Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Glockzin - Professionelle Aktivitäten
Glockzin, M, Zettler, M.L. (2008): Which factors cause benthic diversity in an low salinity environment? An approach to estimate species response. Proceedings of the MARBEF World Congress on Biodiversity, Valencia, Session 1.10, p.18
Glockzin M (2008): Impact of particle-specific sinking on particle spectra and mass balances in the Central Baltic Sea - a short introduction to my PhD Thesis. International Summer School in Turbulence, Plankton and Marine Snow, 2008 in Vilanova, Spain
Glockzin M (2008): SOPRAN Baltic 2007 - sediment trap data. Results presentation from SOPRAN 2007 mesocosm experiments, Annual SOPRAN Meeting, ifm-geomar, Kiel
Gogina M, Glockzin M, Zettler ML (2009): Predictive modelling of benthic macrofauna distribution: Example of environmental settings in the western Baltic Sea, Proceedings of the BSCC Congress, 17.-21.08.2009, Tallinn, Session O66, p. 91
- 2023
- Friedemann Reum, Julia Marshall, Lutz Bretschneider, Michael Glockzin, Heidi Huntrieser, Klaus-Dirk Gottschaldt, Astrid Lampert, Michael Lichtenstern, Scot M. Miller, Falk Pätzold, Magdalena Pühl, Gregor Rehder, and Anke Roige (Vortrag)
EGU 2023 - European Geosciences Union 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23.-28.04.2023 - Rehder, G., Bittig, Henry C., Glockzin, M., Ramonet, M.: Cross-domain data from ICOS and related data sources track the fate of methane from the gas leakages of the North Stream I and II pipelines. (Poster)
International Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Symposium, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.01.-01.02.2023
- Friedemann Reum, Julia Marshall, Lutz Bretschneider, Michael Glockzin, Heidi Huntrieser, Klaus-Dirk Gottschaldt, Astrid Lampert, Michael Lichtenstern, Scot M. Miller, Falk Pätzold, Magdalena Pühl, Gregor Rehder, and Anke Roige (Vortrag)
- 2020
- Gregor Rehder, Marc F. Delmotte, Michael Glockzin, Lynn Hazan, Armin Jordan, Victor Kazan, Syrine Nouicer, Michel Ramonet,Tobias Steinhoff: High quality trace gas measurements in the Marine Boundary Layer on Ships of Opportunity (SOOPs) (Vortrag)
ICOS2020 - ICOS Science Conference, Online, 15.-17.09.2020
- Gregor Rehder, Marc F. Delmotte, Michael Glockzin, Lynn Hazan, Armin Jordan, Victor Kazan, Syrine Nouicer, Michel Ramonet,Tobias Steinhoff: High quality trace gas measurements in the Marine Boundary Layer on Ships of Opportunity (SOOPs) (Vortrag)
- 2019
- Jacobs E, Glockzin M, Graves C, Gräwe U, Kaitala S, Schneider B, Rehder G: Enhanced surface concentrations and air-sea fluxes of methane and carbon dioxide in the Baltic Sea caused by coastal upwelling. (Vortrag)
BSSC 2019 - 12th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 19.-23.08.2019
- Jacobs E, Glockzin M, Graves C, Gräwe U, Kaitala S, Schneider B, Rehder G: Enhanced surface concentrations and air-sea fluxes of methane and carbon dioxide in the Baltic Sea caused by coastal upwelling. (Vortrag)
- 2018
- Schmale O, Karle M, Glockzin M, Otto S, Schneider B: Mid-summer nitrogen fixation and its impact on the concentration of molecular nitrogen in the surface water of the central Baltic Sea (Poster)
EGU 2018 - European Geoscoiences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 08.-13.04.2018 - Wilson ST, Rehder GJ: A Global Intercomparison of Oceanic Methane and Nitrous Oxide Measurements (Poster)
OSM 2018 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018, Portland, Oregon, United States, 11.-16.02.2018
- Schmale O, Karle M, Glockzin M, Otto S, Schneider B: Mid-summer nitrogen fixation and its impact on the concentration of molecular nitrogen in the surface water of the central Baltic Sea (Poster)
- 2016
- Rehder G, Werner J, Gräwe U, Schneider B, Schmale O, Glockzin M, Sadkowiak B: Continuous measurement of CH4 and pCO2 in the Baltic Sea using off- axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy on a voluntary observation ship. (Vortrag)
Air-Sea Gas Flux: Progress and Future Prospects. Brest, France, Brest, France, 06.-09.09.2016 - Graves C, Glockzin M, Sadkowiak B, Schneider B, Rehder G: Six years of Methane observations in the Baltic Sea. (Poster)
7th FerryBox Workshop, Heraklion, Greece, 07./08.04.2016
- Rehder G, Werner J, Gräwe U, Schneider B, Schmale O, Glockzin M, Sadkowiak B: Continuous measurement of CH4 and pCO2 in the Baltic Sea using off- axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy on a voluntary observation ship. (Vortrag)
- 2015
- Rehder G, Schmale O, Glockzin M, Gülzow W, Jakobs G, Kedzior S, Werner J: Controls on methane fluxes and turnover in the water column of the Baltic Sea – a review reflecting the potential impact of the 2014/2015 major inflow event. (Vortrag)
BSSC 2015 - 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Riga, Latvia, 15.-19.06.2015 - Rehder G: Automated trace gas monitoring on a ship of opportunity – Results from the Baltic and a note on equilibrator requirements. (Vortrag)
Marine Applications and Perspectives of Cavity Enhanced Optical Detection Schemes, Kiel, Germany, 20./21.04.2015
- Rehder G, Schmale O, Glockzin M, Gülzow W, Jakobs G, Kedzior S, Werner J: Controls on methane fluxes and turnover in the water column of the Baltic Sea – a review reflecting the potential impact of the 2014/2015 major inflow event. (Vortrag)
- Glockzin, M. Pollehne, F., Rossoll, D., Krug, S., Czerny, J., Büdenbender, J., Schulz, K., Meyerhöfer, M., Ludwig, A., Fritsche, P., Riebesell, U., Engel, A., Piontek, J., Sperling, M., Haendel, N. (2010): Sedimentation under altered environmental conditions – sediment trap results from the 2009 SOPRAN Baltic offshore mesocosm experiment. 3rd SOPRAN Meeting, Hamburg, 23.-24.03.2010
Glockzin, M., Dellwig, O., Pollehne, F. (2009): Setting velocities of authigenic minerals at pelagic redoxclines of anoxic basins: An experimental approach. In: Book of Abstracts, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, Nice, France, p. 95
Glockzin M, Pollehne F. (2009): S(e)izing particles - methods and results from the 2008 SOPRAN Baltic offshore mesocosm experiment and affiliated works, Annual SOPRAN Meeting, ifm-geomar, Kiel, 19.03.2009
Glockzin M, Pollehne F. (2008): Particles in mesocosms - result from the SOPRAN Baltic 2007 offshore mesocosm experiment. Annual SOPRAN Meeting, IOW, Warnemünde, 11/12 March 2008
Zettler ML, Röhner M, Frankowski J, Glockzin M, Glockzin I. FFH- Biosphere-types "Reef" and "Sandbank" in the german exclusiv economic zone (AWZ) of the Baltic - Presentation and assessment of the macrobenthos. Marine nature conservancy 2004 - A Conference in the German Marine Museum Stralsund. 30.11. - 03.12.2004
- Orlikowska A, Ludwig A, Riebesell U, Glockzin M, Wodarg D, Schulz-Bull D (2009): Volatile halogenated organic compounds (VHOCs) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) in water during an off-shore mesocosm experiment in the Baltic Sea. In: Book of Abstracts, SOLAS Open Science Conference 2009, Barcelona, Spain, p. 64
- ASLO (2009) – Students Travel Award, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, Nice, France.
- since 2004:
16 weeks on RV P.A. PENCK, Baltic Sea
12 weeks on RV ALKOR and RV HEINCKE, Baltic Sea & North Atlantic
2 weeks on RV POSEIDON, Baltic Sea
4 weeks on RV MARIA S. MERIAN, Baltic Sea
21 weeks on RV METEOR, Baltic Sea, South Atlantic
10 weeks on RV SALME, Baltic Sea
5 weeks on RV Elisabeth Mann Borgese
selected cruise purposes:
- ICOS (LGR sensor/equilibrator) / CRDS (Picarro) - procurement,
logistics, construction, technical support, measurement and data
management in lab and during research cruises on the Baltic Sea
- sediment trap development and deployment (e.g. FOILTRAP in KOSMOS mesocosms)
- underwater camera deployment (e.g. PART-EYE)
- offshore mesocosm experiments (Project SOPRAN 1)
- in-situ testing and deployment of marine measuring instruments (e.g.
UW camera & sediment trap prototypes, methods, ICOS/CRD sensors)
- benthological survey and habitat mapping