Sebastian Neubert - Publikationen
ausgewälte Publikationen:
- Neubert, S., Roddelkopf, T., Al-Okby, M.F.R., Junginger, S., Thurow, K. Flexible IoT Gas Sensor Node for Automated Life Science Environments Using Stationary and Mobile Robots. Sensors 2021, 21(21), 7347. Open Access [IF: 3.275]
- Neubert, S., Roddelkopf, T., Junginger, S., Simon-Johannes Burgdorf, Stoll, N., Thurow, K. Automated System for Pouring and Filtration Tasks in Laboratory Applications. Chem Ing Tech, 2021, Open Access [IF: 1.672]
- Haghi, M., Neubert, S., Geissler, A., Fleischer, H., Stoll, N., Stoll, R., A Flexible and Pervasive IoT Based Healthcare Platform for Physiological and Environmental Parameters Monitoring. In: IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7(6), 2020, pp. 5628 - 5647 [IF: 9.51]
- Neubert, S., Roddelkopf, T., Gu, X., Göde, B., Junginger, S., Stoll, N., Thurow, K. Intelligent Labware Transportation Solution for the Hierarchical Life Science Automation. In: Gusikhin O., Madani K. (eds) Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. ICINCO 2017. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 495. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 376-391
- Neubert, S., Geißler, A., Roddelkopf, T., Stoll, R., Sandmann, K.-H., Neumann, J., Thurow, K. Multi-Sensor-Fusion Approach for a Data-Science-Oriented Preventive Health Management System: Concept and Development of a Decentralized Data Collection Approach for Heterogeneous Data Sources. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, v 2019, Art. No. 9864246, 2019. [IF: 1.125]
- Neubert, S., Gu, X., Göde, B., Roddelkopf, T., Fleischer, H., Stoll, N., Thurow, K. Workflow Management System for the Integration of Mobile Robots in Future Labs of Life Sciences. Chem Ing Tech 91(3), 2019, pp. 294-304 [IF: 1.1]
- Al-Okby, M.F.R., Neubert, S., Stoll, N., Thurow, K. Development and testing of intelligent wheelchair controller for quadriplegic patients. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems, 3 (5), 2018, pp. 220-225. [IF: 0.558]
- Neubert, S., Göde, B., Gu, X., Stoll, N., Thurow, K. Potential of Laboratory Execution Systems (LESs) to Simplify the Application of Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs) in Laboratory Automation. SLAS Technology 22(2), 2017, pp. 206-216. [IF: 2.632]
- Rieger, A., Fenger, S., Neubert, S., Weippert, M., Kreuzfeld, S., Stoll, R. Psychophysical workload in the operating room - primary surgeon versus assistant. Surgical Endoscopy. (Accepted 09/2014) [IF: 3.313]
- Neubert, S., Kreuzfeld, S., Berendt, S., Rieger, A., Weippert, M., Thurow, K., Stoll, R.; Mobiles Telemonitoring-System für Anwendungsfelder im arbeits- und präventivmedizinischen Bereich. - Mobile telemonitoring system for applications in occupational and preventive medicine. ASU 48(1):17 ISSN 0300-581X, 2013, pp. 17-21.
- Kumar, M., Neubert, S., Behrendt, S., Rieger, A., Weippert, M., Stoll, N., Thurow, K., Stoll, R.: Stress monitoring based on stochastic fuzzy analysis of heartbeat intervals. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 20 (4), art. no. 6127913, pp. 746-759. [IF: 5.48]
- Neubert, S., Behrendt, S., Rieger, A., Weippert, M., Kumar, M., Stoll, R.: Echtzeit-Telemonitoringsystem in der Präventivmedizin. In: Duesberg, F. (Hrsg.): E-Health 2012 – Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen. Medical Future Verlag. 2011, pp. 249-252