- 2025
- Bolius, S., A. Schmidt, J. Kaiser, H. W. Arz, O. Dellwig, U. Karsten, L. S. Epp and A. Kremp (2025). Resurrection of a diatom after 7000 years from anoxic Baltic Sea sediment. ISME J. 19: wrae252, doi: 10.1093/ismejo/wrae252 –open access–
- Dutz, J., M. L. Zettler, A. Kremp, C. Paul and S. Kube (2025). Biological assessment of the Baltic Sea 2023. Warnemünde: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte), doi: 10.12754/msr-2025-0129 –open access–
- Hochfeld, I., B. A. Ward, A. Kremp, J. Romahn, A. Schmidt, M. Bálint, L. Becks, J. Kaiser, H. W. Arz, S. Bolius, L. S. Epp, M. Pfenninger, C. A. Klausmeier, E. Litchman and J. Hinners (2025). Ideas and perspectives: How sediment archives can improve model projections of marine ecosystem change. EGUsphere: 1-35, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-3297 –open access–
- Sildever, S., B. Edvardsen, E. Egge, A. Engesmo, S. Harðardóttir, Á. Jacobsen, H. Jakobsen, I. Jurgensone, B. Karlson, A. Kremp, T. Laamanen, S. Lehtinen, M. Majaneva, K. Meissner, K. Mertens, S. Nagai, E. L. Olsen, I. Probert, K. Pärt, N. Rünk, I. Sassenhagen, S. Suikkanen, A. Terre-Terrillon, A. Torstensson and K. Vuorio (2025). Reliable environmental DNA detection of planktonic biodiversity: Minimum sample volume for DNA metabarcoding. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. doi: 10.6027/temanord2025-509 –open access–
- 2024
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- Rengefors, K., N. Annenkova, J. Wallenius, M. Svensson, A. Kremp and D. Ahrén (2024). Population genomic analyses reveal that salinity and geographic isolation drive diversification in a free-living protist. Sci. Rep. 14: 4986, doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-55362-5 –open access–
- Romahn, J., D. Baranski, A. Schmidt, J. Kaiser, H. Arz, L. S. Epp, A. Kremp and M. Bálint (2024). Glimpse of past dynamics: A new set of phytoplankton primers for sedaDNA. Environ. DNA 6: e577, doi: 10.1002/edn3.577 –open access–
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- 2023
- Paul, C., U. Gräwe and A. Kremp (2023). Long-term changes in bloom dynamics of Southern and Central Baltic cold-water phytoplankton. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1212412, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1212412 –open access–
- Sefbom, J., A. Kremp, P. J. Hansen, K. Johannesson, A. Godhe and K. Rengefors (2023). Local adaptation through countergradient selection in northern populations of Skeletonema marinoi. Evol. Appl. 16: 311-320, doi: 10.1111/eva.13436 –open access–
- 2022
- Dutz, J., A. Kremp and M. L. Zettler (2022). Biological assessment of the Baltic Sea 2020. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 82 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 120), doi: 10.12754/msr-2022-0120 –open access–
- Jerney, J., K. Rengefors, S. Nagai, B. Krock, C. Sjöqvist, S. Suikkanen and A. Kremp (2022). Seasonal genotype dynamics of a marine dinoflagellate: Pelagic populations are homogeneous and as diverse as benthic seed banks. Mol. Ecol. 31: 512-528, doi: 10.1111/mec.16257 –open access–
- Kownacka, J., S. Busch, J. Göbel, S. Gromisz, H. H. Hällfors, Helena, S. Huseby, A. Jaanus, H. H. Jakobsen, M. Johansen, M. Johansson, I. Jurgensone, N. Liebeke, J. Kobos, W. Krasniewski, A. Kremp, S. Lehtinen, I. Olenina, M. v. Weber and N. Wasmund (2022). Cyanobacteria biomass, 1990-2020. Baltic Sea Environment Fact Sheet Eutrophication 2022. Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), https://helcom.fi/baltic-sea-trends/environment-fact-sheets/eutrophication/ –open access–
- Pinseel, E., T. Nakov, K. Van den Berge, K. M. Downey, K. J. Judy, O. Kourtchenko, A. Kremp, E. C. Ruck, C. Sjöqvist, M. Töpel, A. Godhe and A. J. Alverson (2022). Strain-specific transcriptional responses overshadow salinity effects in a marine diatom sampled along the Baltic Sea salinity cline. ISME J. 16: 1776-1787, doi: 10.1038/s41396-022-01230-x –open access–
- 2021
- Karpov, S. A., A. Reñé, A. E. Vishnyakov, K. Seto, E. Alacid, A. Paloheimo, M. Kagami, A. Kremp and E. Garcés (2021). Parasitoid chytridiomycete Ericiomyces syringoforeus gen. et sp. nov. has unique cellular structures to infect the host. Mycol. Prog. 20: 95-109, doi: 10.1007/s11557-020-01652-x
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- Osterholz, H., C. Burmeister, S. Busch, M. Dierken, H. C. Frazão, R. Hansen, J. Jeschek, A. Kremp, L. Kreuzer, B. Sadkowiak, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2021). Nearshore dissolved and particulate organic matter dynamics in the southwestern Baltic Sea: Environmental drivers and time series analysis (2010–2020). Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 795028, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.795028 –open access–
- Van de Waal, D. B., L. Bach, E. Berdalet, K. M. Brandenburg, S. Suikkanen, S. Wohlrab, P. J. Hansen and A. Kremp (2021). HABs under global change: Experimental conditions and approaches. In: Guidelines for the study of climate change effects on HABs. Ed. by GlobalHAB Scientific Committee. Paris: UNESCO-IOC/SCOR: 36-63, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25607/OBP-1692
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- Wood, S. M., A. Kremp, H. Savela, S. Akter, V.-P. Vartti, S. Saarni and S. Suikkanen (2021). Cyanobacterial akinete distribution, viability, and cyanotoxin records in sediment archives from the northern baltic sea. Front. Microbiol. 12: 681881, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.681881 –open access–
- 2020
- Alacid, E., A. Reñé, R. Gallisai, A. Paloheimo, E. Garcés and A. Kremp (2020). Description of two new coexisting parasitoids of blooming dinoflagellates in the Baltic sea: Parvilucifera catillosa sp. nov. and Parvilucifera sp. (Perkinsea, Alveolata). Harmful Algae 100: 101944, doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101944
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- Ellegaard, M., M. R. J. Clokie, T. Czypionka, D. Frisch, A. Godhe, A. Kremp, A. Letarov, T. J. McGenity, S. Ribeiro and N. John Anderson (2020). Dead or alive: sediment DNA archives as tools for tracking aquatic evolution and adaptation. Commun. Biol. 3: 169, doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-0899-z –open access–
- Kownacka, J., S. Busch, J. Göbel, S. Gromisz, H. Hällfors, H. Höglander, S. Huseby, A. Jaanus, H. H. Jakobsen, M. Johansen, M. Johansson, I. Jurgensone, N. Liebeke, W. Krasniewski, A. Kremp, S. Lehtinen, I. Olenina, M. v. Weber and N. Wasmund (2020). Cyanobacteria biomass, 1990-2019. Baltic Sea Environment Fact Sheet Eutrophication 2020. Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), https://helcom.fi/baltic-sea-trends/environment-fact-sheets/eutrophication/
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- 2019
- Dippner, J. W., I. Bartl, E. Chrysagi, P. Holtermann, A. Kremp, F. Thoms and M. Voss (2019). Lagrangian residence time in the Bay of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 725, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00725 –open access–
- Ferrante, M. I., L. Entrambasaguas, M. Johansson, M. Töpel, A. Kremp, M. Montresor and A. Godhe (2019). Exploring molecular signs of sex in the marine diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Genes 10: 494, doi: 10.3390/genes10070494 –open access–
- Hinners, J., I. Hense and A. Kremp (2019). Modelling phytoplankton adaptation to global warming based on resurrection experiments. Ecol. Model. 400: 27-33, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.03.006
- Jerney, J., S. A. Ahonen, P. Hakanen, S. Suikkanen and A. Kremp (2019). Generalist life cycle aids persistence of Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Dinophyceae) in seasonal coastal habitats of the Baltic Sea. J. Phycol. 55: 1226-1238, doi: 10.1111/jpy.12919 –open access–
- Jerney, J., S. Suikkanen, E. Lindehoff and A. Kremp (2019). Future temperature and salinity do not exert selection pressure on cyst germination of a toxic phytoplankton species. Ecol. Evol. 9: 4443-4451, doi: 10.1002/ece3.5009 –open access–
- Kremp, A., P. J. Hansen, U. Tillmann, H. Savela, S. Suikkanen, D. Voß, F. Barrera, H. H. Jakobsen and B. Krock (2019). Distributions of three Alexandrium species and their toxins across a salinity gradient suggest an increasing impact of GDA producing A. pseudogonyaulax in shallow brackish waters of Northern Europe. Harmful Algae 87: 14, doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2019.101622
- Sildever, S., J. Jerney, A. Kremp, H. Oikawa, S. Sakamoto, M. Yamaguchi, K. Baba, A. Mori, T. Fukui, T. Nonomura, A. Shinada, H. Kuroda, N. Kanno, L. Mackenzie, D. M. Anderson and S. Nagai (2019). Genetic relatedness of a new Japanese isolates of Alexandrium ostenfeldii bloom population with global isolates. Harmful Algae 84: 64-74, doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2019.02.005
- Sörenson, E., M. Bertos-Fortis, H. Farnelid, A. Kremp, K. Krüger, E. Lindehoff and C. Legrand (2019). Consistency in microbiomes in cultures of Alexandrium species isolated from brackish and marine waters. Environ. Microbiol. Rep. 11: 425-433, doi: 10.1111/1758-2229.12736 –open access–
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