Monika Nausch - Publikationen
- 2019
- Bitschofsky, F. and M. Nausch (2019). Spatial and seasonal variations in phosphorus speciation along a river in a lowland catchment (Warnow, Germany). Sci. Total Environ. 657: 671-685, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.009 PhosWaM
- Bitschofsky, F., L. N. Felgentreu, Günther, T. Leipe and M. Nausch (2019). Phosphortransport und -transformation entlang eines nordostdeutschen Tieflandflusses im Einzugsgebiet der Ostsee. KW Korresp. Wasserwirtschaft 12: 134-139, doi: 10.3243/kwe2019.03.001 PhosWaM
- Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, Eds. (2019). Abschlussbericht des BMBF-Forschungsverbundprojektes PhosWaM - Phosphor von der Quelle bis ins Meer: Hintergrunddokument. Detlef Schulz-Bull, Friederike Kunz (Bearbeiter). Rostock-Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde. 181 S., http://www.wrrl-mv.de/doku/hintergrund3BZ/PhosWaM-Hintergrundbericht.pdf PhosWaM
- Loick-Wilde, N., I. Fernández Urruzola, E. Eglite, I. Liskow, M. Nausch, D. Schulz-Bull, D. Wodarg, N. Wasmund and V. Mohrholz (2019). Stratification, nitrogen fixation, and cyanobacterial bloom stage regulate the planktonic food web structure. Glob. Change Biol. 25: 794-810, doi: 10.1111/gcb.14546 –open access–ZET Change
- 2018
- Braun, P. D., H. N. Schulz-Vogt, A. Vogts and M. Nausch (2018). Differences in the accumulation of phosphorus between vegetative cells and heterocysts in the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena. Sci. Rep. 8: 5651, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23992-1 MEPHOR
- Felgentreu, L., G. Nausch, F. Bitschofsky, M. Nausch and D. Schulz-Bull (2018). Colorimetric chemical differentiation and detection of phosphorus in eutrophic and high particulate waters: Advantages of a new monitoring approach. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 212, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00212 –open access–PhosWaM
- Krämer, I. (2018 ). PhosWaM - Phosphor von der Quelle bis ins Meer - Integriertes Phosphor- und Wasserressourcen-Management für nachhaltigen Gewässerschutz. In: ReWaM - Regionales Wasserressourcen-Managementfür den nachhaltigen Gewässerschutz in Deutschland Koblenz: Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, doi: 10.5675/REWAM_AB2018 –open access–PhosWaM
- Krämer, I. (2018). PhosWaM - Phosphorus from source to sea - Integrated phosphorus and water resources management for sustainable water protection. In: PhosWaM - Regional water resources management for sustainable protection of waters in Germany Koblenz: Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG): 46-47, doi: 10.5675/REWAM_AB2018_EN –open access–PhosWaM
- Nausch, M., E. P. Achterberg, L. T. Bach, C. P. D. Brussaard, K. J. Crawfurd, J. Fabian, U. Riebesell, A. Stuhr, J. Unger and N. Wannicke (2018). Concentrations and uptake of dissolved organic phosphorus compounds in the Baltic Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 386, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00386 –open access–BIOACID II WP 2.6
- 2017
- Krämer, I. (2017). PhosWaM - Phosphor von der Quelle bis ins Meer - Integriertes Phosphor- und Wasserressourcen-Management für nachhaltigen Gewässerschutz. In: ReWaM - Regionales Wasserressourcen-Managementfür den nachhaltigen Gewässerschutz in Deutschland (Zwischenergebnisse) Koblenz: Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, doi: 10.5675/REWAM_ZwE2016 –open access–PhosWaM
- Krämer, I. (2017). PhosWaM - Phosphorus from source to sea - Integrated phosphorus and water resources management for sustainable water protection. In: PhosWaM - Regional water resources management for sustainable protection of waters in Germany : Interim results Koblenz: Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG): 42-43, doi: 10.5675/REWAM_ZwE2017_EN PhosWaM
- Nausch, M., J. Woelk, P. Kahle, G. Nausch, T. Leipe and B. Lennartz (2017). Phosphorus fractions in discharges from artificially drained lowland catchments (Warnow River, Baltic Sea). Agric. Water Manage. 187: 77-87, doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2017.03.006 Phosphor-Campus
- 2016
- Krämer, I. and S. Häberle, Eds. (2016). Phosphorus 2020 - challenges for synthesis, agriculture and environment: 8th International Phosphorus Workshop IPW8, September 12-16, 2016, Rostock, Germany. Program and book of abstracts. Rostock: Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research Rostock. 282 S., doi: 10.12754/procs-2016-ipw8 –open access–IPW8; WissenschaftsCampus Fortführung; P-Graduiertenschule
- Krämer, I., M. Nausch, G. Nausch, D. Mehl and B. Deutsch (2016). Phosphor - von der Quelle bis ins Meer. Wasser u. Abfall 18: 18-22 PhosWaM; WissenschaftsCampus Fortführung; P-Graduiertenschule
- Nausch, M., L. T. Bach, J. Czerny, J. Goldstein, H.-P. Grossart, D. Hellemann, T. Hornick, E. P. Achterberg, K.-G. Schulz and U. Riebesell (2016). Effects of CO2 perturbation on phosphorus pool sizes and uptake in a mesocosm experiment during a low productive summer season in the northern Baltic Sea. Biogeosciences 13: 3035-3050, doi: 10.5194/bg-13-3035-2016 –open access–BIOACID II
- Wurl, O., G. Nausch, M. Nausch, M. v. Pinxteren, J. Kuss and N. Loick-Wilde (2016). Biochemical processes in upwelling zones of the Baltic Sea. Cruise No. M117. July 23 - August 17, 2015. Hamburg (Germany) - Rostock (Germany). M117. Bremen: DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie. doi: 10.2312/cr_m117 –open access–
- 2015
- Kreus, M., M. Schartau, A. Engel, M. Nausch and M. Voss (2015). Variations in the elemental ratio of organic matter in the central Baltic Sea: Part I - linking primary production to remineralization. Cont. Shelf Res. 100: 25-45, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2014.06.015
- Krämer, I. (2017). PhosWaM - Phosphor von der Quelle bis ins Meer - Integriertes Phosphor- und Wasserressourcen-Management für nachhaltigen Gewässerschutz. In: ReWaM - Regionales Wasserressourcen-Managementfür den nachhaltigen Gewässerschutz in Deutschland (Zwischenergebnisse). Koblenz: Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, doi: 10.5675/REWAM_ZwE2016 PhosWaM
- Paul, A. J., L. T. Bach, K.-G. Schulz, T. Boxhammer, J. Czerny, E. P. Achterberg, D. Hellemann, Y. Trense, M. Nausch, M. Sswat and U. Riebesell (2015). Effect of elevated CO2 on organic matter pools and fluxes in a summer Baltic Sea plankton community. Biogeosciences 12: 6181-6203, doi: 10.5194/bg-12-6181-2015 –open access–BIOACID II
- 2014
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2014). Phosphorus speciation and transformation along transects in the Benguela upwelling region. J. mar. syst. 140, Part B, Special issue: Upwelling Ecosystem Succession: 111-122, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.04.020
- 2013
- Endres, S., J. Unger, N. Wannicke, M. Nausch, M. Voss and A. Engel (2013). Response of Nodularia spumigena to pCO(2) - Part 2: exudation and extracellular enzyme activities. Biogeosciences 10: 567-582, doi:10.5194/bg-10-567-2013 –open access–
- Unger, J., S. Endres, N. Wannicke, A. Engel, M. Voss, G. Nausch and M. Nausch (2013). Response of Nodularia spumigena to pCO2 - Part 3: turnover of phosphorus compounds. Biogeosciences 10: 1483-1499, doi:10.5194/bg-10-1483-2013 –open access–
- 2012
- Nausch, M., G. Nausch, V. Mohrholz, H. Siegel and N. Wasmund (2012). Is growth of filamentous cyanobacteria supported by phosphate uptake below the thermocline? Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 99: 50-60, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2011.12.011
- Wannicke, N., S. Endres, A. Engel, H.-P. Grossart, M. Nausch, J. Unger and M. Voss (2012). Response of Nodularia spumigena to pCO2 – Part 1: growth, production and nitrogen cycling. Biogeosciences 9: 2973-2988, doi:10.5194/bg-9-2973-2012
- 2011
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2011). Dissolved phosphorus in the Baltic Sea - occurrence and relevance. J. mar. syst. 87: 37-46, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2011.02.022
- 2010
- Isensee, K., A. Weiss, M. Lunau, M. Nausch and M. Voss (2010). Impact of elevated pCO2 concentrations on microbial activity and nutrient uptake in the Baltic Sea : a laboratory based case study comparing autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria. Solas news, 10: 20-21
- 2009
- Nausch, M., G. Nausch, H. U. Lass, V. Mohrholz, K. Nagel, H. Siegel and N. Wasmund (2009). Phosphorus input by upwelling in the eastern Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) in summer and its effects on filamentous cyanobacteria. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 83: 434-442, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.04.031
- 2008
- Nausch, M., G. Nausch, N. Wasmund and K. Nagel (2008). Phosphorus pool variations and their relation to cyanobacteria development in the Baltic Sea: a three-year study. J. mar. syst. 71: 99-111
- 2007
- Nausch, M. N., G. (2007). Bioavailable dissolved organic phosphorus and phosphorus use by heterotrophic bacteria. Aquat. biol. 1: 151-160
- 2006
- Mašín, M., A. Zdun, J. Stoñ-Egiert, M. Nausch, M. Labrenz, V. Moulisová and M. Koblížek (2006). Seasonal changes and diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the Baltic Sea. Aquat. microb. ecol. 45: 247-254
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2006). Bioavailability of dissolved organic phosphorus in the Baltic Sea. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 321: 9-17
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2006). Phosphorus regulation of cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea ICES. 2006: ICES CM paper E : 06
- 2004
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2004). Bacterial utilization of phosphorus pools after nitrogen and carbon supply, and the relationship to the stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity. Aquat. microb. ecol. 37: 237-245
- Nausch, M. and K. Neddermann (2004). The seasonality of stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity by organic and anorganic nitrogen. Aquat. ecol. 38: 475-484
- Nausch, M., G. Nausch and N. Wasmund (2004). Phosphorus dynamics during the transition from nitrogen to phosphate limitation in the central Baltic Sea. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 266: 15-25
- 2003
- Nausch, M. and E. Kerstan (2003). Chemical and biological interactions in mixing gradients in the Pomeranian Bight. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 13-20
- Nausch, M. and E. Kerstan (2003). The relationship between dissolved carbohydrates and carbohydrate-degrading enzymes in the salinity gradient of the Pomeranian Bight (southern Baltic). Oceanologia 45, 3: 437-452
- 2002
- Nausch, M., D. Setzkorn, I. Glockzin and A. Grüttmüller (2002). Bakterielle Aktivitäten als Parameter für die Modifikation des organischen Materials zwischen Swina-Mündung und Arkona-Becken (Pommernbucht, südliche Ostsee). Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 10: 113-133
- 2001
- Nausch, M. (2000). Experimental evidence for interactions between bacterial peptisdase and alkaline phosphatase activity in the Baltic Sea. Aquat. ecol. 34: 331-344
- 2000
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2000). Stimulation of the peptidase activity in nutrient gradients in the Baltic Sea. Soil biol. biochem. 32: 1973-1983
- 1999
- Pollehne, F., G. Jost, E. Kerstan, B. Meyer-Harms, M. Reckermann, M. Nausch and D. Wodarg (1999). Triazine herbicides and primary pelagic interactions in an estuarine summer situation. J. exp. mar. biol. ecol. 238: 243-257
- 1998
- Emmrich, J., I. Weber, M. Nausch, G. Sparmann, K. Koch, M. Seyfahrt, M. Löhr and S. Liebe (1998). Immunohistochemical characterization of the pancreatic cellular infiltrate in normal pancreas, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma. 59: 192-198
- Nausch, M. (1998). Alkaline phosphatase activities and the relationship to inorganic phosphate in the Pomeranian Bight (southern Baltic Sea). Aquat. microb. ecol. 16: 87-94
- Nausch, M., D. Setzkorn and R. Bahlo (1998). Freisetzung von aggregatgebundenen Bakterien am Beispiel von Trichodesmium-Kolonien. 6: 123
- Nausch, M., F. Pollehne and E. Kerstan (1998). Extracellular enzyme activities in relation to hydrodynamics in the Pomeranian Bight (Southern Baltic Sea). Microb. ecol. 36: 251-258
- 1997
- Nausch, M. (1997). Bakterielle Prozesse auf Trichodesmium-Kolonien im Vergleich mit anderen Aggregaten. Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 5: 119-128
- 1996
- Nausch, M. (1996). Microbial activities on Trichodesmium colonies. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 141: 173-181
- 1995
- Pollehne, F., S. Busch, G. Jost, B. Meyer-Harms, M. Nausch, M. Reckermann, P. Schaening, D. Setzkorn, N. Wasmund and Z. Witek (1995). Primary production patterns and heterotrophic use of organic material in the Pomeranian Bay (southern Baltic). Bull. Sea Fish. Inst. 136: 43-60
vor 1995
Schlungbaum, G. Nausch, G. Stengl, M. (1976) Sediment-chemische Untersuchungen in Küstengewässern der DDR.- VI. Der Einfluss des Sediments auf die Eutrophierung in Küstengewässern. Eutrosym'76- Materialien des Int. Symp. Eutrophierung von Oberflächengewässern, UNEP- Karl-Marx-Stadt, Bd.III, 297-319.
Nausch, G., Nausch, M. (1980) Sedimentationsuntersuchungen im Barther Bodden im Jahre 1979. Wiss.Zeitschr. WPU Rostock 29: N-Reihe 4/5, 65-67.
Stengl, M , Schlungbaum,G., v. Oertzen, J.-A. (1980) Untersuchungen zur Sedimentation in der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette - ein Beitrag zur Aufstellung einer Energie- und Stoffbilanz im Ökosystem. Teil 1: Die Bestimmung der Sedimentationsrate und die Erfassung produktionsbiologisch wichtiger Parameter des sedimentierten Materials. Acta hydrochim. Hydrobiol.8 2(1) 59-69.
Nausch-Stengl, M (1980) Untersuchungen zur Sedimentation in der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette - ein Beitrag zur Aufstellung einer Energie- und Stoffbilanz im Ökosystem. Teil 2: Untersuchungen zur Sedimentation des Planktons. Acta hydrochim. Hydrobiol.8(1) 71-82.
Mothes,G. Schlungbaum, G, Nausch, M. (1981) Sedimentationsrate. Kapitel in Ausgewählte Methoden der Wasseruntersuchungen, Band 2, 2.Auflage.
Nausch,M. (1983) Zur Verteilung Der Polychaetenfauna Im Östlichen Teil Der Darß-Zingster-Boddengewässer. Wiss. Zeitschr. WPU Rostock N-Reihe 5: 48-52
Nausch, M. (1984) The distribution of Streblospio shrubsoli, Alkmaria romijni and Fabricia sabella and their resistance to temperature, oxygen deficiency and hydrogen sulfide. Limnologica 15(2) 497-501.
Nausch, M (1988) Untersuchungen zur Reproduktion von Alkmaria Romijni(HORST) und Streblospio shrubsoli (BUCHANAN), Wiss. Zeitschr. WPU Rostock N-Reihe 37:47-50
Nausch, M (1988) Untersuchungen zur Reproduktion von Fabricia sabella (EHRENBERG), Wiss Zeitschr. WPU Rostock N-Reihe 37: 51-54.
Eckert R, Repke H, Rentz E, Nausch M, Friemel H (1988) Histamine induced murine suppressor and potentiating factors. Agents and Actions 24 (1-2): 87-94.
Claus R, Nausch M, Ringel B, Zingler C, Schulze HA, Kaben U (1988) Effects of ketoconazole on the immune system . 4th Invitro Effects on monocyte functions. Mycoses 31 (6): 303-312 JUN 1988
Schütt C, Westphal HJ, Kaben U, Goan SR, Holzheidt G, Nausch M, Schulze HA (1988) Effects of ketoconazole on the immune system.3th Invitro drug-testing and follow-up studies in chronic dermatophytoses. Mycoses31 (1): 52-58.
Schütt C, Ringel B, Nausch M, Bazil V, Horejsi V, Neels P, Walzel H, Jonas L, Siegl E, Friemel H, Plantikov A (1988) Human momocyte activation induced by an anti-CD14 monoclonal antibody. Immunol. Letters 19 (4): 321-328.
Nowak R; Friemel H; Nausch M; Plantikow A; Eich A (1989) Interleukin-Inhibitor Aktivität im Blutserum von HNO-Patienten. HNO-Praxis 14: S. 13-17.
Nausch, M; Friemel, H(1989) Interleukin 1 (IL 1). Allerg. und Immunol. 35: 101-122.
Friemel H; Nausch M (1990) Bestimmung von Interleukin 1. In: H. Friemel (ed) Immunologische Arbeitsmethoden, Kapitel 4. Gustav-Fischer-Verlag Jena.
Emmrich J, Nausch M, Seyfarth M, Koch K, Löhr M, Liebe S (1993) Characterization of lymphocytes and macrophages in normal and chronic inflamed pancreas. Gastroenterology (4): A302-A302, Suppl.