Peer-reviewed Publications
H - Index : 30 (WOS)
H - Index : 38 (ResearchGate)
G - Index : 37 (WOS)
i10 Index : 54 (WOS)
last uptate 14. 3. 2025
/96/ Sperlea, T., Glackin, C.C., Vogel, L., Zschaubitz, E., Nietz, C., Karsten, S., Dippner, J.W., Elferink, S., Loose, C., Schröder, H., Hassenrück, C., Labrenz, M. (2025) Semi-annual Cycles in the biotic communities of aquatic habitats. ISME Journal, submitted.
/95/ Dippner, J.W., Fernandez Carrera, A., Kröncke, I., Liskow, I., Loick-Wilde, N., Voss, M. (2025) Impact of multiple drivers on trophic position, functional diversity, and ecological memory of benthic macrofauna - Analysis of 40 years of data using a complex model hierarchy. Progress in Oceanography, submitted.
/94/ Dippner, J.W., Montoya, J.P., Subramaniam, A., Umbricht, J., Voss, M. (2024) The Amazon River Plume - A Lagrangian View. Limnology and Oceanography Method, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10626.
/93/ Umbricht, J., Burmeister, C., Dippner, J.W., Liskow, I., Montoya, J.P., Subramaniam, A., Voss, M. (2024) Nitrate uptake and primary production along the Amazon River plume continuum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeoscience, 129, e2023JG007662. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JG007662.
/92/ Dippner, J.W., Weber, S.C., Subramaniam, A. (2021) Impact of Climate Variability of the Western Tropical Pacific on Maximum Salinity Water in the South China Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 71, 1033-1049. https://doi.org/10.07/s10236-021-01481-w
/91/ Voss, M., Asmala, E., Bartl, I., Carstensen, J., Conley, D.J., Dippner , J.W., Humborg, C., Lukkari, K., Petkuviene, J., Reader, H., Stedmon, C., Vybernaite-Lubiene, I., Wannicke, N., Zilius M. (2020) Fate of dissolved organic matter in four shallow Baltic Estuaries. Invited paper for the 35th anniversary of Biogeochemistry edited by Sujay Kaushal, Robert Howarth, and Kate Lajtha. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-020-00703-5
/90/ Dippner, J.W. (2020) Response: "Commentary: Lake or Sea? The unknown future of central Baltic Sea herring". Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 229.doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.00229
/89/ Dippner, J.W., Bartl, I., Chrysagi, E., Holtermann, P., Kremp, A., Thoms, F., Voss, M. (2019) Lagrangian residence time in the Bay of Gdansk, Baltic Sea. Front. Mar. Sci., 6:725. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.0725
/88/ Weber, S.C., Subramaniam, A., Montoya, J.P., Doan-Nhu, H., Nguyen-Ngoc, L., Dippner, J.W., Voss, M. (2019) Habitat delineation in highly variable marine environments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 112. doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00112
/87/ Dippner, J.W., Fründt, B., Hammer, C. (2019) Lake or Sea? The unknown future of Baltic Sea Herring. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 143. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00143
/86/ Kröncke, I., Neumann, H., Dippner , J.W., Holbrock, S., Lamy, T., Miller, R., Padedda, B.M., Pulina, S., Reed, D., Reinikainen, M., Satta, C.T., Sechi, N., Soltwedel, T., Suikkanen, S., Luglie, A. (2019) Comparison of common long-term marine ecological trends related to northern hemisphere climate. Nature Conservation, 34, 311-341.
/85/ Thoms, F., Burmeister, C., Dippner, J.W., Gogina, M., Janas, U., Kendzierska, H., Liskow, I., Voss, M. (2018) Impact of macrofaunal communities on the coastal filter function in the Bay of Gdansk, Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 201.
/84/ Wannicke, N., Benavides, M., Dalsgaard, T., Dippner, J.W., Montoya, J., Voss, M. (2018) New perspectives on nitrogen fixation measurements using 15N2 gas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 120.
/83/ Umbricht, J., Dippner, J.W., Fry, B., Kröncke, I., Liskow, I., Nehmer, P.,Thoms, F., Voss, M. (2018) Correction of the isotopic composition (d13C and d15N) of preserved Baltic and North Sea macrozoobenthos and their trophic interaction. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 595, 1-13.
/82/ Jäntti, H., Ward, B.B., Dippner, J.W., Hietanen, S. (2018) Nitrification and the ammonia-oxidizing communities in the central Baltic Sea water column. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 202, 280-289.
/81/ Loick-Wilde, N., Bombar, D., Doan-Nhu, H., Nguyen, L.N., Nguyen-Thi, A.M. Voss, M., Dippner, J.W. (2017) Microplankton biomass and diversity in the Vietnamese upwelling area during SW monsoon under normal conditions and after an ENSO event. Progress in Oceanography, 153, 1-15.
/80/ Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., Bartholomä, A., Dippner, J.W., Schückel, U. (2016) Long-term changes in species composition of demersal fish and epibenthic species in the Jade area (German Wadden Sea/Southern North Sea) since 1972. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 181, 284-293.
/79/ Müller, F., Bergmann, M., Dannowski, R., Dippner, J.W., Gnauck, A., Haase, P., Jochimsen, M.C., Kasprzak, P., Kröncke, I., Kümmerlin, R., Küster, M., Lischeid, G., Meesenburg, H., Merz, C., Millat, G., Müller, J., Padisak, J., Schimming, C.G., Schubert, H., Schult, M., Selmeczy, G., Shatwell, T., Stoll, S., Schwabe, M., Soltwedel, T., Straile, D., Theuerkauf, M. (2016) Assessing resilience in long-term ecological data sets. Ecological Indicators, 65, 10-43.
/78/ Dippner, J.W., Kröncke, I. (2015) Ecological forecasting in the presence of abrupt regime shifts. J. Marine Systems, 150, 34-40.
/77/ Fründt, B., Dippner, J.W., Schulz-Bull, D.E., Waniek, J.J. (2015) Chlorophyll a reconstruction from in-situ measurements, Part II: Marked carbon decrease in the last century. J. Geophy. Res. Biogeosciences, 120, 246-253.
/76/ Fründt, B., Dippner, J.W., Waniek, J.J. (2015) Chlorophyll a reconstruction from in-situ measurements, Part I: Method description. J. Geophy. Res. Biogeosciences, 120, 237-245.
/75/ Vuorinen, I., Häninnen, J., Rajasilta, M., Laine, P., Eklund, J., Montesino-Pouzols, F., Corona, F., Junker K., Meier, H.E.M., Dippner, J.W. (2015) Corrigendum to "Szenario simulations of future salinity and ecological consequences in the Baltic Sea and adjacent North Sea areas - implications for environmental monitoring" [Ecol. Indic. 50(2015) 196-205], Ecological Indicators, 53, 294.
/74/ Vuorinen, I., Häninnen, J., Rajasilta, M., Laine, P., Eklund, J., Montesino-Pouzols, F., Corona, F., Junker K., Meier, H.E.M., Dippner, J.W. (2015) Szenario simulations of future salinity and ecological consequences in the Baltic Sea and adjacent North Sea areas - implications for environmental monitoring. Ecological Indicators, 50, 196-205.
/73/ Frey, C., Dippner, J.W., Voss, M. (2014) Close coupling of N-cycling processes expressed in stable isotope data at the redoxcline of the Baltic Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28, 974-991. doi:10.1002/2013GB4642.
/72/ Dippner, J.W., Möller, C., Kröncke, I. (2014) Loss of Persistence of the North Atlantic Oscillation and its Biological Implication. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2,57. doi:10.3389/fevo.2014.00057
/71/ Dippner, J.W. (2013) Reply to Owens et al. 2013 response in Journal of Marine Systems. J. Mar. Syst., 128, 239. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.05.004.
/70/ Kröncke, I., Reiss, H., Dippner, J.W. (2013) Effects of cold winters and regime shifts on macrofauna communities in the southern North Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 119, 79-90.
/69/ Voss, M., Bange, H., Dippner, J.W., Middelburg, J., Montoya, J.P., Ward, B. (2013) The marine nitrogen cycle: recent discoveries, uncertainties and the potential relevance of climate change. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. B, 368, 20130121, http://dx.doi.10.1098/rstb.2013.0121.
/68/ Dippner, J.W., Bombar, D., Loick-Wilde, N., Voss, M., Subramaniam, A. (2013) Comment on "Current separation and upwelling over the southeast shelf of Vietnam in the South China Sea" by Chen et al. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118, 1618-1623, doi:10.1029/2012JC008295.
/67/ Dippner, J.W. and Krause, M. (2013) Continuous Plankton Recorder underestimates zooplankton abundance. J. Mar. Syst., 111-112, 263-268. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.09.009.
/66/ Dippner, J.W. Möller, C., Häninnen, J. (2012) Regime shifts in North Sea and Baltic Sea: a comparison. J. Mar. Syst., 105-108, 115-122. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.07.001
/65/ Dippner, J.W., Kornilovs, G., Junker, K. (2012) A multivariate Baltic Sea Environmental Index. Ambio, 41, 699-708. doi:10.1007/s13280-012-0260-y.
/64/ Junker, K., Sovilj, D., Kröncke, I., Dippner J.W. (2012) Climate induced changes in benthic macrofauna - a non-linear model approach. J. Mar. Syst., 96-97, 90-94. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.02.005.
/63/ Dippner, J.W., Nguyen, N.L., Doan-Nhu, H., Subramaniam, A. (2011) A model for the prediction of harmful algae Blooms in the Vietnamese upwelling area. Harmful Algae, 10, 606-611. DOI:10.1016/j.hal.2011.04.012
/62/ Voss, M., Dippner, J.W., Humborg, C., Hürdler, J., Korth, F., Neumann, T., Schernewski, G., Venohr, M. (2011) History and scenarios of future development of Baltic Sea eutrophication. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, invited feature, 92, 307-322. doi:10:1016/j.ecss.2010.12.037.
/61/ Bombar, D., Moisander, P.H., Dippner, J.W., Foster, R.A., Voss, M., Karfeld, B., Zehr, J.P. (2011) Distribution of diazotrophic microorganisms and nifH gene expression in the Mekong River Plume during intermonsoon. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 424, 39-53. doi:10.3354/meps08976.
/60/ Philippart, C.J.M., Anadon, R., Danovaro, R., Dippner, J.W., Drinkwater, K.F., Hawkins, S.J., Oguz, T., O'Sullivan, G., Reid, P.C. (2011) Impacts of Climate Change on European Marine Ecosystems; Observations, Expectations and Indicators. Synoptic Paper - special 400th Edition of the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology on Global Change in Marine Ecosystems, 400(1-2), 52-69. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2011.02.023.
/59/ Dippner, J.W. and Loick-Wilde, N. (2011) A redefinition of water masses in the Vietnamese upwelling area. J. Mar. Syst., 84, 42-47.
/58/ Dippner, J.W., Junker, K., Kröncke, I. (2010) Biological regime shifts and changes in predictability, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L24701, doi:10.1029/2010GL045696
/57/ Doan-Nhu Hai, Nguyen-Ngoc Lam, Dippner, J.W. (2010) Development of phaeocystis globosa blooms in the upwelling waters of the South Central Coast of Viet Nam. J. Mar. Syst., 83: 253-261.
/56/ Deutsch, B., Forster, S., Wilhelm, M., Dippner J.W., Voss, M. (2010) Denitrification in sediments as a major nitrogen sink in the Baltic Sea: an extrapolation using sediment characteristics. Biogeosciences, 7:3259-3271. doi:10.5194/bg-7-3259-2010
/55/ Hansson, S., Dippner, J.W., Larsson U. (2010) Climate effects on zooplankton biomasses in a coastal Baltic Sea area. Boreal Environm. Res., 15:370-374.
/54/ Bombar, D., Dippner, J.W., Doan, H.N., Ngoc, L.N., Liskow, I., Loick-Wilde, N., Voss M. (2010) Sources of new nitrogen in the Vietnamese upwelling region of the South China Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 115, C06018, doi:10.1029/2008JC005154.
/53/ Grunwald, M., Dellwig, O., Beck, M., Dippner, J.W., Freund, J.A., Kohlmeier, C., Schnetger, B., Brumsack, H.-J. (2009) Methane the southern North Sea: sources, spatial distribution and budgets. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 81:445-456.
/52/ Leipe, T., Dippner, J.W., Hille, S., Voss, M., Christiansen, C., Bartoldy, J. (2008) Environmental changes in the central Baltic Sea during the past 1000 years: inferences from sedimentary records, hydrography and climate. Oceanologia, 50(1):23-41.
/51/ Dippner, J.W., Vuorinen, I., Daunys, D., Flinkman, J., Halkka, A., Köster, F.W., Lehikoinen, E., MacKenzie, B.R., Möllmann, C., Møhlenberg, F., Olenin, S., Schiedek, D., Skov, H., Wasmund, N. (2008) Climate-related Marine Ecosystem Change. in: The BACC Author Team (Eds) Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin. Chapter 5. Springer Verlag, 309-377pp.
/50/ Anadon, R., Danovaro, R., Dippner, J.W., Drinkwater, K.F., Hawkins, S.J., Oguz, T., Philippart C.J.M. (Chair), Reid, P.C. (2007) Impacts of Climate Change on the European Marine and Coastal Environment - Ecosystems Approach. European Science Foundation, Marine Board Position Paper 9, 84pp.
/49/ Kröncke, I., Wieking, G., Neumann, H., Dippner, J.W. (2005, printed 2007) Long-term studies reveal climate-induced changes in benthic communities of the North Sea. Ocean Challenge, Special European Issue 15(1):19-23.
/48/ Loick, N., Dippner J.W., Doan H.N., Liskow, I., Voss, M. (2007) Pelagic nitrogen dynamics in the Vietnamese upwelling area. Deep Sea Res. I, 54:596-607. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2006.12.009.
/47/ Dippner J.W., Nguyen Kim Vinh, Hein, H., Ohde T., Loick N. (2007) Monsoon-induced upwelling off the Vietnamese coast. Ocean Dynamics, 57:46-62. DOI 10.1007/s10236-006-0091-0
/46/ Dippner, J.W. (2006) Future Aspects in Marine Ecosytem modelling. Special WKFDPBI issue, J. Mar. Syst., 61:246-267.
/45/ Hannig, M., Braker, G., Dippner, J.W. and Jürgens K. (2006) Linking denitrifier community structure and prevalent biogeochemical parameters in the pelagial of the Central Baltic Proper (Baltic Sea). FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 57, issue 2:260-271. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2006.00116.x
/44/ Voss, M., Bombar, D., Loick, N., Dippner J.W. (2006) Riverine influence on nitrogen fixation in the upwelling region off Vietnam, South China Sea. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L07604, doi:10:1029/2005GL025569.
/43/ Oguz, T., Dippner, J.W. and Kaymaz, Z. (2006) Climatic Regulation of Black Sea hydro-meteorological and ecological properties at interannual-to-decadal time scales. J. Mar. Syst., 60:235-254.
/42/ Dippner, J.W. (2006) Klimavariasjoner i Østersjøen de siste 1000 år. Cicerone, 1:32-35.
/41/ Voß, M., Liskow, I., Pastuszak, M., Ruess, D., Schulte, U. and Dippner, J.W. (2005) Riverine discharge into a coastal bay: a stable isotope study in the Gulf of Gdansk, Baltic Sea. J. Mar. Syst., 57:127-145.
/40/ Voß, M., Emeis, K., Neumann, T., Hille, S., and Dippner, J.W. (2005) The nitrogen cycle of the Baltic Sea from an isotopic perspective. Global Biogeochem. Cycl., 19, GB3001, doi:10.1029/2004/GB002338
/39/ Dippner, J.W. (2005). Mathematical Modelling of the Transport of Pollution in the Water. In: Mathematical Models, ed. J.A. Filar, in: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), developed inder the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK.
/38/ Pfeifer, S., Schiedek, D. and Dippner, J.W. (2005) Effect of temperature and salinity on acetylcholinesterase, a common pollution biomarker, in Mytilus sp. from the south-western Baltic Sea, J. Exper. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 320:93-103.
/37/ Dippner, J.W. and Voss M. (2004) Climate Reconstruction during the MWP in the Baltic Sea from Biogeochemical Proxies in a Sediment Record. Baltica, 17(1):5-16.
/36/ Dippner, J.W. and Pohl, C. (2004) Trends in Heavy Metal Concentration in the Western and Central Baltic Sea Detected by Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions Analysis, J. Mar. Syst., 46:69-83.
/35/ Dippner, J.W. and Kröncke, I., (2003). Forecast of climate induced change in macrozoobenthos in the southern North Sea in spring. Clim. Res., 25:179-182.
/34/ Dippner, J.W., Heerkloss, R. and Zbilut, J.P. (2002). Recurrence Quantification Analysis as a tool for characterisation of non-linear mesocosm dynamics, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 242: 29-37.
/33/ Giorgi, f., Hewitson, B. and 55 al. (2001) Regional Climate Information - Evaluation and Projections. In Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Houghton, J.T., Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Nouer, P.J. van der Linden, X. Dai, K. Maskell, & C.A. Johnson (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, U.K. 583-638.
/32/ Dippner J.W., and Ikauniece, A., (2001). Long-term zoobenthos variability in the Gulf of Riga in relation to climate variability. J. Mar. Syst., 30:155-164.
/31/ Kornilovs, G., Sidrevics L. and Dippner, J.W., (2001). Fish and Zooplankton Interaction in the Central Baltic Sea, ICES J. Mar. Sci., 58:579-588.
/30/ Dippner, J.W., Hänninen J., Kuosa, H. and Vuorinen I., (2001). The Influence of Climate Variability to the Zooplankton Abundance in the Northern Baltic Archipelago Sea (SW Finland). ICES J. Mar. Sci., 58:569-578.
/29/ Sirabella, P., Giuliani, A., Colosimo, A. and Dippner, J.W., (2001). Breaking down the climate effects on cod recruitment by principal component analysis and canonical correlation, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 216:213-222.
/28/ Dippner, J.W. and Ottersen, G., (2001). Cod and Climate Variability in the Barents Sea. Climate Research, 17:73-82.
/27/ Voß, M., Dippner, J.W. and Montoya J.P., (2001). Nitrogen isotope patterns in the oxygen deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean (ETNP), Deep Sea Res. Part I, 48(8):1905-1921.
/26/ Dippner, J.W., Kornilovs, G. and Sidrevics L., (2000). Long-term Variability of Mesozooplankton in the Central Baltic Sea, J. Mar. Syst., 25, 23-31.
/25/ Dippner, J.W., (1998). Competition between different groups of phytoplankton for nutrients in the southern North Sea, J. Mar. Syst., 14, 181-198.
/24/ Dippner, J.W., (1998). Vorticity analysis of transient mesoscale eddy fields at the river plume front of the River Elbe in the German Bight, J. Mar. Syst., 14, 117-133.
/23/ Kröncke, I., Dippner, J.W., Heyen, H. and Zeiss, B., (1998). Long-term changes in macrofauna communities off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) in relation to climate variability, Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 167, 25-36.
/22/ Heyen, H., and Dippner, J.W., (1998). Salinity variability in the German Bight in relation to climate variability, Tellus, 50, 545-556.
/21/ Dippner, J.W., (1998). Climate Variability in the North Sea Ecosystem (Extended abstract), Dt. Hydrogr. Z., Suppl. 8, 23.
/20/ Dippner, J.W., (1997). Long-term variability of a stochastic forced pelagic ecosystem model, Environmental Modeling and Assessment 2, 37-42.
/19/ Dippner, J.W, (1997). SST anomalies in the North Sea in relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation and the potential influence on the theoretical spawning time of fish, Dt. Hydrogr. Z., 49, 267-275.
/18/ Dippner, J.W., (1997). Recruitment success of different fish stocks in the North Sea in relation to climate variability, Dt. Hydrogr. Z., 49, 277-293.
/17/ Krause, M., Dippner, J.W., and Beil, J., (1995). A review of hydrographic controls on the distribution of zooplankton biomass and species in the North Sea with particular reference to a survey conducted in January-March 1987, Progr. Oceanogr., 35, 81-152.
/16/ Dippner, J.W., (1995). Untersuchung transienten Wirbelstrukturen in der Deutschen Bucht, Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Reihe B: Ozeanographie, Nr.18, 145 pp.
/15/ Dippner, J.W., (1994). Dynamic versus geometric flushing rates, Continental Shelf Research, 14, 313-319.
/14/ Dippner, J.W., (1993). A frontal resolving model for the German Bight, Continental Shelf Research, 13, 49-66.
/13/ Dippner, J.W., (1993). A Lagrangian model of phytoplankton growth dynamics for the Northern Adriatic Sea, Continental Shelf Research, 13, 331-355.
/12/ Dippner, J.W., (1993). Larvae Survival due to eddy activity and related phenomena in the German Bight, Journal of Marine Systems, 4, 303-313.
/11/ Becker, G.A., Dick, S. and Dippner, J.W., (1992). Hydrography of the German Bight, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 91, 9-18.
/10/ Dippner, J.W., (1990). Eddy-resolving modelling with dynamically active tracers, Continental Shelf Research, 10, 87-101.
/9/ Brockmann, C.W. and Dippner, J.W., (1987). Tidal correction of hydrographic measurements, Dt. hydrogr. Z., 40, 241-260.
/8/ Dippner, J.W., (1987). A swell model of the German Bight, Coastal Engineering, 11, 527-538 (JONSMOD 1986 issue)
/7/ Dippner, J.W., (1987). An eddy resolving model for river plume fronts, in: Three-Dimensional Models of Marine and Estuarine Dynamics, ed. J.C.J. Nihoul and B.M. Jamart, Elsevier Amsterdam/Oxford/New York/Tokyo, 211-220.
/6/ Dippner, J.W., (1987). A note on plankton transport in relation to residual circulation, Reports on Marine Research, 31, 193-198.
/5/ Dippner, J.W., (1984). Ein mathematisches Modell zur Berechnung der Drift, Ausbreitung und Verwitterung von Rohöl mit Anwendung auf die Deutsche Bucht, Dissertation Universität Hamburg, 83pp.
/4/ Dippner, J.W., (1984). Ein Strömungs- und Öldriftmodell für die Deutsche Bucht, Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh. Suppl. 8
/3/ Dippner, J.W., (1983). A Hindcast of the Bravo Ekofisk Blow-Out, Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh. Heft 19, 245-257.
/2/ Dippner, J.W., (1982). Das Öldriftmodell OIPASIPA, Intermaritec 82-305.
/1/ Dippner, J.W., (1980). Numerische Simulation horizontaler Verdriftung vertikal wandernder Zooplankter, Mitt. Inst. Meeresk. Univ. Hamburg, 23, 63-113.