Miriam von Thenen - Vorträge
von Thenen M: Nutzungskonflikte im Flachwasserbereich. Vorabendprogramm der 43. Kuratoriumssitzung des IOW, Warnemünde, 27.11.2023.
von Thenen M: Research topics of the Coastal and Marine Management Group. 2nd IOW-NIOZ joint workshop, Warnemünde, 17.10.2023
Schernewski G, Friedland R, Paysen S, Bucas M, Dahlke S, von Weber M, Piehl S, von Thenen M: Nutrient loads, water quality and macrophytes in a large Baltic lagoon: relevance, development and restoration perspectives. 10th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium. Gdynia, 20.06.2023.
von Thenen M, Schernewski G: The Oder/Szczecin Lagoon - characteristics, impacts, measures.Large Shallow Lakes network meeting, Lelystad, 10.10.2022.
von Thenen M, Ripken M: The Future of Marine Spatial Planning - Facilitating Education and Exchange of Knowledge, Littoral conference, Costa da Caparica, 14.09.2022.
von Thenen M: MSP education programmes in Europe, Marine|Urban|Development conference, Breda, 03.06.2022.
von Thenen M: Introduction to Marine Ecosystem Service Research, Erasmus+ MSP Spring School, University of Liverpool/University of Nantes (online), 16.03.2021.
Erasmus+ Session Moderation bei der MSP NATURE 2021, online, 21.01.2021.
von Thenen M, Hansen H.S, Schiele K: SPACEA: a GIS toolbox to facilitate easy spatial and environmental suitability analysis, BONUS BASMATI final webinar, online, 09.09.2020.
von Thenen M, Hansen H.S, Schiele K: SPACEA: a custom-made GIS toolbox for basic marine spatial planning analyses, ICCSA, online, 02.07.2020.
von Thenen M, Frederiksen P, Hansen H.S, Schiele K: An indicator pool to support ecosystem service assessments for marine planning and management, ESP10 - ESP World Conference, Hannover, 22.10.2019.
von Thenen M, Maar M, Hansen H.S, Schiele K: A GIS suitability analysis for selecting mussel farm sites in the south-western Baltic Sea, Aquaculture Europe 2019, Berlin, 10.10.2019.
von Thenen M: Introduction to Marine Ecosystem Service Research, Erasmus+ MSP Winter School, University of Nantes, 27.02.2019.
von Thenen M, Maar M, Larsen J, Hansen H.S, Schiele K: Modelling ecosystem services provided by mussel farms in the south-western Baltic Sea, ESP EU 2018 - ESP Europe Regional Conference, San Sebastián, 18.10.2018.