Dr. Kathrin Fisch- Publikationen
- 2024
- Bruhns, T., C. Sánchez-Girón Barba, L. König, S. Timm, K. Fisch and I. M. Sokolova (2024). Combined effects of organic and mineral UV-filters on the lugworm Arenicola marina. Chemosphere 358: 142184, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.142184 –open access–
- 2023
- Jeong, S., J. Bendl, M. Saraji-Bozorgzad, U. Käfer, U. Etzien, J. Schade, M. Bauer, G. Jakobi, J. Orasche, K. Fisch, P. P. Cwierz, C. P. Rüger, H. Czech, E. Karg, G. Heyen, M. Krausnick, A. Geissler, C. Geipel, T. Streibel, J. Schnelle-Kreis, M. Sklorz, D. E. Schulz-Bull, B. Buchholz, T. Adam and R. Zimmermann (2023). Aerosol emissions from a marine diesel engine running on different fuels and effects of exhaust gas cleaning measures. Environ. Poll. 316: 120526, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120526
- 2022
- Kanwischer, M., N. Asker, A.-S. Wernersson, M. A. Wirth, K. Fisch, E. Dahlgren, H. Osterholz, F. Habedank, M. Naumann, J. Mannio and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2022). Substances of emerging concern in Baltic Sea water: Review on methodological advances for the environmental assessment and proposal for future monitoring. Ambio 51: 1588-1608, doi: 10.1007/s13280-021-01627-6
- Kanwischer, M., N. Asker, A.-S. Wernersson, M. A. Wirth, K. Fisch, E. Dahlgren, H. Osterholz, F. Habedank, M. Naumann, J. Mannio and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2022). Substances of emerging concern in Baltic Sea water: Review on methodological advances for the environmental assessment and proposal for future monitoring. Ambio 51: 1588-1608, doi: 10.1007/s13280-021-01627-6 –open access–
- 2021
- Falfushynska, H., E. P. Sokolov, K. Fisch, H. Gazie, D. E. Schulz-Bull and I. M. Sokolova (2021). Biomarker-based assessment of sublethal toxicity of organic UV filters (ensulizole and octocrylene) in a sentinel marine bivalve Mytilus edulis. Sci. Total Environ. 798: 149171, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149171
- Fisch, K., B. Brockmeyer, W. Gerwinski, D. E. Schulz-Bull and N. Theobald (2021). Seasonal variability, long-term distribution (2001–2014), and risk assessment of polar organic micropollutants in the Baltic Sea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 39296-39309, doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-13254-5 –open access–
- Fisch, K., R. Zhang, M. Zhou, D. E. Schulz-Bull and J. J. Waniek (2021). PPCPs - A human and veterinary fingerprint in the Pearl River delta and northern south China sea. Emerging Contaminants 7: 10-21, doi: 10.1016/j.emcon.2020.11.006 –open access–
- Yu, S., F. Chen, X. Jing, C. Chen, C. Zhuang, Q. Li, Y. Zhou, Z. Xia, H. Gan, K. Fisch and J. J. Waniek (2021). Increasing terrigenous pollen input in the late Holocene: Indications of intensive human activity and accelerated delta plain progradation. Mar. Geol. 439: 106547, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106547
- 2020
- Kuss, J. and K. Fisch (2020). Cruise No. EMB 242, 14 July - 28 July 2020, Rostock - Rostock (Germany). EMB 242. Bonn: Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe. https://doi.org/10.48433/cr_emb242 –open access–
- 2017
- Fisch, K., B. Li, Q. Liang, Y. Wang, Y. Ni, K. Liang, M. Zhoud, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2017). Occurrence of the two endocrine disruptors octocrylene and nonylphenoxyacetic acid in four Chinese aquatic systems. J. Aquat. Poll. Toxicol. 1: 19, http://www.imedpub.com/articles/occurrence-of-the-two-endocrine-disruptors-octocrylene-and-nonylphenoxyacetic-acid-in-four-chinese-aquatic-systems.pdf –open access–
- Fisch, K., J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2017). Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and UV-filters in riverine run-offs and waters of the German Baltic Sea. Mar. Poll. Bull. 124: 388-399, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.07.057
- Fisch, K., J. J. Waniek, M. Zhou, Z. Xia and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2017). Antibiotics in three Chinese coastal systems: Huangpu River, East China Sea, Pearl River Estuary. J. Aquat. Poll. Toxicol. 1: 13, http://www.imedpub.com/aquatic-pollution-and-toxicology –open access–
- 2015
- Orlikowska, A., K. Fisch and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2015). Organic polar pollutants in surface waters of inland seas. Mar. Poll. Bull. 101: 860-866, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.11.018