro-structure observations. Geophys. res. lett. 38, 1: L17611, doi:10.1029/2011gl049005
- Jacobsen, F., J. König, W. Fennel, T. Seifert, V. Mohrholz, P. Menzel and B. Schlenz (2011). Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Hydrographic Services (FEHY): marine water baseline, hydrography of the Fehmarnbelt area. Vol. II. Prepared for: Femern A/S. [Report] E1TR0057, proprietary report. Hørsholm: DHI / IOW Consortium in association with LICengineering, Bolding & Burchard and Risø DTU. 217 S.
- König, J., W. Fennel, T. Seifert, G. Nausch, S. Sagert, L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz, T. Neumann and F. G. Jakobsen (2011). Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Hydrographic Services (FEHY): marine water baseline, hydrography, water quality and plankton of the Baltic Sea - baseline. Vol. I. Prepared for: Femern A/S. [Report] E1TR0057, proprietary report. Hørsholm: DHI / IOW Consortium in association with LICengineering, Bolding & Burchard and Risø DTU. 210 S.
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel and V. Mohrholz (2011). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and conditions in the deep basins. HELCOM indicator fact sheets: http://www.helcom.fi/BSAP_assessment/ifs/ifs2011/en_GB/WaterExchange/
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, L. Umlauf, V. Mohrholz and H. Siegel (2011). Hydrographisch-chemische Bedingungen in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone der Ostsee (AWZ) im Jahr 2010. [Report] Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie Hamburg und Rostock. 68 S.
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- Stepputtis, D., H.-H. Hinrichsen, U. Böttcher, E. Götze and V. Mohrholz (2011). An example of meso-scale hydrographic features in the central Baltic Sea and their influence on the distribution and vertical migration of sprat, Sprattus sprattus balticus (Schn.). Fish. oceanogr. 20: 82-88, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00567.x
- 2010
- Dutz, J., V. Mohrholz and J. E. E. van Beusekom (2010). Life cycle and spring phenology of Temora longicornis in the Baltic Sea. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 406: 223-238, doi:10.3354/meps08545
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and V. Mohrholz (2010). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and conditions in the deep basins. HELCOM indicator fact sheets: http://www.helcom.fi/BSAP_assessment/ifs/ifs2010/en_GB/WaterExchange/
- Lass, H. U., V. Mohrholz, G. Nausch and H. Siegel (2010). On phosphate pumping into the surface layer of the eastern Gotland Basin by upwelling. J. mar. syst. 80: 71-89, doi:doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.10.002
- 2009
- Lavik, G., T. Stührmann, V. Brüchert, A. Van der Plas, V. Mohrholz, P. Lam, M. Mußmann, B. M. Fuchs, R. Amann, U. Lass and M. M. M. Kuypers (2009). Detoxification of sulphidic African shelf waters by blooming chemolithotrophs. Nature 457: 581-584, doi:10.1038/nature07588
- Nausch, M., G. Nausch, H. U. Lass, V. Mohrholz, K. Nagel, H. Siegel and N. Wasmund (2009). Phosphorus input by upwelling in the eastern Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) in summer and its effects on filamentous cyanobacteria. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 83: 434-442, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.04.031
- Reissmann, J. H., H. Burchard, R. Feistel, E. Hagen, H. U. Lass, V. Mohrholz, G. Nausch, L. Umlauf and G. Wieczorek (2009). Vertical mixing in the Baltic Sea and consequences for eutrophication – a review. Prog. oceanogr. 82: 47-80, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2007.10.004
- 2008
- Baumann, H., R. Voss, H.-H. Hinrichsen, V. Mohrholz, J. O. Schmidt and A. Temming (2008). Investigating the selective survival of summer- over spring-born sprat, Sprattus sprattus, in the Baltic Sea. Fish. res. 91: 1-14
- Bodungen, B. v., H. C. John, J. R. E. Lutjeharms, V. Mohrholz and J. Veitch (2008). Hydrographic and biological patterns across the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone under undisturbed conditions. J. mar. syst. 74: 189-215
- Feistel, R., T. Seifert, S. Feistel, G. Nausch, B. Bogdanska, L. Hansen, B. Broman, J. Holfort, V. Mohrholz, G. Schmager, E. Hagen, I. Perlet and N. Wasmund (2008). Digital supplement. In: State and evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952 – 2005. Ed. by R. Feistel, G. Nausch and N. Wasmund. Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience: 625-667
- Lass, H. U. and V. Mohrholz (2008). On the interaction between the subtropical gyre and the Subtropical Cell on the shelf of the SE Atlantic. J. mar. syst. 74: 1-43
- Lass, H. U., V. Mohrholz, M. Knoll and H. Prandke (2008). Enhanced mixing downstream of a pile in an estuarine flow. J. mar. syst. 74: 505-527
- Lorke, A., L. Umlauf and V. Mohrholz (2008). Stratification and mixing on sloping boundaries. Geophys. res. lett. 35: L14610, doi:10.1029/2008GL034607
- Matthäus, W., D. Nehring, R. Feistel, G. Nausch, V. Mohrholz and H. U. Lass (2008). The inflow of highly saline water into the Baltic Sea. In: State and evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952 – 2005. Ed. by R. Feistel, G. Nausch and N. Wasmund. Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience: 265-309
- Mohrholz, V., C. H. Bartholomae, A. K. van der Plas and H. U. Lass (2008). The seasonal variability of the northern Benguela undercurrent and its relation to the oxygen budget on the shelf. Cont. shelf res. 28: 424-441
- Mohrholz, V., H. Prandke and H. U. Lass (2008). Estimation of TKE dissipation rates in dense bottom plumes using a Pulse Coherent Acoustic Doppler Profiler (PC-ADP) - Structure function approach. J. mar. syst. 70: 217-239
- Stramma, L., G. C. Johnson, J. Sprintall and V. Mohrholz (2008). Expanding Oxygen-Minimum Zones in the Tropical Oceans. 320, 5876: 655-658
- 2007
- Alheit, J., R. Voss, V. Mohrholz and R. Hinrichs (2007). Climate drives anchovies and sardines into North Sea. GLOBEC int. newsl. 13, 2: 77-78
- Kremp, C., T. Seifert, V. Mohrholz and W. Fennel (2007). The oxygen dynamics during Baltic inflow events in 2001 to 2003 and the effect of different meteorological forcing - a model study. J. mar. syst. 67: 13-30
- Postel, L., A. J. da Silva, V. Mohrholz and H. U. Lass (2007). Zooplankton biomass variability off Angola and Namibia investigated by a lowered ADCP and net sampling. J. mar. syst. 68: 143-166
- Umlauf, L., L. Arneborg, H. Burchard, V. Fiekas, H. U. Lass, V. Mohrholz and H. Prandke (2007). Transverse structure of turbulence in a rotating gravity current. Geophys. res. lett. 34: L 08601, doi:10.1029/2007GL029521, (1-5)
- 2006
- Meier, H. E. M., R. Feistel, J. Piechura, L. Arneborg, H. Burchard, V. Fiekas, N. Golenko, N. Kuzmina, V. Mohrholz, C. Nohr, V. T. Paka, J. Sellschopp, A. Stips and V. Zhurbas (2006). Ventilation of the Baltic Sea deep water: a brief review of present knowledge from observations and models. Oceanologia 48, S: 133-164
- Mohrholz, V., J. Dutz and G. Kraus (2006). The impact of exceptionally warm summer inflow events on the environmental conditions in the Bornholm Basin. J. mar. syst. 60: 285-301
- Monteiro, P. M. S., A. van der Plas, V. Mohrholz, E. Mabille, A. Pascall and W. Joubert (2006). Variability of natural hypoxia and methane in a coastal upwelling system : oceanic physics or shelf biology? Geophys. res. lett. 33: L16614; doi:10.1029/2006GL026234, (1-5)
- Sellschopp, J., L. Arneborg, M. Knoll, V. Fiekas, F. Gerdes, H. Burchard, H. U. Lass, V. Mohrholz and L. Umlauf (2006). Direct observations of a medium-intensity inflow into the Baltic Sea. Cont. shelf res. 26: 2393-2414
- 2005
- Alheit, J., C. Möllmann, J. Dutz, G. Kornilovs, P. Loewe, V. Mohrholz and N. Wasmund (2005). Synchronous ecological regime shifts in the central Baltic and the North Sea in the late 1980s. ICES j. mar. sc. 62: 1205-1215
- Burchard, H., H. U. Lass, V. Mohrholz, L. Umlauf, J. Sellschopp, V. Fiekas, K. Bolding and L. Arneborg (2005). Dynamics of medium-intensity dense water plumes in the Arkona Sea, Western Baltic Sea. Ocean dyn. 55: 391-402
- Lass, H. U. and V. Mohrholz (2005). On the fluctuations and vertical structure of the shelf circulation off Walvis Bay , Namibia. Cont. shelf res. 25: 1473-1497
- Lass, H. U., V. Mohrholz and T. Seifert (2005). On pathways and residence time of saltwater plumes in the Arkona Sea. J. geophys. res. 110: C11019; doi:10.1029/2004JC002848, (1-24)
- 2004
- Dutz, J., V. Mohrholz, J. Peters and J. Alheit (2004). A strong impact of winter temperature on spring recruitment of a key copepod species in the Bornholm Sea: potential linkages to climate variability. GLOBEC int. newsl. 10, 1: 13-14
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch, W. Matthäus, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, T. Seifert, I. Sehested Hansen, V. Mohrholz, S. Krüger, E. Buch and E. Hagen (2004). Background data to the exceptionally warm inflow into the Baltic Sea in late summer of 2002. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 58 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 58)
- John, H. C., V. Mohrholz, J. R. E. Lutjeharms, S. Weeks, R. Cloete, A. Kreiner and D. Da Silva Neto (2004). Oceanographic and faunistic structures across an Angola Current intrusion into northern Namibian waters,. J. mar. syst. 46: 1-22
- Mohrholz, V., M. Schmidt, J. R. E. Lutjeharms and H. C. John (2004). Space-time behaviour of the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone during the Benguela Nino of April 1999. Int. j. remote sensing 25: 1337-1340
- 2003
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch, V. Mohrholz, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, T. Seifert, W. Matthäus, S. Krüger and I. Sehested Hansen (2003). Warm waters of summer 2002 in the deep Baltic Proper. Oceanologia 45: 571-592
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch, V. Mohrholz, T. Seifert, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak and W. Matthäus (2003). Summer waters in the deep Baltic in winter 2002/3 (poster abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 124
- Lass, H. U. and V. Mohrholz (2003). On the dynamics and mixing of inflowing salt-water in the Arkona Sea. J. Geophys. Res. 108, C2: 3042, doi: 10.1029/2002JC001465
- Lass, H. U., V. Mohrholz and T. Seifert (2003). On the pathways and mixing of saltwater plumes in the Arkona Sea. In: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Matthäus. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 54): 38-54
- Mohrholz, V. and D. Rüß (2003). Shallow water current measurements: application of a towed ADP system. Hydro int. 7, 1: 24-27
- Pastuszak, M., K. Nagel, I. A. Grelowski, V. Mohrholz and M. Zalewski (2003). Nutrient dynamics in the Pomeranian Bay (Southern Baltic): impact of the Oder river outflow. 26: 1238-1254
- 2001
- John, H. C., V. Mohrholz and J. R. E. Lutjeharms (2001). Cross-front hydrography and fish larval distribution at the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone. J. mar. syst. 28: 91-111
- Lass, H. U., V. Mohrholz and T. Seifert (2001). On the dynamics of the Pomeranian Bight. Cont. shelf res. 21: 1237-1261
- Lass, H. U., V. Mohrholz, G. Nausch, C. Pohl, L. Postel, D. Rüß, M. Schmidt, A. Da Silva and N. Wasmund (2001). Data report of R/V "Meteor" cruise 48/3 ANBEN'2000. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 121 S. (Meerswissenschaftliche Berichte; 47)
- Mohrholz, V., H. U. Lass and T. Seifert (2001). Pathways and transformation of inflowing saline bottom water in the Arkona Basin (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001 : past, present and future - a joint venture ; abstract volume. Stockholm: Stockholm Marine Research Centre, Stockholm Univ.: 121
- Mohrholz, V., M. Schmidt and J. R. E. Lutjeharms (2001). The hydrography and dynamics of the Angola-Benguela frontal zone and environment in April 1999. South Afr. j. mar. sc. 97: 199-208
- 2000
- John, H. C., V. Mohrholz and J. R. E. Lutjeharms (2000). Cross-front structures in hydrography and fish larvae at the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone (Poster). ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 2000: ICES CM paper L:21
- Lass, H. U., M. Schmidt, V. Mohrholz and G. Nausch (2000). Hydrographic and current measurements in the area of the Angola-Benguela front. J. phys. oceanogr. 30: 2589-2609
- Mohrholz, V., H. U. Lass and A. Mutzke (1999). Dynamics of river plumes in the Pomeranian Bight (Ext. abstract). ICES j. mar. sc. 56, suppl.: 84-86
- Mohrholz, V., M. Schmidt and J. R. E. Lutjeharms (2000). Space-time behaviour of the Angola-Benguela frontal zone during the Benguela Nino of April 1999 (Poster). ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 2000: ICES CM paper L:22
- Schmidt, M., V. Mohrholz, T. Schmidt, H. C. John, S. Weinreben, H. Diesterheft, A. Iita, V. Filipe, B.-B. Sangolay, A. Kreiner, V. Hashoongo and D. Da Silva Neto (2000). Data report of R/V "Poseidon" cruise 250 ANDEX' 1999. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 117 S. (Meerswissenschaftliche Berichte; 40)
- 1999
- Mohrholz, V. and H. U. Lass (1998). Transports between Oderhaff and Pomeranian Bight - a simple barotropic box model. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 371-383
- 1998
- Mohrholz, V. (1998). Transport- und Vermischungsprozesse in der Pommerschen Bucht. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 106 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 33)
- Mohrholz, V., H. U. Lass, W. Matthäus and M. Pastuszak (1998). Oder water and nutrient discharge and salinity distribution in the Pomeranian Bight during the Oder Flood. (Abstract). In: HELCOM scientific workshop : the effects of the 1997 flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers, 12-14 January, Hamburg. Hamburg und Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie; 13): 33
- Mohrholz, V., M. Pastuszak, S. Stanislaw, K. Nagel and H. U. Lass (1998). The exceptional Oder flood in summer 1997 - riverine mass and nutrient transport into the Pomeranian Bight. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 129-144
- Nagel, K., V. Mohrholz and C. Pohl (1998). Distribution patterns of Oder discharges into the Pomeranian Bight what can be expected under 'normal conditions'? (Abstract). Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 275