Klaus Jürgens - Lebenslauf
1981 – 88 Study of Biology at the University of Konstanz
1990 – 94 Research assistant (PhD fellowship) at the Max Planck Institute for Limnology (Plön, Germany), Department of Prof. Winfried Lampert; Title of PhD thesis: “The significance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates as bacterial consumers andtheir regulation by predation and ressources“
1994 – 95 Visiting research scientist at the National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Freshwater Ecology, Silkeborg and at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Research on shallow lake food webs
1995 – 02 Research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Limnology (Plön). research on microbial food webs, trophic interactions in plankton communities, diversity of prokaryotes and protists, predator-prey interactions, bacterial defence mechanisms.
2000 Habilitation at the University of Kiel (2000). Title: "Coupling of metazoans and microbial food webs: Consequences for the structure and function of planktonic bacteria".
Since 2003 Full professor for Biological Oceanography at the University of Rostock and at the Biological Oceanography Department at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)