Publication List 2007
- Alheit, J., R. Voss, V. Mohrholz and R. Hinrichs (2007). Climate drives anchovies and sardines into North Sea. GLOBEC int. newsl. 13, 2: 77-78
- Anadon, R., R. Danovaro, J. W. Dippner, K. F. Drinkwater, S. J. Hawkins, G. O'Sullivan, T. Oguz, K. Philippart and P. C. Reid (2007). Impacts of climate change on the European marine and coastal environment. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, Marine Board. 82 S. (Marine Board position paper; 9), 2-912049-63-6
- Arneborg, L., V. Fiekas, L. Umlauf and H. Burchard (2007). Gravity current dynamics and entrainment - A process study based on observations in the Arkona Basin. J. phys. oceanogr. 37: 2094-2113
- Baker, A. R., K. Weston, S. D. Kelly, M. Voss, P. Streu and J. N. Cape (2007). Dry and wet deposition of nutrients from the tropical Atlantic atmosphere: links to primary productivity and nitrogen fixation. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 54: 1704–1720
- Bartholomae, C. and E. Hagen (2007). Short-term variability in alongshore winds and temperature off Swakopmund, Namibia, during a non-upwelling event in 1998-1999. Afr. j. mar. sc. 29: 141-145
- Beck, M., O. Dellwig, K. Kolditz, H. Freund, G. Liebezeit, B. Schnetger and H.-J. Brumsack (2007). In situ pore water sampling in deep intertidal flat sediments. Limnol. oceanogr. : methods 5: 136-144
- Bobertz, B., J. Harff, W. Lemke, S. Uscinowicz, R. Kramarska, J. Zachowicz and P. Przezdziecki (2007). Surface sediments of the south-western Baltic Sea [Map] 1:250 000 + 1CD. Warszawa ; Warnemünde: Polish Geological Institute ; Baltic Sea Research Institute
- Bockelmann, F. D., K. A. F. Zonneveld and M. Schmidt (2007). Assessing environmental control on dinoflagellate cyst distribution in surface sediments of the Benguela upwelling region (eastern South Atlantic). Limnol. oceanogr. 52: 2582 - 2594
- Bodungen, v., B., M. E. Böttcher, H.-J. Brumsack, H. Burchard, F. Colijn, S. Dick, R. Ebinghaus, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, B. Flemming, G. Gönnert, G. Graf, D. Hebbeln, H. Kremer, S. Krüger, G. Liebezeit, K. Reise, D. Schaller, D. Schiedeck, H. Schlünzen, F. Schroeder, D. Schulz-Bull, U. Sommer, V. Storch, H., A. Temming, M. Türkay, M. Wahl and K. Wirtz (2007). Changing coastal seas - challenges for coastal and shelf sea research in Germany. Berlin: Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung (KDM). 26 S. (KDM-Denkschrift)
- Bodungen, v., B., M. E. Böttcher, H.-J. Brumsack, H. Burchard, F. Colijn, S. Dick, R. Ebinghaus, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, B. Flemming, G. Gönnert, G. Graf, D. Hebbeln, H. Kremer, S. Krüger, G. Liebezeit, K. Reise, D. Schaller, D. Schiedeck, H. Schlünzen, F. Schroeder, D. Schulz-Bull, U. Sommer, V. Storch, H., A. Temming, M. Türkay, M. Wahl and K. Wirtz (2007). Küstenmeere im Wandel. Berlin: Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung (KDM). 26 S. (KDM-Denkschrift)
- Boyanapalli, R., G. S. Bullerjahn, C. Pohl, P. L. Croot, P. W. Boyd and R. M. L. McKay (2007). Luminescent whole-cell cyanobacterial bioreporter for measuring Fe availability in diverse marine environments. Appl. environ. microbiol. 73: 1019-1024
- Bruggeman, J., H. Burchard, B. Kooi and B. Sommeijer (2007). A second-order, unconditionally positive, mass-conserving integration scheme for biochemical systems. Appl. numer. math. 57: 36-58
- Burchard, H. (2007). Mögliche Auswirkungen von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen auf den Wasseraustausch der Ostsee ("QuantAS-Off"). In: Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2006 : 16. Symposium, 13. - 14.6.2006, Hamburg. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie: 163-166
- Böttcher, M. E., H.-J. Brumsack and C. Duerselen (2007). The isotopic composition of modern seawater sulfate: I. Coastal waters with special regard to the North Sea. J. mar. syst. 67: 73-82
- Chavagnac, V., J. J. Waniek, D. Atkin, J. A. Milton, T. Leipe, D. R. Green, R. Bahlo, T. E. F. Hayes and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2007). Anti-Atlas Moroccan Chain as the source of lithogenic-derived micronutrient fluxes to the deep Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Geophys. res. lett. 34: L21604, DOI : 10.1029/2007GL030985, (1-5)
- Christoffersen, P. L., C. Christiansen, J. B. Jensen, T. Leipe and S. Hille (2007). Depositional conditions and organic matter distribution in the Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea. Geo-mar. lett. 27: 325-338
- Dellwig, O., K. Bosselmann, S. Kölsch, M. Hentscher, J. Hinrichs, M. E. Böttcher, R. Reuter and H.-J. Brumsack (2007). Sources and fate of manganese in a tidal basin of the German Wadden Sea. J. sea res. 57: 1-18
- Dellwig, O., M. Beck, A. Lemke, M. Lunau, K. Kolditz, B. Schnetger and H.-J. Brumsack (2007). Non-conservative behaviour of molybdenum in coastal waters: Coupling geochemical, biological, and sedimentological processes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71: 2745-2761
- Dippner, J. W., K. V. Nguyen, H. Hein, T. Ohde and N. Loick (2007). Monsoon induced upwelling off the Vietnamese coast. Ocean dyn. 57: 46-62
- Falk, S., M. Hannig, C. Gliesche, R. Wardenga, M. Köster, K. Jürgens and G. Braker (2007). nirS-containing denitrifier communities in the water column and sediment of the Baltic Sea. 4: 255-268
- Feistel, R. (2007). Thermodynamics of water, vapour, ice and seawater. In: Proceedings of the 11th workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Warnemünde, Germany, 3-6 September 2007. Ed. by L. Umlauf and G. Kirillin. Warnemünde, Berlin: Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) (Berichte des IGB ; 25): 143-146
- Feistel, R. (2007). Thermophysical properties of seawater : (proceedings of the 11th workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Warnemünde, Germany, 3-6 September 2007). 16: 143-146
- Feistel, R. and G. M. Marion (2007). A Gibbs-Pitzer function for high-salinity seawater thermodynamics. Prog. oceanogr. 74: 515–539
- Feistel, R. and W. Wagner (2007). Sublimation pressure and sublimation enthalpy of H2O ice Ih between 0 K and 273.16 K. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 71: 36-45
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and E. Hagen (2007). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea and conditions in the deep basins. http://www.helcom.fi/environment2/ifs/ifs2007/en_GB/waterexchange/
- Fennel, W. and H. U. Lass (2007). On the impact of wind curls on coastal currents. J. mar. syst. 68: 128 - 142
- Fenton, S., K. Grice, R. J. Twitchett, M. E. Böttcher and C. V. Looy (2007). Changes in biomarker abundances and sulfur isotopes of pyrite across the Permian-Triassic (P/Tr) Schuchert Dal section (East Greenland). Earth planet. sci. lett. 262: 230-239
- Fleischer, D., A. Grémare, C. Labrune, H. Rumohr, E. Vanden Berghe and M. L. Zettler (2007). Performance comparison of two biotic indices measuring the ecological status of water bodies in the Southern Baltic and Gulf of Lions. Mar. poll. bull. 54: 1598-1606
- Gattinger, A., M. G. Höfle, M. Schloter, A. Embacher, F. Böhme, J. C. Munch and M. Labrenz (2007). Traditional cattle manure application determines abundance, diversity and activity of methanogenic Archaea in arable European soil. Environ. microbiol. 9: 612-624
- Glaeser, B., A. Kannen and G. Schernewski (2007). Unterstützung für ein Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Netzwerke und Forschungsverbünde in Nord- und Ostsee. In: Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagent. Bonn: Selbstverl. (Informationen zur Raumentwicklung / Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung ; 2007, 5): 297-305
- Glöer, P. and M. L. Zettler (2007). Pseudamnicola beckmanni n. sp. und Pseudamnicola granjaensis n. sp., zwei neue Arten von den Balearen (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae). In: Die Land- und Süsswassermollusken der Balearischen Inseln. Ed. by K.-H. Beckmann. Hackenheim: ConchBooks: 171-174
- Griffies, S. M., M. Schmidt and M. Herzfeld (2007). Elements of mom4p1. With contribution from M. Schmidt and M. Herzfeld. Princeton: NOAA. S. (GFDL Ocean Group Technical Report; 6) http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/
- Grote, J., M. Labrenz, B. Pfeiffer, G. Jost and K. Jürgens (2007). Quantitative distributions of Epsilonproteobacteria and a Sulfurimonas subgroup in pelagic redoxclines of the Central Baltic Sea. Appl. environ. microbiol. 73: 7155-7161
- Grunwald, M., O. Dellwig, G. Liebezeit, B. Schnetger, R. Reuter and H.-J. Brumsack (2007). A novel time-series station in the Wadden Sea (NW Germany): first results on continuous nutrient and methane measurements. Mar. chem. 107: 411-421
- Haase, K. M., S. Petersen, A. Koschinsky, ... and O. Schmale (2007). Young volcanism and related hydrothermal activity at 50 S on the slow-spreading southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochem., geophys., geosyst. 8: Q011002, doi:10.1029/2006GC001509
- Hagen, E. (2007). Ozeanische Forschungen. In: Klimaforschung in der DDR : ein Rückblick. Ed. by P. Hupfer. Offenbach: Deutscher Wetterdienst (Geschichte der Meteorologie in Deutschland; 8): 41-49
- Hagen, E. and R. Feistel (2007). Synoptic changes in the deep rim current during stagnant hydrographic conditions in the Eastern Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea. Oceanologia 49: 185-208
- Hamersley, M. R., G. Lavik, ..., S. Krüger and M. M. M. Kuypers (2007). Anaerobic ammonium oxidation in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone. Limnol. oceanogr. 52: 923-933
- Hannig, M., G. Lavik, M. M. M. Kuypers, D. Woebken, W. Martens-Habbena and K. Jürgens (2007). Shift from denitrification to anammox after inflow events in the central Baltic Sea. Limnol. oceanogr. 52: 1336-1345
- Harff, J. and F. Lüth, Eds. (2007). SINCOS I - sinking coasts : geophere, ecophere and anthroposphere of the Holocene Southern Baltic Sea. Mainz, Rh.: von Zabern. 266 S. (Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Frankfurt a. M., 88, Sonderdruck)
- Harff, J. and M. Meyer (2007). Changing Holocene coastal zones of the Baltic Sea : a modelling approach. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 88: 241-266
- Harff, J., W. Lemke, R. Lampe, F. Lüth, H. Lübke, M. Meyer, F. Tauber and U. Schmölcke (2007). The Baltic Sea coast - a model of interrelations among geosphere, climate, and anthroposphere. In: Coastline changes: interrelation of climate and geological processes. Special paper / The Geological Society of America; 426. Ed. by J. Harff, W. W. Hay and D. M. Tetzlaff. Boulder: The Geological Society of America: 133-142, 978-0-8137-2426-3
- Harff, J., W. W. Hay and D. M. Tetzlaff (2007). Coastlines as zones of interaction among geological processes, climate change, and socioeconomic development - modeling opportunities. In: Coastline changes: interrelation of climate and geological processes. Special paper / The Geological Society of America; 426. Ed. by J. Harff, W. W. Hay and D. M. Tetzlaff. Boulder: The Geological Society of America: 1-4, 978-0-8137-2426-3
- Harff, J., W. W. Hay and D. M. Tetzlaff, Eds. (2007). Coastline changes: interrelation of climate and geological processes. Boulder: The Geological Society of America. 214 S. (Special paper / The Geological Society of America; 426)
- Hmielorz, A. and N. Löser (2007). Klimawandel und seine Präsenz in regionalen Medien : eine Analyse der Ostsee-Zeitung. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 11-20
- Jaanus, A., A. Andersson, S. Hajdu, S. Huseby, I. Jurgensone, I. Olenina, N. Wasmund and K. Toming (2007). Shifts in the Baltic Sea summer phytoplankton communities in 1992-2006. http://www.helcom.fi/environment2/ifs/ifs2007/en_GB/Phytoplankton/
- Jansen, J. M., A. Pronker, S. Kube, A. Sokolowski, J. C. Sola, M. A. Marquiegui, D. Schiedek, S. Wendelaar Bonga, M. Wolowicz and H. Hummel (2007). Geographic and seasonal patterns and limits in the adaptive response to temperature of European Mytilus spp. and Macoma balthica populations. Oecologia 154: 23-34
- Janssen, H. (2007). Climate change in the Oder /Odra estuary region. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 1-10
- Janssen, H. and N. Löser (2007). Genauso reizvoll wie bedroht : gefährdete Küsten. In: Unsere Erde : Schicksal eines Planeten. Ed. by C. Barthel et al. Gütersloh: Wissen-Media-Verl.: 150-153
- Janßen, H. and N. Löser (2007). Klimawandel am Stettiner Haff = Zmiany klimatyczne i nauka przez internet. 2006/2007: 5
- Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, A. R. Pedersen, K. Jürgens, A. Strzelczak, T. L. Lauridsen and L. S. Johansson (2007). Salinity induced regime shift in shallow brackish lagoons. 10: 47-57
- Jost, G., B. Clement, S. Pakhomova and E. Yakushev (2007). Field studies of anoxic conditions in the Baltic Sea during the cruise of R/V Professor Albrecht Penck in July 2006. 47: 633-636
- Kattner, G. and C. Pohl (2007). 9th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium-Estuaries and enclosed seas under changing environmental conditions (Preface). Mar. chem. 107: 277
- Kattner, G. and C. Pohl, Eds. (2007). 9th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium - Estuaries and enclosed seas under changing environmental conditions. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 277-431 S. (Marine chemistry 107 ; special issue)
- Kremp, C., T. Seifert, V. Mohrholz and W. Fennel (2007). The oxygen dynamics during Baltic inflow events in 2001 to 2003 and the effect of different meteorological forcing - a model study. J. mar. syst. 67: 13-30
- Kröncke, I., G. Wieking, H. Neumann and J. W. Dippner (2007). Long-term studies reveal climate-induced changes in benthic communities of the North Sea. Ocean chall. 15 (print 2005): 19-23
- Kube, S., A. Sokolowski, J. M. Jansen and D. Schiedek (2007). Seasonal variability of free amino acids in two marine bivalves, Macoma balthica and Mytilus spp., in relation to environmental and physiological factors. Comp. biochem. physiol. A 147: 1015-1027
- Kube, S., L. Postel, C. Honnef and C. B. Augustin (2007). Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Baltic Sea-distribution and overwintering between autumn 2006 and spring 2007. Aquat. invasions 2: 137-145
- Kuss, J. and B. Schneider (2007). Variability of the gaseous elemental mercury sea-air flux of the Baltic Sea. Environ. sci. technol. 41: 8018-8023
- Körfer, A. (2007). IKZM im Ostseeraum : Situation und Perspektive. In: Von der Geoarchäologie über die Küstendynamik zum Küstenzonenmanagement. Ed. by G. Schernewski et a. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 9): 217-221
- Körfer, A. and V. Morel (2007). ICZM Networks in the Baltic Sea Region. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et a. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 8): 225-235
- Labrenz, M., G. Jost and K. Jürgens (2007). Distribution of abundant prokaryotic organisms in the water column of the central Baltic Sea with an oxic-anoxic interface. 46: 177-190
- Lehtonen, K. K. and D. Schiedek (2007). Assessing ecosystem health in the Baltic Sea: requirements and strategic outline of an integrated biological-chemical monitoring. paper I:13, 1-19, http://www.ices.dk/products/CMdocs/CM-2007/I/I1307.pdf
- Lindeque, P. K., S. J. Hay, M. R. Heath, A. Ingvarsdottir, J. Rasmussen, G. R. Smerdon and J. J. Waniek (2007). Integrating conventional microscopy and molecular analysis to analyse the abundance and distribution of Calanus spp. in the North Atlantic. GLOBEC int. newsl. 13: 15-16
- Lloyd, J. M., A. Kuijpers, A. Long, M. Moros and L. A. Park (2007). Foraminiferal reconstruction of mid to late Holocene ocean circulation and climate variability in Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Holocene 17: 1079-1091
- Loick, N., J. W. Dippner, H. N. Doan, I. Liskow and M. Voss (2007). Pelagic nitrogen dynamics in the Vietnamese upwelling area according to stable nitrogen and carbon isotope data. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 54: 596-607
- Loick, N., M. Gehre and M. Voss (2007). Stable nitrogen isotopes in essential versus non-essential amino acids of different plankton size fractions. Isot. environ. health stud. 43: 281-293
- Löser, N. (2007). Indikatoren als Hilfsmittel zur Messung der Anpassungsfähigkeit an den Klimawandel. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 203-211
- Maack, S., P. Bedall, R. Borcherding and S. Bock (2007). Innovative Coastal Education - Experiences from an online training project about anthropogenic impacts on the Wadden Sea. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 277-288
- Maar, M., T. G. Nielsen, K. Bolding, H. Burchard and A. W. Visser (2007). Grazing effects of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) on the pelagic food web under different turbulence conditions. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 339: 199-213
- MacKenzie, B. and D. Schiedek (2007). Long-term sea surface temperature baselines - time series, spatial covariation and implications for biological processes. J. mar. syst. 68: 405-420
- MacKenzie, B. R. and D. Schiedek (2007). Daily ocean monitoring since the 1860s shows record warming of northern European seas. Global change biol. 13: 1335-1347
- MacKenzie, B. R. and D. Schiedek (2007). Daily sea surface temperatures from the late 1800s to the early 2000: implications for biodiversity in the Baltic Sea. Marbef newsl., 6: 20-22
- Mau, S., G. Rehder, I. G. Arroyo, J. Gossler and E. Suess (2007). Indications of a link between seismotectonics and CH 4 release from seeps off Costa Rica. Geochem., geophys., geosyst. 8: Q04003, doi:10.1029/2006GC001326
- McDougall, T. J. and R. Feistel (2007). Refractive index of seawater : certified research and development need - CRDN. SCOR/IAPSO Working Group 127 on Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater, May 2007, Reggio di Calabria, Italy: 5 S. http://www.scor-int.org/Publications/CRDN_2007.pdf
- McDougall, T. J., R. Feistel, F. J. Millero, B. A. King, D. G. Wright, D. R. Jackett, G. M. Marion, C.-T. A. Chen and P. Spitzer (2007). Improved seawater thermodynamics: How should the proposed change in salinity be implemented? DGM-Mitt., 3/4: 2-7
- Montoya, J. P., M. Voss and D. G. Capone (2007). Spatial variation in N2-fixation rate and diazotroph activity in the Tropical Atlantic. 4: 369-376
- Nandelstädt, T. (2007). Lessons learned of ICZM practices for Germany. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 117-128
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2007). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2006. Meereswiss. Ber. 70: 3-91
- Nausch, M. N., G. (2007). Bioavailable dissolved organic phosphorus and phosphorus use by heterotrophic bacteria. Aquat. biol. 1: 151-160
- Neumann, T. (2007). The fate of river-borne nitrogen in the Baltic Sea - an example for the River Oder. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 73: 1-7
- Ohde, T., H. Siegel and M. Gerth (2007). Validation of MERIS level-2 products in the Baltic Sea, the Namibian coastal area and the Atlantic Ocean. Int. j. remote sensing 28: 609-624
- Ohde, T., H. Siegel, J. Reissmann and M. Gerth (2007). Identification and investigation of sulphur plumes along the Namibian coast using the MERIS sensor. Cont. shelf res. 27: 744-756
- Peters, J., J. Dutz and W. Hagen (2007). Role of essential fatty acids on the reproductive success of the copepod Temora longicornis in the North Sea. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 341: 153-163, doi:10.3354/meps341153
- Pohl, C., U. Hennings and T. Leipe (2007). Die Schwermetall-Situation in der Ostsee im Jahre 2006. Meereswiss. Ber. 70: 95-126
- Postel, L., A. J. da Silva, V. Mohrholz and H. U. Lass (2007). Zooplankton biomass variability off Angola and Namibia investigated by a lowered ADCP and net sampling. J. mar. syst. 68: 143-166
- Prien, R. D. (2007). The future of chemical in situ sensors. Mar. chem. 107: 422-432
- Rosentau, R., M. Meyer, J. Harff, R. Dietrich and A. Richter (2007). Relative sea level change in the Baltic Sea since the Littorina Transgression. Z. geol. Wiss. 35, 1/2: 3-16
- Röttger, A., N. Löser and G. Schernewski (2007). Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen Küste und Einzugsgebiet der Oder. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 79-88
- Rößler, D., W. Lemke and M. Moros (2007). Reconstruction of the littorina transgression in the Western Baltic Sea. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 88: 47-65
- Schernewski, G., B. Glaeser, R. Scheibe, A. Sekscinska and R. Thamm, Eds. (2007). Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. 316 S. (Coastline reports ; 8)
- Schernewski, G., S. Bock, H. Janssen, N. Löser and A. Hmielorz (2007). Regional climate change and coasts - a case study on perception, information, dissemination and education. In: Information, communication and education on climate change : European perspectives. Ed. by W. Leal Filho, F. Mannke and P. Schmidt-Thomé. Frankfurt am Main: Lang (Environmental education, communication and sustainability ; 26): 127-143
- Schernewski, G., S. Bock, H. Janssen, N. Löser and R. Scheibe et al. (2007). Küstenzonenmanagement in der Odermündungsregion : Nationale und internationale Kooperation, Integration und Dissemination. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 89-97
- Schiedek, D. and M. L. Zettler (2007). Application of benthic indices to assess biodiversity in the southern Baltic Sea. Marbef newsl., 6: 22-23
- Schiedek, D., B. Sundelin, J. W. Readman and R. W. Macdonald (2007). Interactions between climate change and contaminants. Mar. poll. bull. 54: 1845-1856
- Schippers, A., D. Kock, M. Schwartz, M. E. Böttcher, H. Vogel and M. Hagger (2007). Geomicrobiological and geochemical investigation of a pyrrhotite-containing mine waste tailings dam near Selebi-Phikwe in Botswana. J. geochem. explor. 92: 151-158
- Schmidt, M. (2007). A benchmark for the parallel code used in FMS and MOM-4. Ocean model. 17: 49-67
- Schneider, B., B. Sadkowiak and F. Wachholz (2007). A new method for continuous measurements of O2 in surface water in combination with pCO2 measurements: Implications for gas phase equilibration. Mar. chem. 103: 163 - 171
- Schäffer, F. and M. L. Zettler (2007). The Clam sipho as indicator for growth indices in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Helgoland mar. res. 61: 9-16
- Selig, U., T. Leipe and W. Dörfler (2007). Paleolimnological records of nutrient and metal profiles in prehistoric, historic and modern sediments of three lakes in north-eastern Germany. Water, air & soil poll. 184: 183-194
- Siegel, H. (2007). Cyanobakterienblüten in der Ostsee. In: Meer & Küste : Deutsche Ostsee. Warnemünde: EUCC, Die Küsten-Union Deutschland e. V. am IOW: 11
- Siegel, H. and M. Gerth (2007). Development of sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea in 2006. http://www.helcom.fi/environment2/ifs/ifs2007/en_GB/sst/
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth and G. Tschersich (2007). Sea surface temperature development and cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea. In: Fifth Study Conference on Baltex, Kurressaare, 4-8 June 2007 : conference proceedings. Geesthacht: International BALTEX Secretariat (Publication / International BALTEX Secretariat; 38): 180-181
- Siegel, H., T. Ohde, M. Gerth, G. Lavik and T. Leipe (2007). Identification of coccolithophore blooms in the SE Atlantic Ocean off Namibia by satellites and in-situ methods. Cont. shelf res. 27: 258-274
- Sosna, M., G. Denuault, R. W. Pascal, R. D. Prien and M. Mowlem (2007). Development of a reliable microelectrode dissolved oxygen sensor. Sens. and actuators B 123: 344-351
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