Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bathmann - Publikationen
- 2024
- Bathmann, U., P. Braun and I. Meinke (2024). Abschlussbericht des KüNO III Dachprojektes – Koordination und Transfer (CoTrans).
- 2020
- Bathmann, U., H. Schubert, E. Andrén, L. Tuomi, T. Radziejewska, K. Kulinski and I. Chubarenko (2020). Editorial: Living along gradients: Past, present, future. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 801, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00801 –open access–
- Berthold, M., G. Nausch, M. v. Weber, S. Koch, P. Kahle, B. Lennartz, J. Tränckner, U. Buczko, C. Tonn, F. Eckardt and U. Bathmann (2020). Phosphorus and the Baltic Sea: Sustainable management. In: Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society. Ed. by P. A. Maurice. Wiley: online, doi: 10.1002/9781119300762.wsts0146
- 2019
- Kunz, F., A. Hiller and U. Bathmann (2019). Der Baltic Sea Atlas für ein ausgewogenes Management mariner Küstenökosysteme. Wasser u. Abfall 21: 20-25
- 2018
- Krämer, I., U. Bathmann, B. Eichler-Löbermann, P. Leinweber, J. Tränckner and K. Wimmers, Eds. (2018). Handling the phosphorus paradox in agriculture and natural ecosystems: Scarcity, necessity, and burden of P. Springer (Ambio Special Issue), https://link.springer.com/journal/13280/47/1/suppl/page/1
- Leinweber, P., U. Bathmann, U. Buczko, C. Douhaire, B. Eichler-Löbermann, E. Frossard, F. Ekardt, H. Jarvie, I. Krämer, C. Kabbe, B. Lennartz, P.-E. Mellander, G. Nausch, H. Ohtake and J. Tränckner (2018). Handling the phosphorus paradox in agriculture and natural ecosystems: Scarcity, necessity, and burden of P. Ambio 47, 1: 3-19, doi: 10.1007/s13280-017-0968-9 –open access–
- 2017
- Bathmann, U. (2017). Wechselwirkungen zwischen Meeresboden und Ozean : Die pelago-benthische Kopplung im Südpolarmeer. In: Faszination Meeresforschung : Ein ökologisches Lesebuch. Ed. by G. Hempel, K. Bischof and W. Hagen. 2. Auflage. Berlin: Springer: 63-70, doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-49714-2
- 2016
- Krämer, I. and S. Häberle, Eds. (2016). Phosphorus 2020 - challenges for synthesis, agriculture and environment: 8th International Phosphorus Workshop IPW8, September 12-16, 2016, Rostock, Germany. Program and book of abstracts. Rostock: Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research Rostock. 282 S., doi: 10.12754/procs-2016-ipw8 –open access–
- Thiede, J., D. Aksnes, U. Bathmann, M. Betti, F. Boero, G. Boxshall, P. Cury, M. Dowell, R. Emmerson, M. Estrada, M. Fine, A. Grigelis, P. Herman, G. Herndl, J. Kuparinen, J. T. Martinsohn, O. Prášil, R. Serrão Santos, T. Soomere and C. Synolakis (2016). Marine sustainability in an age of changing oceans and seas. Brussels: European Union and European Academies' Science Advisory Council. 56 S. (EASAC policy report 28), 978-92-79-46139-2, doi: 10.2760/787712 –open access–
- 2015
- Schulz, J., K. O. Möller, A. Bracher, M. Hieronymi, B. Cisewski, O. Zielinski, D. Voss, E. Gutzeit, T. Dolereit, G. Niedzwiedz, G. Kohlberg, D. Schories, R. Kiko, A. Körtzinger, C. Falldorf, P. Fischer, N. Nowald, K. Beisiegel, P. Martinez-Arbizu, N. Rüssmeier, R. Röttgers, J. Büdenbender, A. Jordt-Sedlazeck, R. Koch, U. Riebesell, M. Hvitfeldt Iversen, K. Köser, T. Kwasnitschka, J. Wellhausen, C. Thoma, K. Barz, S. Rohde, T. W. Nattkemper, T. Schoening, F. Peeters, H. Hofmann, J. A. Busch, H.-J. Hirche, B. Niehoff, N. Hildebrandt, E. Stohr, C. Winter, G. Herbst, C. Konrad, M. Schmidt, P. Linke, T. Brey, H. W. Bange, L. Nolle, S. Krägefsky, J. Gröger, E. Sauter, M. Schulz, J. Müller, G. Rehder, D. Stepputtis, B. Beszteri, M. Kloster, G. Kauer, A. Göritz, P. Gege, U. Freiherr von Lukas and U. Bathmann (2015). Aquatische optische Technologien in Deutschland. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 83 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 97), doi: 10.12754/msr-2015-0097 –open access–
- Kruse, S., E. A. Pakhomov, B. P. V. Hunt, Y. Chikaraishi, N. O. Ogawa and U. Bathmann (2015). Uncovering the trophic relationship between Themisto gaudichaudii and Salpa thompsoni in the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 529: 63-74, doi: 10.3354/meps11288
- 2014
- Metfies, K., A. Nicolaus, L. v. Harbou, U. Bathmann and I. Peeken (2014). Molecular analyses of gut contents : elucidating the feeding of co-occurring salps in the Lazarev Sea from a different perspective. Antarct. sci. 26: 545-553, doi:doi:10.1017/S0954102014000157
- Flores, H., B. P. V. Hunt, S. Kruse, E. A. Pakhomov, V. Siegel, J. A. van Franeker, V. Strass, A. P. Van de Putte, E. H. W. G. Meesters and U. Bathmann (2014). Seasonal changes in the vertical distribution and community structure of Antarctic macrozooplankton and micronekton. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 84: 127-141, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2013.11.001
- 2013
- Assmy, P., V. Smetacek, M. Montresor, C. Klaas, J. Henjes, V. H. Strass, J. M. Arrieta, U. Bathmann, G. M. Berg, E. Breitbarth, B. Cisewski, L. Friedrichs, N. Fuchs, G. J. Herndl, S. Jansen, S. Krägefsky, M. Latasa, I. Peeken, R. Röttgers, R. Scharek, S. E. Schüller, S. Steigenberger, A. Webb and D. Wolf-Gladrow (2013). Thick-shelled, grazer-protected diatoms decouple ocean carbon and silicon cycles in the iron-limited Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110: 20633-20638, doi:10.1073/pnas.1309345110 –open access–
- Kraft, A., E.-M. Nöthig, E. Bauerfeind, D. J. Wildish, G. W. Pohle, U. V. Bathmann, A. Beszczynska-Möller and M. Klages (2013). First evidence of reproductive success in a southern invader indicates possible community shifts among Arctic zooplankton. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 493: 291-296, doi:10.3354/meps10507
- Kraft, A., E. Bauerfeind, E.-M. Nöthig, M. Klages, A. Beszczynska-Möller and U. V. Bathmann (2013). Amphipods in sediment traps of the eastern Fram Strait with focus on the life-history of the lysianassoid Cyclocaris guilelmi. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 73: 62-72, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2012.11.012
- 2012
- Bathmann, U. (2012). Unser Planet lebt durch seine Ozeane. In: Tiefsee : Expeditionen zu den Quellen des Lebens. Ed. by G. Wefer, F. Schmieder and S. v. Neuhoff. Rosenheim: Veranstaltungs- u. Kongress GmbH: 24-31
- Smetacek, V., C. Klaas, V. H. Strass, P. Assmy, M. Montresor, B. Cisewski, N. Savoye, A. Webb, F. d'Ovidio, J. M. Arrieta, U. Bathmann, R. Bellerby, G. M. Berg, P. Croot, S. Gonzalez, J. Henjes, G. J. Herndl, L. J. Hoffmann, H. Leach, M. Losch, M. M. Mills, C. Neill, I. Peeken, R. Röttgers, O. Sachs, E. Sauter, M. M. Schmidt, J. Schwarz, A. Terbruggen and D. Wolf-Gladrow (2012). Deep carbon export from a Southern Ocean iron-fertilized diatom bloom. Nature 487: 313-319, doi:10.1038/nature11229
- 2011
- Brandt, A. , Ebbe, B. and Bathmann, U. (2011): Southern Ocean biodiversity -- From pelagic processes to deep-sea response. Deep Sea Research II, 58 , pp. 1945-1947. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.05.003
- Dubischar, C.D., Pakhomov, E.A., Harbou, L.von, Hunt, B.P.V., Bathmann, U.V. (2011). Salps in the Lazarev-Sea, Southern Ocean: II. Biochemical composition and potential prey value, Marine Biology.
- Harbou, L. von, Dubischar, C.D., Pakhomov, E.A., Hunt, B.P.V., Hagen, W., Bathmann, U.V. (2011). Salps in the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean: I. Feeding dynamics, Marine Biology.
- Hunt, B.P.V., Pakhomov, E.A., Siegel, V., Strass, V., Cisewski, B., Bathmann, U. (2011). The seasonal cycle of the Lazarev Sea macrozooplankton community and a potential shift to top down trophic control in winter, Deep Sea Research II, 58(13-16), 1662-1676.
- Martynova, D., Kazus, N. A., Bathmann, U. V., Graeve, M., Sukhotin, A. A. (2011). Seasonal abundance and feeding patterns of copepods Temora longicornis, Centropages hamatus and Acartia spp. in the White Sea (66°N), Polar Biology, 34, 1175-1195.
- Pakhomov, E.A., Dubischar, C.D., Hunt, B.P.V., Strass, V., Cisewski, B., Siegel, V., Harbou, L. von, Gurney, L., Kitchener, J., Bathmann, U. (2011). Biology and life cycles of pelagic tunicates in the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean, Deep Sea Research II, 58(13-16), 1677-1689.
- 2010
- Bathmann, U., Passow, U. (2010). Kohlenstoffpumpen im Ozean steuern das Klima. Globale Erwärmung, Biologie in unserer Zeit, 40(5), 304-313.
- Beekmans, B.W.P.M., Forcada, J.F., Murphy, E.J., de Baar, H.J.W., Bathmann, U.V., Fleming, A.H. (2010). Generalised additive models to investigate environmental drivers of Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) spatial density in austral summer, J. Cetacean Res. Management, 11(2), 115-129.
- Böttjer, D., Morales, C.E., Bathmann, U. (2010). Trophic role of small cyclopoid copepod nauplii in the microbial food web: a case study in the coastal upwelling system off central Chile, Marine Biology, 157, 689-705.
- Kruse, S., Brey, T., Bathmann, U. (2010). Role of midwater chaetognaths in Southern Ocean pelagic energy flow, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 416, 105-113.
- Kruse, S., Hagen, W., Bathmann, U. (2010). Feeding ecology and energetics of the Antarctic chaetognaths Eukrohnia hamata, E. bathypelagica and E. bathyantarctica, Marine Biology 157: 2289-2302.
- 2009
- Bathmann, U., Passow, U. (2009). Carbon pumps in the Southern Ocean are impacting global climate, Biological studies in polar oceans : exploration of life in icy waters ; 35 research reports and reviews / Gotthilf and Irmtraut Hempel (ed.) Bremerhaven : Wirtschaftsverl. NW, Verl. für neue Wissenschaft, 219 - 226.
- Giesecke, R., González, H.E., Bathmann, U. (2009). The role of the chaetognath Sagitta gazellae in the vertical carbon flux of the Southern Ocean, Polar Biology, 33, 293-304.
- Krägefsky, S., Bathmann, U., Strass, V., Wolf-Gladrow, D. (2009). Response of small copepods to an iron-induced phytoplankton bloom - a model to address the mechanisms of aggregation, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 374: 181-198.
- Kruse, S., Bathmann, U., Brey, T. (2009). Meso- and bathypelagic distribution and abundance of chaetognaths in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, Polar Biology, 32: 1359-1376.
- Kruse, S., Jansen, S., Krägefsky, S., Bathmann, U. (2009). Gut content analyses of three dominant Antarctic copepod species during an induced phytoplankton bloom EIFEX (European iron fertilization experiment), Marine Ecology, 30(3), 301-312.
- Meyer, B., Fuentes, V., Guerra, C., Schmidt, K., Atkinson, A., Spahic, S., Cisewski, B, Freier, U., Olariaga, A, Bathmann, U. (2009). Physiology, growth and development of larval krill Euphausia superba in autumn and winter in the Lazarev Sea, Antarctica, Limnology and Oceanography, 54(5), 1595-1614.
- Reid, P. C., Bathmann, U., Batten, S., Brainard, R., Burkill, P., Carlotti, F., Chiba, S., Conversi, A., Dickson, R.R., Dooley, H., Edwards, M., Flinkman, J., Fukuchi, M., Goes, J., Greene, C.H., Hare, J.A., Hays, G.C., Head, E., Hood, R.R., Hosie, G., Hunt, B.P.V., John, A.W.G., Jonas, T.D., Jossie, J.W., Kim, K., Kirby, R.R., Kitchener, J., Kobayashi, D., Lakkis, S., Llope, M., Lopes, R.M., MacDiarmid, A., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Malone, T., Matondkar, P., Pershing, A., Richardson, A., Robertson, D., Robinson, K., Sartimbul, A., Stenseth, N.C., Sugisaki, H., Stevens, D., Vanden Berghe, E., Verheye, H., Vezzulli, L., Ward, P. (2009). A GCarlobal Continuous Plankton Recorder Programme, OceanObs 09.
- Reid, P.C., Fischer, A., Lewis-Brown, E., Meredith, M.P., Sparrow, M., Andersson, A.J., Antia, A., Bathmann, U., Beaugrand, G., Brix, H., Dye, S., Edwards, M., Furevik, T., Gangstø, R. , Hátún, H., Hopcroft, R.R., Kendall, M., Kasten, S., Keeling, R., Le Quéré, C., Mackenzie, F.T., Malin, G., Mauritzen, C., Ólafsson, J., Paull, C., Rignot, E., Shimada, K., Vogt, M., Wallace, C., Wang, Z., Washington, R. (2009). Impacts of the Oceans on Climate Change, Advances in Marine Biology, 56, 1-150.
- 2008
- Dehairs, F., deBrauwere, A., Elskens, M. , Bathmann, U., Becquevort, S., Blain, S., Boyd, P., Buesseler, K., Buitenhuis, E., Gehlen, M., Herndl, G., Klaas, C., Lampitt, R., Lefevre, D., Passow, U., Ploug, H., Primeau, F. (ed), Stemmann, L. (ed), Trull, T. (ed) (2008). Controls on Organic Carbon Export and Twilight Zone Remineralization, Oceanography, 21, 92-95.
- Fach, B.A., Meyer, B., Wolf-Gladrow, D., Bathmann, U. (2008). Biochemically based modelling study of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Growth and Development, Marine ecology progress series, 360, 147-161.
- Martynova, D.M., Graeve, M., Bathmann, U. (2008). Adaptation strategies of copepods (superfamily Centropagoidea) in the White Sea (66°N), Polar Biology.
- 2002
- Atkinson, A., H. Meyer, D. Stübing, W. Hagen, K. Schmidt and U. V. Bathmann (2002). Feeding and energy budget of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba at the onset winter.2. Juveniles and adults. Limnol. oceanogr. 47: 953-966
- 2001
- Antia, A. N., W. Koeve, G. Fischer, T. Blanz, D. E. Schulz-Bull, J. Scholten, S. Neuer, K. Kremling, J. Kuss, R. Peinert, D. Hebbeln, U. V. Bathmann, M. H. Conté, U. Fehner and B. Zeitzschel (2001). Basin-wide particulate carbon flux in the Atlantic Ocean: regional export patterns and potential for atmospheric CO2 sequestration. Glob. biogeochem. cycles 15: 845-862
- 1997
- Noji, T. T., U. V. Bathmann, B. v. Bodungen, M. Voss and e. al. (1997). Clearance of picoplankton-sized particles and formation of rapidly sinking aggregates by the pteropod, Limacina retroversa. J. plankton res. 19: 863-875
- Smetacek, V., H. J. W. De Baar, U. V. Bathmann, K. Lochte and M. M. Rutgers van der Loeff (1997). Ecology and biogeochemistry of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current during austral spring: asummary of Southern Ocean JGOFS cruise ANT X/6 of R.V. Polarstern. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2 44: 1-21