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Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen

  • 2024
    • How eutrophication and climate change alter the food webs of the Baltic Sea (Vortrag)
      Mini Symposium Umea University, Umea, Sweden, 12.12.2024
    • Prof. Dr. Joe Montoya: Sargassum in the Western Tropical Atlantic:  Do Elemental and Isotopic Composition Record Growth History? (guest: GATECH, USA) (Vortrag)
      IOW - Guest researcher presentation, Rostock, Germany, 15.11.2024
  • 2022
    • Fernández-Carrera A, Burmeister C, Liskow I, Heene T, Mohrholz V, Wodarg D, Loick-Wilde N: Changes in photo-, mixo- and heterotrophy at the base of the aquatic food web along the Amazon River plume  (Vortrag)
      OSM2022 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, Online, 24.02.-04.03.2022
  • 2018
    • Loick-Wilde N: Planktonic Food Web Structure in Future Oceans? (Vortrag)
      ZMT Invited Talk, Bremen, Germany, 12.12.2018
    • Loick-Wilde N: Planktonic Food Web Structure in Future Oceans? (Vortrag)
      GEOMAR - GEOMAR Kiel Invited Talk, Kiel, Germany, 04.10.2018
    • Loick-Wilde N: Planktonic Food Web Structure in Future Oceans? (Vortrag)
      HZG - Invited Talk HZG, Geesthacht, Germany, 29.08.2018
    • Beate Stawiarski, Stefan Otto, Volker Thiel, Ulf Gräwe, Natalie Loick-Wilde, Anna K. Wittenborn, Stefan Schloemer, Janine Wäge, Gregor Rehder, Matthias Labrenz, Norbert Wasmund, and Oliver Schmale Controls on zooplankton methane production in the central Baltic Sea (Poster)
      EGU 2018 - European Geoscoiences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 08.-13.04.2018
    • Loick-Wilde N, Weber S, Voß M: Nutrients, nitrogen-fixation, and planktonic food webs in tropical river plumes. (Vortrag)
      OSM 2018 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018, Portland, Oregon, United States, 11.-16.02.2018
    • Seidel M, Eglite E, Loick-Wilde N, Dittmar T: Biogeochemical Cycling of Dissolved Organic Matter in Response to Changing Redox-Conditions in the Baltic Se. Abstract BN14A-1005. (Poster)
      OSM 2018 - Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018, Portland, Oregon, United States, 11.-16.02.2018
  • 2017
    • Stawiarski B, Loick-Wilde N, Wäge J, Wasmund N, Gräwe U, Rehder G, Labrenz M, Schmale O: Zooplankton associated methane production: A process that influences methane gradients in oxic waters of the Baltic Sea. (Poster)
      BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
    • Loick-Wilde N, Weber SC, Eglite E, Liskow I, Schulz-Bull D, Wasmund N, Wodarg D, Montoya JP: Amino acid synthesis and turnover during N2 fixation in a decaying cyanobacteria bloom and biochemical match with zooplankton. (Vortrag)
      BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
    • Loick-Wilde N, Bombar D, Doan H N, Nguyen L N, Nguyen-Thi A M, Voss M, Dippner JW: Microplankton biomass and diversity in the Vietnamese upwelling area during SW monsoon under normal conditions and after an ENSO event. Progress in Oceanography, 153, 1-15. (Poster)
      BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
    • Schmale O, Wäge J, Morholz V, Rehder G, Wasmund N, Gräwe U, Labrenz M, Loick-Wilde N: Methane anomalies in the oxygenated upper waters of the central Baltic Sea associated with zooplankton abundance. (Vortrag)
      EGU 2017 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, 23.-29.04.2017
  • 2016
    • Elglite E, Wodarg D, Schulz-Bull D, Liskow I, Loick-Wilde N: Impact of cyanobacteria on the mesozooplankton trophic structure and amino acid metabolism in the central Baltic Sea. (Vortrag)
      ICES Annual Science Conference, Riga, Latvia, 19.-29.09.2016
    • Loick-Wilde N, Schulz-Bull D, Wodarg D, Elglite E, Liskow I: End-to-end amino acid transfer and net growth efficiency by compound-specific isotope analysis. (Poster)
      ICES PICES ZPS - 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 09.-13.05.2016
    • Stawiarski B, Wäge J, Labrenz M, Loick-Wilde N, Schmale O: Zooplankton associated Methane production in the central Baltic Sea (Poster)
      IOW Advisory Board 2016, Warnemünde, Germany, 17./18.03.2016